What’s Next in Trump's Illegal Documents Case?

Do you think Trump is guilty?

  • 1,620
    Voted Yes

    Donald pretty much admitted he was guilty on talk show after talk show, at his rallies and on twitter.  Basically, he says he did it , that it was his "right" to do so.  Many have said, that this is a "Sad Day" for our country.  I would submit that embracing a narcissistic, meglomaniac with a nefarious past as a CANDIDATE for president was a "Sad Day".  MAKING him "presdent" was a travesty and actully holding him accountable for his mis-deeds is cause to celebrate.

  • 10.3k

    Following the innocent till proven guilty rule, it looks really bad. Paperwork detailing our military vulnerabilities? Our nuclear program? These are our highest level secrets. Remember, he was asked to return documents and refused. It's that action on his part that resulted in this.

    Read it for yourself.



  • 120
    Voted No

    We are living in unprecedented times! The current administration is weaponizing our justice system. The report on the Russian hoax is evidence enough of that and the silence from the media in not demanding justice. I've read that every ex president could be charged with possesing documents that aren't considered unclassified! We as Americans should all be afraid, we are heading for trouble as a nation

  • 51.8k
    Voted Yes

    Two of Trump's lawyers, including Jim Trusty, have resigned! I guess the rats are bailing on the sinking ship...

  • 3,405

    He is a New York gangster.  His father was a New York gangster.  I would never, ever turn my government over to such a criminal!

  • 35
    Voted No

    Umm, if Trump is guilty I'd say Biden is as well. Such a double standard. 

  • 310
    Voted Yes

    Of course, it doesn't matter what I think. I'm not the judge, and I'm not the jury. But he basically admitted it.

  • 230
    Voted Yes

    Trump breaks the law everyday and admits to it.  

  • 136
    Voted No

    I'm not Republican or Democrat. I vote for the person who will do the best job. But I know I live n a  blue state who will always vote blue just because their parents do or they know very little or none at all. It's not because you know what's going on with Trump. You will dislike him just because you don't like him.

  • 136
    Voted No

    If you love Trump or hate him. You have to admit this is a scam. The charges are nothing Biden has done with Classified classified classified"Top Secret documents. In his garage, next to his corvette, as he said, there are other things they are accused Trump of doing, Biden was found to be getting money from Hunter from his time working in Ucrakran and China having jobs he knew nothing to do the jobs he was supposed to be doing. He was giving people to his dad from him to help them get to his dad, the Vice President.  But the DOJ said they were innocent on Everything!? That's wrong!


  • 3,907
    Voted Yes

    The Dems have become absolute wimps! They have been silent for 6 plus years in the face of bozo and his clowns dominating the airways constantly drumming in their lies and alternative reality

    the ONLY way to counter is to make equal or more noise and drown the other side out - just reality! 
    chris christy is proving this up and within a couple of weeks has flatly exposed bozo for what he really is 'a petulant baby'
    now imagine if this and other phrases defining bozo would have been on the airwaves for a few years EVERY DAY for shallow brains to assimilate subliminally!? 

    he certainly would not have the entrenched following he has today 

    so dems you have failed and only have yourselves to blame 

    learn from your debacles and start speaking up every hour every day! 

  • 3,907
    Voted Yes

    If bozo is not sent to jail before the end of this year

    if bozo is only given home detention 

    AMERICA has failed and proved its no different than a tin pot state and IS NOT A COUNTRY OF LAW & ORDER 

    shame on congress

    shame on scotus

  • 1,458
    Voted Yes

    There is little question of Trump's guilt. He has admitted it. The question in my mind is judge Aileen Cannon. She seems to think her  conservative/religious opinions should matter here.

  • 158
    Voted Yes

    Of course he is guilty as everyone knows,  unless your one of the Republicans who have fallen for his lies, or unless your one who is trying to win an election by pretending they belive his lies thinking this might help by get his verification to become elected to office. 

  • 1,358
    Voted Yes

    I feel that our justice system is on trial. The evidence that Trump is guilty seems overwhelming. If he is not convicted and incarcerated for a long time in a maximal security prison, then we are no longer a country based on the rule of law. If he is found innocent, every person now serving time for violations of laws regarding security should be immediately released 

  • 32
    Voted Yes

    This is National Security. Lives are at stake.His own words are more than enough to convict him.Its treason. 

  • 32
    Voted No

    He is not gulty at all

  • 60
    Voted Yes

    Judge Aileen Cannon MUST RECUSE herself from the Trump Classified Documents case as per 38 U.S. Code §455 - Disqualification of Justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States; shall disqualify him or herself in any proceeding, in which his, or her impartiality might be reasonably question.

    Since Trump has appointed her to the bench, integrity says she may not be indebted to anyone she presides over. Causing favoritism or perceived bias. 

    Show me the GOP has Any Integrity left. I don't think you have it in you to insist on her recusal.  


  • 51
    Voted Yes

    Donald J. Trump should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Hopefully, we can charge and convict him on orchestrating an insurrection on our U. S. Capitol on Jan. 6 of 2021. Once we secure these convictions, this will disqualify Trump for holding the Office of the Presidency ever again. 

  • 1,233
    Voted Yes

    By his own admission, he is GUILTY. Now he is trying to spin things that he was allowed to take them. The only people who will believe him are his serious supporters and those who still believe in SANTA.

  • 4,132
    Voted Yes

    If even 1/10 of the evidence against Trump is true he should be thrown in prison for the next 20 years.

    And on another note Chuck Assley Grassley Should be sued for liable and held in contempt of Congress for spreading bullshit lies in Congress (which are now proven to be bullshit lies) about fictitious tapes of a bribe scheme with Joe Biden. How can Assley Grassley be allowed to spew absolute bullshit in Congress and then turn around and say oh well maybe it is all bullshit. I am so sick of the republican party in their crap what the hell is wrong with them. It's a constant flow of made up, lied up, F'ed-up crap. I truly believe that the Republican Party is doomed. It will disintegrate under its own weight of the lying and bullshit.

  • 34
    Voted Yes

    No one should be above the law.  

  • 452
    Voted Yes

    Seriously? Lock him up already! Stop making excuses for the toddler!

  • 7,796
    Voted No

    I highly doubt that Trump would keep documents that had nuclear data and other high profile information.  
    Trump may have had documents on Hunter and likely Clinton.  Why else would they go this far to arraign a former President?  Oh ya...  cause Biden is afraid he will LOSE again!  

  • 47
    Voted Yes

    The evidence is obvious and NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW

  • 63
    Voted No

    The Witch Hunt continues, only problem is, The Witches are behind all of this and EVERYTHING they accuse Trump of is Something They have done or Are doing.

    RINOS are in for a big surprise soon. We The People have had ENOUGH of this insnaity!

    Uniparty members will find themselves behind bars, Not President Trump. Traitors!