Ban Gas Stoves Amidst Health Concerns? - Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act - H.R.1615
Should we move toward electric stoves to protect the environment and health?
The Bill
H.R.1615 - Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
Bill Status
- Sponsored by Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.) and Dan Newhouse (R-Wash) on March 17, 2023
- Committees: House - Energy and Commerce
- House: Passed - June 13, 2023
- Senate: Not yet voted
- President: Not yet signed
Bill Overview
- On Feb. 1, 2023, the Department of Energy (DOE) proposed an "energy efficiency standard" for gas cooking products. The proposed rule would require energy performance standards for gas stoves and seeks to replace them over time with electric alternatives. The law would ban stoves that consume over 1,204 British thermal units annually.
- Prohibits the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using federal funds to regulate gas stoves as a banned hazardous product.
- It also blocks the Commission from enforcing product safety standards that prohibit the use or sale of gas stoves or substantially increase their price, making them less competitive.
What's in the Bill?
Criticizes New York's ban on future propane and natural gas stoves
- Starting in 2026, New York will phase out all-natural gas stoves and furnaces in new builds amid growing research on methane's climate and health impacts.
- Eleven city attorneys general from Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Oregon, Vermont, D.C., and Washington submitted a letter to the Consumer Product Safety in support of their investigation into gas stove safety.
Blocks rule that would limit access to gas stoves
- Prohibits DOE from finalizing a proposed rule that would limit consumer access to gas kitchen ranges.
Fights against new energy performance standards
- According to the sponsors, the proposed energy performance standard would eliminate 95% of gas appliances currently in commercial and residential use.
Focuses on consumer choice
- The bill states that there has been increasing momentum to disincentivize and forbid the use of natural gas stoves which curbs consumer choice and cripples manufacturers.
What Sponsors are Saying
"Gas appliances are at the center of many American households—they power our stoves, furnaces, water heaters, and fireplaces. Nearly 187 million Americans use natural gas because it is affordable, reliable, and safe. The proposed rule proposed by the Biden Administration would have detrimental effects on American households, restaurants, and communities across Central Washington and the nation. I am proud to introduce this legislation to stop the draconian rule proposed by the Biden Administration and protect Americans' wallets, time, jobs, and freedom. It's time for the government to stop overregulating our lives and focus on solutions that will truly benefit the American people and our energy future. And that starts with them getting their hands off our stoves."
"What and how a restaurant prepares its menu are the soul of its business. More than 3 in 4 restaurant kitchens use natural gas to cook. Restaurant owners should have the option to choose the cooking element that best serves their cuisine. We appreciate Congressman Newhouse's leadership on this important topic."
Should we move toward electric stoves to protect the environment and health?
-Emma Kansiz
(Photo Credit: Canva)
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I lived in an apartment that only had a gas stove/oven. It constantly affected the A/C. Maintenance staff had volume of residents calling about a broken A/C.
I stopped using the oven and stove. Mainly, had to use airfryer and toaster oven to cook. Made a lot of creative salads.
I moved into an apartment with an electric stove and was so happy especially since it is self cleaning oven.
There should be other solution presented instead of just banning gas stove. We heavily rely on electricity. We really need to invest into green energy.
We need innovators.
Leave it up to the GD Republicans to not give a damn about people's health or the env.
Sorry, I may be dense, but I don’t think this is the direction we want to go in, therefore I oppose HR 1615.
This bill seems seriously skewed against amateur & professional cooks and bakers. Skewed against Asian-style cooking using traditional woks and wok-like pans. It is also very skewed against larger families who mostly eat at home.
How intelligent is it to shift and force the use of only electrical devices?
Don't we need to upgrade the nation's electrical grid? Shouldn't the upgrade be done simultaneously with or as the second step after significantly upping the sources of electricity from (hopefully) green, fossil, and nuclear sources?
As for max usage, how do they expect people to figure that? After the fact? Just cutting off supplies?
Personally, we reheat 80% using a Microwave, 15% in a decent Toaster Oven, and 5% on the stovetop.
We cook 7 days a week minus a few meals out or delivered. 90-95% of the cooking is on the stovetop mostly on medium or medium-high heat. Often several pots and pans at once for soup, entrees, and sides. Some items like soups, anf pasta sauce are simmered at low heat.
We have an electric drip coffee pot and a regulated countertop electric hot water pot to make hot water for various teas—black, oolong, & green, hot chocolate, etc.
Representatives, oppose this ill-conceived bill!
This was a study as too breathing difficulties and atmospheric pollution. It was not a Democrat idea to Ban natural gas and propane stoves. It was only a study. Then some intelligent Republican brought this up for vote to BAN gas stoves. Brilliance at its highest mode. Attempting to pass blame on the Democrats. Again this is more clowns in our congress attempting to use their scare tactics in attempting to earn support. Folks need to be aware of Bills like this. Read up and study as to why.
In almost seventy years, I have never lived in a house or apartment that had a gas stove! Always electric. I prefer it!
God taken out of the Pledfge of Allegiance, the attack on Christianity, and now a ban and seizure of gas stoves! Wow! When will the right stop creating outrage out of fake news?
A step in the right direction of making sure new gas stoves are efficient and safe, and phasing them out eventually which can be improved on as new technoligy becomes available.
I think we need a more nuanced solution.
While I still support phasing out gas stoves because they use fossil fuels and we need to get out of that energy source completely, I would be ok with putting guidelines that only gas stoves that pass certain emission and health protocols can be bought and installed.
It sounds like the appliance industry has known for decades how to make "cleaner" gas stoves, but has failed to sell them. We can force them to do so now while we continue the energy transition away from natural gas.
That would allow us to stop the outrage on the anti-climate right while still moving us in a healthier, lower emission direction.
Personally, though, I would completely ban gas stoves if I thought we could get legislation passed and stop the faux outrage.