UK Allows All To Be Pardoned From Homosexuality Charges

How do you feel about the expansion of the amnesty program?

  • 104.0k
    Voted Excited

    It's about time that the UK modernizes as it's laws going back to Henry VIII (1533AD) we're harsh (death), relaxed a bit by the passing of the Offences Against the Person Act (1861) by replacing death with 10 years imprisonment but still harsh by todays standards.

    Many famous Britains were charged like Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing who invented the code breaking machine and deserve to be pardoned along with those still alive today.


  • 52
    Voted Angry

    What is going on? What crime were women arrested for? All I can think of was having sex with children and I DONT care if your gay or not HAVING SEX WITH CHILDREN IS NEVER OK!!! Has everyone lost their freaking minds??? I am at a lost of words for this once again politicians have taken a cause and hyped it long after it should of been settled into something we never agreed too! Or have we allowed ourselves to elect people who aren't of moral character? This is our country being manipulated by outsiders. The puppets we elected aren't able do what needs to be done for our country I think they really believe this is what we want. We put greedy fools in positions that will be the end of our country. All they see is dollar signs but the leaders of other countries they still see their flags! This kind of nonsense like clearing child molestors records is one more step in making us feel this country isn't worth fighting for. I would like to know are any of these people whose getting their records cleared cases not involve a child? I really can't think of how two adults could be charged unless it was in public and that's a crime regardless of sexual preference too!! This is disgusting and I hope every member who signs this bill never gets reelected because if the gay community is backing this maybe we were wrong in backing them too!! When I would hear how perverted gay people were how if we allowed them around our families wed be sorry one day I ignored it and voted for gay rights. My religion was against gay marriage I argued with my fellow Christians saying what if they have a different god etc we have no right to tell them to obey our god! Freedom of religion but this isn't about gay rights or if it is I'm saying no NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO MOLEST CHILDREN! Children cannot consent to sex. What is wrong with you people? Did you not see the people of Africa protesting telling their government not to take Americas immoral money? 

  • 860
    Voted Apathetic

    The population starting to decline I guess is a positive outcome of this and a win for climate change activists 

  • 1,358
    Voted Excited

    Long overdue 

  • 1,611
    Voted Excited

    Could we ban right-wing bigots instead?

  • 9,345
    Voted Excited

    First of all amnesty, for what?  For being who they are medically and physically? May be they will, as a nation and all nation, we'll realize why the American founding fathers wrote in the constitution the separation of church and state !!!!!!! Religion created and give justification for bigotry, hate and war, plus the sort of all evil. Religion infringes on people rights all the time and they want government to in force their beliefs.


  • 55.1k
    Voted Excited

    This is long overdue. Homosexuals should never have been charged with these crimes in a country that was raping and pillaging native people around the world without consequences. 

    I'm glad to see the amnesty is expanded, but all who were charged with LGBTQ "crimes" should receive an expungement of any charges.

  • 27.8k
    Voted Excited

    There should be another formal statement.

    Something like a declaration of misguided law—the nation created a law that was deeply offensive and was against human nature. Families should receive compensation with interest for the government's errors.


  • 27.8k
    Voted Excited

    A Short History of LGBT Rights in the UK | The British Library


  • 2,464
    Voted Excited

    Good idea.  Homosexuality in and of itself should never have been tagged as a crime in any society.  Nor should discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals be condoned/sanctioned.

  • 2,251
    Voted Excited

    As a US citizen, UK law is not directly my business.  As a human being, any country that corrects laws that violate personal privacy and civil rights meets with my approval.

  • 3,462
    Voted Excited

    It took them THIS long?!?!   Of course, with the fossilized relics in The Houses of Lords and Commons I am not surprised!


    Of course, it's not like the USA has any right to speak on such issues since we do not have a stellar record ourselves!