EPA Scales Back Wetland Protections After SCOTUS Ruling

How do you feel about the Supreme Court's decision?

  • 7,928

    Who needs the EPA, FDA, OSHA, or any other government agency filled with experts protecting the health and welfare of Americans? We have SCOTUS! 

    Some are peeing their pants because their conservative, right-winged, Christi-fascist agenda is being actualized. Until...


    it's your daughter or sister whose rape has resulted in an unwanted pregnancy...or a pregnancy that puts the mother's life at risk


    its your water source that's been polluted, making your family members sick


    it's your sibling that has been injured or killed because basic safety measures were not in place


    Oh, yeah! Keep cheering SCOTUS, folks. Your day of enlightenment is coming. When it does, I'll send my thoughts & prayers. 

    I've said it before: WE NEED COURT REFORM!!!

  • 93.9k
    Voted Angry

    The Supremely Corrupt Court demonstrated its medical illiteracy & incompetence with the abortion ruling, and now they are showing they are also scientifically illiterate & incompetent with the wetlands ruling.

    The right wing political activists on the court are both legislating and administering from the bench overstepping both the legislative and executive branches.

    Our Supreme Rulers!  Christian Mullahs! All knowing! All powerful! And we can't even vote them out. Just wait for them to die of old age.

    "...the Supreme Court's decision to appoint itself "the national decision maker on environmental policy."

  • 130
    Voted Sad

    Please do something to protect piper wetlands.  Corporations want to dominate everything...don't let them!  Nan

  • 857
    Voted Apathetic

    Where is the "Happy", button??  I'm "Happy", about the decision!!  Why you people at Causes only offer the "Apathy" button as the highest form of praise???  That's like having a pole for President that doesn't include Trump as an option!!  (although I'm sure that's coming!!)

  • 3,959

    This has to be obvious to all, "Money Talks". If you are wealthy, you may do as you please. Even if has a potential of harming someone or the environment. Our Supreme Court is bought and paid for, just like many of the politicians. No America is not the greatest place anymore. But if your wealthy, it is for you. 

  • 6,674
    Voted Angry

    I'm depressed that even the "liberal" Justices agreed with the "conseratives" on the outcome of this decision.  

    Our nations waters are being poisoned by run-off produced by corporations and industrial farming many miles from the standing water sources.  

    Lake Erie's water has on several occasions been contaminated by toxic algae due to nitrogen run-off from excessive fertilizer use by farms and pig shit and urine from Concentrated Feeding Operations (CFO's) many miles from any standing water.  But when the rain comes it all flows together into our lakes and streams.  

    People in Indiana are routinely warned not to eat fish caught in our small ponds and lakes because of the heavy metals like mercury and lead that precipitate from the atmosphere.  These are spewed into our air in the exhaust from coal-fired electrical power plants and they leech from their coal ash ponds when it rains.  

    Our water is routinely poisoned by greedy special interests.  

    Our Supremely Unscientific Court does not understand the dangers they have unleashed.  

    And it seems they don't care.

  • 122
    Roberta R
    Voted Sad

    It matters to me because I do not wish to live in / on all cement and concrete.  The Government needs to protect the natural beauty, the trees, the grass, flowers, fresh air.

  • 1,017
    Voted Apathetic

    EPA was overreaching and got caught by a couple with the resources to fight them.

    Wish there was a smiling face option on this one.

  • 8,978
    Voted Angry

    Time for an ethical supreme court reform!.

  • 1,382
    Voted Angry

    This supreme court should nullified. 

  • 2,737
    Voted Angry

    Need more protection!

  • 12.0k
    Voted Angry

    Ignorant jackasses!

  • 3,039
    Voted Angry

    Another corrupt decision from a corrupt court  that lines it's pocket with dirty money as they screw America 

  • 3,959

    I find it interesting yesterday a journalist said that Judge Judy has more respect than all the justices within SCOTUS. Their last court decisions do kind of coincide with that statement. Well it appears our President's that selected these individuals have even less hiring intelligence. And the same with the congressional folks who approved them. I am a non partisan voter, all due to trying to figure the lesser of two evils to vote for. So far this election I am hopeful an Independent will step forward who has some common sense and wants to do what is right. 

  • 239
    Voted Angry

    i wonder who paid the supreme court to narrow what EPA can care for. money hungry added to help their choices... egretious


  • 3,921
    Voted Angry


  • 695
    Voted Angry

    Too bad these "conservatives" don't want to conserve the environment! As only, only their personal privilege and personal wealth (and that of their wealthy patrons).

  • 1,161
    Voted Angry

    This SCOTUS ruling is really bad for the U.S. and life within the U.S.. Far from being useless, wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can.  These include natural water quality improvement, flood protection, shoreline erosion control, removeal of CO2 from our air and adding oxygen to the air, as well as opportunities for recreation and aesthetic appreciation and natural products for our use at no cost. Protecting wetlands can protect our safety and welfare. Everytime the EPA get held back from doing the job it was created to do, WE lose! So much life is dependent on the quality of our wetlands! This is due to one family, the Sackett family, thinking only of themselves and how much money they can make from their land that has a wetland area that drains into streams and a lake 300 feet from their property. This family and SCOTUS are not considering what can happen if this wetland and lake become polluted, nor are they considering what will happen when all our wetlands get damaged because EPA can't protect them. I can't understand why some people still don't understand the importance of protecting our environment! All Life on this planet is dependent on the condition of our environment. If we choose not to protect it, we are choosing not to protect life! This ruling by SCOTUS is another example of how we are "cutting off our nose to spite our face!" Congress must pass a law that will counter what SCOTUS has done again! We also need to remove members from this Supreme Court for ruling in violation of the Constitution when they ruled in favor of Georgia's voting law that violates 4 Amendments of the Constitution. That's "Poor Behavior!"

  • 13.3k
    Voted Angry

    The court is in the hands of the corporate masters. They have lost any legitamacy in my mind.

  • 2,503
    Voted Angry

    This Supreme Court is doing more to destroy our country than we have seen in our lifetimes. 

  • 767
    Voted Angry

    Another one of Trumps plans to gut our environment.   Stacked the court with judges who have no concern for our environment.   

  • 151
    Voted Angry

    A serious blow to environmental quality.

  • 215

    The EARTH is our only home, and we each have the sacred responsibility above all to protect, care and respect the Air, Land, Waters, and Sun. This responsibility is ordained by Our Creator Almighty God, and it should not be compromised by anything or anyone!


    Replace EPA with Environmental Groups combined together to protect our earth and its resources and they should make only any legal decisions not the Supreme Court!



    God Created/Designed all in the most perfect balance and self maintenance and operation, so no one should upset or destroy these assets of life, for the ALMIGHTY WILL DESTROY THOSE DESTROYING THE EARTH AND ALL ITS CREATIONS!

    Revelations 11:18-New International Version
    The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small— "and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”



  • 1,498
    Voted Angry

    Everything is connected and the sooner people get on board with that idea the better off our planet will be.

  • 149
    Voted Angry

    I feel very strongly about this as I came from a very water rich area of Southwest Alabama. Two of the states largest rivers flow south on each side of the county, coming together to form the Mobile River and all the swampland north of Mobile Bay. It's imperative that we have those lands protected for all the wildlife and fish that call that area home. Now that I live in the north Atlanta area, Lake Lanier, the Chattahoochee River, and all its tributaries need all the protection they can get for the nourishment of the people living around them.