Federal Judge Declares DACA Illegal

Do you support the White House's immigration policies?

  • 3,959

    What are these young people going to do? They are for all practical purposes Americans. They know nothing of their origins, except what their parents relate to them. This is a political game with people's lives. It places these young peoples lives in jeopardy, not know if some Bozo in Congress is going to load them up on a bus or plane and send them to a country they don't know, or understand. This is nothing more than Bullying innocent people. These folks have been educated in our schools and some in our colleges. The majority are a whole lot smarter than some of our politicians. 

  • 111.4k
    Voted Support

    What other option is there? Are they going to deport 800K young people who have lived most of their life in the US, grew up speaking English and may no longer speak any other language, have siblings born in the US so would split up families?

    Also, a tremendous amount of administrative effort is spent renewing DACA status which requires submitting 2 forms ($410 for the I-765,
    $85 for the I-821D), or DACA participants searching other pathways with the help of lawyers.

    Options to DACA renewal

    (1) Marry a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

    (2) U visas for physical or mental abuse as the result of a crime, and agree to assist a law enforcement agency in investigating the crime. 

    (3) Apply for asylum in the US by proving fear of persecution in the native country based on race, nationality, religion, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

    (4) temporary work visa, such as an O-1 visa, an H-1B visa, or an E visa. But an obstacle to getting this visa is that they may have “unlawful presence” or other immigration violations. 

    (5) Green Card Based on 245(i) qualification using  245(i) adjustment of status, an immigration petition (e.g., I-130, I-360, I-526, or labor certification) filed before April 30, 2001, and have been physically present in the United States on December 21, 2000.  The petition must have been “approvable” at the time of filing, or derivative beneficiary is a spouse or child of the person for whom the petition was filed.

    (6) Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for children who are the victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment

    (7) Cancellation of removal is a defensive form of relief that you can apply for before an Immigration Judge. If you are not in removal proceedings and do not have a hearing to appear in Immigration Court, then you are not able to apply for Cancellation of Removal.   

    (8) Adoption before age 18



  • 7,796
    Voted Oppose

    I do not believe they should be given automatic citizenship.  These children (at one time) were purposefully brought here for this very reason.  
    In addition, they have had plenty of time to seek citizenship.  By now, they should be a contributing member of society in good standing, and should be able to speak English.  

  • 111.4k
    Voted Support

    No surprise here that 9 GOP states file suit in Texas, and a Bush appointed lawyer agrees to strike down DACA which will no doubt get appealed all the way to the Supreme Court since Congress has avoided immigration reform with no substantive legislation since criminalizing immigration in 2001 and then sharing information between police and immigration in 2006.


  • 5,356

    I don't generally like to bitch about Causes' occasionally awful decisions, but what the hell is this? "Here's an article about DACA. Do you agree with all of the administration's imigration policies?"
    Well, no. But I do agree with DACA. Just ask about that. 

    "The writers guild went on strike today. Do you like television?"


  • 854
    Voted Oppose

    The US constitution gives Congress the sole authority to make laws. Immigration policy is 100% congress's responsibility. The white house has no legal authority to set policy and DACA is illegal. 

  • 13.9k
    Voted Support

    Republican would deport all DACA people, and their children if they had their way! Republicans are not concerned about domestic terrorism, like neo Nazi, proud boys, KKK and other crazy groups that hide behiden religious groups in the name of GOD.

  • 868
    Voted Oppose

    The Biden Immigration Policy is a Political, knowing and Wilful attack on USA Sovereign. And That IS TREASON. The Open Borders is nothing less than an Invasion of the Sovereign of OUR Nation. And they are doing it, for a few reasons. One is that they think all these Aliens will turn into Dem Voters and make the Value of Republican Votes extremely weak. The Dems are Deliberately trying to Rewrite the U.S Constitution and Eliminate key Rights. In fact, this would end the USA as we were Founded to be. A Constitutional Republic. And the Dems want to Rig the Voting Population so as to Ensure Dems never relinquish Political Power ever. This can not be allowed. We will become another Venezuela IF the Dems have their way. So, Politicians, Don't Allow this to happen!!! Wise up and Restore the USA to the Constitutional Republic we are Founded to Be.

