NJ State Attorney Takes Control of Police Department

Should more states do the same?

  • 104.3k
    Voted Support

    When there have been 40,000 payments at 25 of the nation’s largest police and sheriff’s departments in the last 10 years costing $3.2B+ to settle claims, in addition to wrongful deaths & beatings, state attorney generals have every right to get involved for the obvious crimes being committed against citizens as well as cities where tax dollars are not being spent on infrastructure and schools as it should be.


  • 55.3k

    It seems it's the job of state attorneys general to protect the civil rights of the people in their states, so this seems appropriate. 

    If a police department, or other body, is abusing the residents of an area, then the state AG should act to protect them. 

    I'm sad that Paterson has come to this, but it seems that this is the right move for New Jersey to take.

    Meanwhile, how much money will spent on settlements to resolve all of this? And what will the taxpayers get in return?

  • 2,934
    Voted Oppose

    Work with them not take over.  They need to see what their actions cause.

  • 2,464
    Voted Support

    When local proice depts.. break the law or show a trend of using excessive force, then it makes sense for a higher authority to take control of the dept.  However, if the local dept. is adhering to the law, then higher authorities should not have a right to assume control  The one thing I'd worry about is like in a state like FL where the governor is a whack job and would probably try to take over a local police dept. if they didn't go along with his anti-wok, anti-LBGTQ, anit-abortion, and basically anti-freedom/democracy policies.  With that said if the local officials have been given a chance to correct the problems, but haven't done so, then someone needs to step in and reign them in.

  • 27.8k

    NJ State Attorney Takes Control of Police Department
    Should more states do the same?

    Probably not, but I'm willing to take a "let's see approach" in this particular instance.

    The implicit allegation is that Patterson PD is corrupt from Top to Bottom. This leaves little room for the NJAG to make reforms.

    Hopefully, the NJAG was prepared to hit the ground running and take out several if not all the key players.

    This situation brings to mind a cynical song about revolution and reform by The Who back in the 1970s, "Won't Get Fooled Again." The song ends with the line "Meet the new boss same as the old boss."

    I'd love to be wrong. 

    The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again (Shepperton Studios / 1978)

  • 2,321
    Voted Oppose


  • 1,251
    Voted Support

    Many police departments have become autonomous groups that not even their town councils can control. The time of police that had a military background with training and discipline has long since passed. The people we have now are youngsters with limited training. They look at the high-paying job in comparison to what else is out there. They say they are underpaid for the work. Join the military and work for their pay first. The 20 and out for many retiring with full benefits at 40+ and going on to double dip is the true incentive. A military background should be required.

  • 3,808
    Voted Support

    we need to get this violence under control.

  • 2,251
    Voted Support

    States where the police have a major violence problem within the force SHOULD have some means for a higher authority to take charge and make needed changes.  Alas, most states have no such provision in the state consitution or applicable code.

  • 13.8k
    Voted Support

    police regularly murder unarmed people with no accountabilty.

    police are more dangerous then your average gang, because they have the power of the state behind them, and therefor, rarely face consequence for their actions.

    the current police culture is toxic, and dangerous.

  • 788
    Voted Support

    First let me say I support police but they need hold accountable for their actions.  

  • 9,293
    Voted Support

    Police must be accountable.

  • 1,900
    Voted Support

    These cops have to be reigned in! Somewhere along the way, they've deemed themselves judge, jury & executioner...causing harm that they're supposed to protect citizens from.

  • 1,532
    Voted Support


  • 465
    Voted Support

    Really depends on each individual situation 

  • 2,817
    Voted Support

    PDs need better supervision. 

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Oppose

    You keep asking this inflammatory questions with little details. Sound byte polling is unproductive and irresponsible 

  • 1,103
    Voted Oppose

    That's insane.  Crime will go throught the roof in blue States.