Climate Scientists Fleeing Twitter Amid Hostilities

Are you worried about the attacks on climate scientists?

  • 2,237
    Voted Angry

    I am a physicist and computer scientist.  I have left twitter because it has become a toxic environment.  There is great value in having open communication between scientists and educators and people with questions about science, but twitter is no longer a suitable environment.  I am not sure any social media is, and that is a shame.  Our world has grown smaller, less friendly, and less informative in the current climate of needless histility.  

  • 3,959
    Voted Sad

    You just can't fix stupid. Must be lots of folk never took any science in high school, any kind of science. Could be our compensated teachers could not help them.

  • 13.6k

    I have never used twitter. 

    a million wrong opinions don't make said opinion valid.

    the level of anti intelectual ideas on a platform like twitter is alarming in itself.

    far to many Americans are scienticly illiterate. that is a failing of our educational system.

  • 1,820
    Voted Excited

    Twitter has become a force of hate and disinformation.I do not understand why people still use it.

  • 7,796
    Voted Apathetic

    While this is a natural evolving phenomenon, I'm not sure what we can do about it.  All the hype to steer away from fossil fuels is a hoax, in my opinion.  The government is steering us to electricity because they likely have stocks in many of these sectors. 
    I'm so sick of the elite deciding our future that will have detrimental affects on consumers.  

  • 99.3k
    Voted Angry

    I've stopped using Twitter when Musk decided to stop verifying user accounts allows deep fake accounts and posts.

    I was only using Twitter to communicate with politicians directly in their Twitter feeds but now I can't be sure it's really the person I think it is.

    Many of the deep fakes are shared by Russian state new agency making Musk a Putin tool willing or unwilling not sure which but does it matter? The damage is done in the case of the deep fake of Pentagon being bombed that led to a stock market drop.

    "A fake image of an explosion next to the Pentagon spread on social media and caused a brief dip in the US stock market on Monday."

    "The image was shared by a number of Twitter accounts carrying a “verified” blue check mark, including one impersonating the Bloomberg news agency - called “@BloombergFeed” 

    "The fake news was subsequently spread by dozens of other Twitter accounts, including Russian state-controlled news network RT, which has been blocked in the EU but has a following of more than 3 million on the platform."

    "Twitter initiated controversial changes to its verification system under the leadership of Elon Musk"

    "Under the new policy, anyone can get a blue verification checkmark by paying for it, and they don’t need to provide any evidence of identification."

  • 3,403

    Ever since Elon Musk bought twitter it has become a haven for Nazis, racists, bigots and Fascists-it doesn't suprise me at all that they attack people who tell the truth.   It disgusts me, yes-but surprise?  Not a bit!


    Fact is, there is no such thing as a rational Republican anymore.  There are no fine people across the aisle.  GOP has become the party of the Fascists, liars and loons.

  • 510
    Voted Sad

    In the name of free speech, Twitter has become a cesspool of misinformation with no regard truth, accuracty or value. I think it needs to just go down the drain at this point and take the owner with it.

  • 694
    Voted Excited

    Twitter has become a useless wasteland and Musk is largely responsible for that. He deserves to lose every penny of the $44 billion he spent. Twitter was a great space to hear news and information across scientific specialists and now someone thinks a Google search makes them an expert.I don't blame scientists for giving up on Twitter and most social media because the oligarchs have us where they want us, under informed and devided.

  • 444
    Voted Excited

    I urge my representatives to vote to eliminate all funding for John Kerry's operation and his attack on American farmers.

  • 1,875
    Voted Sad

    For the world of it, I can't understand why lies, hateful comments, outright fabrication, and weird conspiracies that are clearly flat-out lies are protected by freedom of speech.

    Freedom of speech needs to protect honesty, not lies.  Hurtful comments that are true - then ok.   As long as they're factual and honest, then Freedom of Speech applies.  

  • 2,772
    Voted Excited

    Current anti-science trend is ridiculous! 

  • 4,006
    Voted Angry

    CAUSES ASKS: "Are you worried about the attacks on climate scientists?"  ME: Absolutely.  And attacks on journalists, LGBTQ people, non-WASPs, books, etc., etc.  Violence in America is a public health crisis stoked by far right magagop media.

  • 3,770
    Voted Angry

    Is it obvious who the bad guys are yet?

  • 1,714
    Voted Angry

    Sinking like a stone. Listen to ignorant fools and attack experts. God bless America. 

  • 1,877
    Voted Angry

    We need to not let misinformation on Twitter since I care about climate change with EV's, solar and renewal energy 

  • 9,166
    Voted Sad

    Not a surprise due to all the election and covid deniers out there.

    It is shameful.

  • 2,934
    Voted Excited

    Those opposed should just look at what is happening around the world with climate events and see who is right.  Not them!

  • 286
    Voted Angry

    Climate change is a very real threat to this planet. This truth won't change, regardless of what Musk, et. al. say, but he and his cronies can certainly make this planet unliveable sooner by their actions on Twitter.

    Twitter's actions also undermine freedom of speech. but that's his goal.

  • 1,541

    How do you respond to "Are you worried about the attacks on climate scientists?" with a smiley or frowny face?  Again Causes fails.

    In short, yes, I'm very worried about any sort of "attacks" on anyone, let alone experts sharing their expertise.

  • 1,745
    Voted Excited

    Nope. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

  • 2,281
    Voted Angry

    Like Covid-trust scientists who are getting money and power with debatable issues. Remember, all polar bears are extinct

  • 51.8k
    Voted Angry

    There's overwhelming agreement among global scientists that the climate crisis is real and that humans must act, but the right-wing extremists refuse to believe and refuse to allow these voices to be heard.

    Twitter stopped being a neutral platform for honest and factual discourse when Musk bought it, and I don't blame climate scientists for fleeing. Hopefully they can find better outlets to spread their message where people will hear it and listen.

    Twitter is no longer a serious place to discuss facts, as Musk has allowed the extreme right to flourish there.