    God Bless The USA


  • 9,293
    Voted Support

    This ruling has created a nightmere for all the dreamers.

    We all have benefited from having them with us,  hoping for a solution.

  • 617

    Immigration policies? What immigration policies? This admin has no policies except come on in borders open.

  • 102
    Voted Support

    The real issue in immigration legislation is streamlining the legal system for determining is immigrants can stay in us

  • 1,886
    Voted Support

    I support the DACA.  Plenty of commentators made very good points why DACA is important.   

    I do acknowledge that we have problem with immigrants.   I honestly don't know what the answer is except try for the USA to work with countries that people are fleeing from.  Saciton them?   Offer business opportunities?  Secretly take out the dictators and put in good persons?  


  • 12.6k

    Congress needs to fix America's immigration system ASAP.  Quit wasting precious time on shut downs and impeachment inquiries.  I feel the US has betrayed these young people.  We can do better.

  • 947
    Voted Oppose

    Congress needs to change immigration laws.  make it harder for illegals to cross our border.  the lawyers are making too much money representing the illegals. no more loop holes!

  • 1,137
    Voted Support

    Children who have been brought to this country at a young age and know no other homeland should NOT be deported!  How cruel is the gop that they want to do that!!!

  • 2,849
    Voted Support

    Need permanent reform! 

  • 266
    Voted Oppose

    Biden administration has allowed more illegal immagrants than any President in 60 years!  This has to stop!  Build the WALL

  • 239
    Voted Support

    They are fleeing from drug cartels in certain  areas in the southern hemisphere...This is there home now and need our help to grow up within a better place.

  • 1,096
    Voted Support

    i support dacca and the judge in texas is a racist anti immigrant judge these childrren never knew they were herre illegally and they had no choice so its not rright to deport them instead they need a path to citizen ship and deport the judge in texas

  • 697
    Voted Oppose


    “From what we have seen, their policy is open borders, come on in. 

    as far as the DACA that have been in this country for twenty some years, they should be given citizenship. Because this condition has gone on through many administrations without concert for these young people. 

    Thus Congress needs to get off their buts and fix this situation, NOW!

    You people that are in office are still breaking our country's laws. Yet, you expect the rest of us to! Where are our nation's standards?”

  • 59.1k
    Voted Support

    I'm stunned at how the anti-immigrant MAGA crowd doesn't even understand the situation.

    DACA recipients do not currently have a way to apply for citizenship. They are not allowed, since they came here without documentation or a visa.

    This just further shows the cruelty and xenophobia of the right. They don't understand that situation and don't even care that these vital young workers are trapped in a system that won't even allow them to apply to stay.

    Once again we see there is no moral high ground for the right.

  • 89
    Voted Support

    I support its policy re: DACA. I think its border policies are questionable until we strengthen the safety of immigrants at the Mexican border and the right of refugees to live in the US while their application for asylum is process and tried. 

  • 697
    Voted Oppose

    From what we have seen, their policy is open borders, come on in. 
    as far as the DACA that have been in this country for twenty some years, they should be given citizenship. Because this condition has gone on through many administrations without concert for these young people. 
    Thus Congress needs to get off their buts and fix this situation, NOW!

    You people that are in office are still breaking our country's laws. Yet, you expect the rest of us to! Where are our nation's standards?

  • 2,321
    Voted Oppose

    Gee, even the sanctuary cities are complaining. The cartels have Biden as salesperson of the year. Fentanyl and terrorists get here like walking across the street. UN has it as the most dangerous border in the world.

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Oppose

    This country doesn't have any immigration policy currently. We have open borders.

    Why haven't those children brought here years ago filed for citizenship?