BILL: Should We Cut Spending on Social Programs? - Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 - H.R.2811
Tell your reps to support or oppose the bill
The Bill
H.R.2811 - Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023
Bill Details
- Sponsored by Jodey C Arrington (R-Texas) on April 25, 2023
- Committees: House - Ways and Means; Budget; Appropriations; Oversight and Accountability; Education and the Workforce; Agriculture; Energy and Commerce; Judiciary; Rules; Transportation and Infrastructure; Natural Resources
- House: Passed
- Senate: Not yet voted
- President: Not yet signed
Bill Overview
- The GOP-backed bill is designed to raise the debt ceiling while cutting government spending, implementing "commonsense spending reforms" targeted at wasteful spending.
- The goal of the bill is to avert a historic default by the U.S. on its debt obligations by raising the debt ceiling, and ensuring that spending on social programs is reduced.
- The U.S. Treasury reached the current debt limit of $31.4 trillion in February, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has employed "extraordinary measures" to avoid a default.
- Designed to end the labor shortage "killing Main Street businesses" while reducing Democrat handouts to corporations.
What's in the Bill?
Raises the debt limit
- The plan would lift the debt limit by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, 2024, whichever comes first.
Cutting government spending
- The bill will cut $4.5 trillion in government spending by canceling Biden's student loan forgiveness plan (which would offer relief of up to $20,000 per borrower), targeting welfare, and would recoup unspent COVID-19 assistance funds.
- Eliminates $70 billion in additional IRS funding
- Limits increase in the federal budget to 1% per year.
Repeal green provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act
- Ends what the GOP is calling green Handouts to China, the Wealthy, and Corporations.
- Cuts hundreds of billions of dollars in special interest green energy handouts that are going to corporations.
- The Joint Committee on Taxation projects that green subsidies will cost more than double to $570 billion.
- Over 90% of the green electricity tax breaks flow to companies making $1 billion every year in sales.
Adds work requirements to public relief programs
- Seeks to re-establish welfare reforms that impose work requirements as a condition of public assistance.
- The aim is to boost labor force participation, reduce chronic worker shortage, and reduce welfare rolls.
- As part of the fight against government handouts and subsidies for people to stay at home, GOP supporters say the bill will help small businesses struggling to find staff.
What Supporters are Saying
- Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy:
"If Washington wants to spend more, it will have to come together and find savings elsewhere, just like every household in America."
"This bill delivers on Republicans' commitment to America by tackling the chronic labor shortage hurting small businesses while reining in President Biden's wasteful spending that has fueled the inflation crisis and sparked the fastest interest rate hike in decades."
"It puts real limits on future spending so that we begin to turn the ship back in a more fiscally sound direction. It saves taxpayer dollars by clawing back unobligated pandemic spending…by ending welfare for the wealthy and loopholes for big corporations in the Inflation Reduction Act. This plan will also take the target off the backs of low- and middle-income taxpayers under threat from a supercharged army of 87,000 at the IRS."
What Opponents are Saying
- The White House has called on Republicans to pass a no-spending-cuts-attached debt ceiling. The combination of debt-limit increase and spending cuts on social programs is likely to fail the Democratic-controlled Senate.
- President Biden said:
"[T]he House leading Republican proposal would cut critical programs, so-called discretionary spending, by 22%. That would mean cutting the number of people who administer Social Security and Medicare, meaning longer wait times. Higher costs for child care, significantly higher, preschool, college, higher costs for housing, especially for older Americans, people with disabilities, families with children, veterans."
"... House Republicans must avoid default and stop playing economic brinkmanship with the American people's livelihoods and retirements. The American people have made clear which economic vision they support."
Do you agree with cutting social spending as a condition for raising the debt ceiling? Tell your reps
—Emma Kansiz
(Photo Credit: Canva)
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Raise the corporate tax 5% and pass a billionaire tax. Stop gouging hard working Americans that pay congress's salary and keep this country rolling.
This is the Way.
‘The Stakes Could Not Have Been Higher’: Biden Praises Debt-Ceiling Deal
I am glad the Republican & Democratic Leaders of the House, Senate the White House put the complex interests of the country's economy ahead of the Simple Minded interests of the Far Right Extremists who along with Trump were willing to blow everything up. I'm glad that enough Representatives and Senators came together and accepted the negotiated deal.
Biden expressed his thanks and took a well deserved-bow.
Tomorrow, Saturday, he will be signing the bill.
The Republicans are strutting in Washington headlining (on their talking board) as REPUBLICAN WINS
shows how bent their minds are! taking food meds & edu away from have nots is a 'win' and so is reducing taxes for the rich
if you think onshoring and even nearshoring is going to occur with such policies you are in for a rude awakening
the new axis russia china iran with brazil india saudi turkey leaning away are going to have an impact sooner than later
its all relative - most other countries are in worse shape but being 'best of the bad' certainly doesn't bode well for America
Trump continues to escape accountability despite having sold top secret documents and ingratiated himself to saudi russia israel!
women hispanics & immigrants of all stripes your decisions will have far lasting and monstrous decisions - you can already see impact in florida & texas
shame on congress
shame on the judiciary & scotus
China tell the west to stop sending weapons to Ukraine, how about telling Russia to get out of Ukraine?
Cost of Higher education in public colleges should be reduce and then eliminate funded by state and federal government as investment in America. The GI bill should have been expanded, the biggest boom was the GI bill in the 50's and 60's!
Well the Republican ransom note has been pai at taxpayer expense!
Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block by the Republican GOP party !!!
In my opinion, if this goes through I predict that the United states will run out of money by July anyway. It doesn’t matter what a wash up labor secretary says on twitter. The “Biden way" of how to reduce inflation supposedly doesn’t seem to work. This is the same guy who has been in Washington since 1973 and he knows what creates inflation? Did any president pass legislation to reduce inflation in America? No! The president’s plan isn’t going to reduce anything . We spend more than we collect! My solution is stop spending and figure out what’s essential and what’s not essential because I don’t think people understand if the United states of America was a corporation like Amazon. It would be facing a bankruptcy judge right now! Moreover, this attempt to fear Social Security that the democrats want to use is laughable because the fund is running out anyway. This unspent money for the pandemic should be rescinded and In my opinion it should be a payment for our country’s debt! We are talking about $444 billion dollars that still remains according to the Wall Street Journal.
The ONLY thing to do right NOW is pay back the debt already approved!!
THEN REQUEST AGAIN FROM McCARthy budget plan and review with the Biden plan.
Republicans own the deficit and debt, now they are hold the American people hostage to pay for the tax cut to corporations and wealthy, passings it on to the 99% though local state taxes and fees! Fascism is a live and well in the 1% !!!
House rules panel advances debt ceiling and budget bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — Under fire from conservatives, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy worked furiously Tuesday to sell fellow Republicans on the debt ceiling and budget deal he negotiated with President Joe Biden and win approval in time to avert a potentially disastrous U.S. default.
Leaders of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus lambasted the compromise as falling well short of the spending cuts they demand, and they vowed to try to halt passage by Congress. A much larger conservative faction, the Republican Study Committee, declined to take a position. Even rank-and-file centrist conservatives were not sure, leaving McCarthy desperately hunting for votes.
Read the full story
It's sad that the Republicans, who are pushing Alt. right religious beliefs, want to ban abortion, but don't want to help the needy and those whose lives are damaged by being forced to live near industries that put out toxic gases! There is little consideration for the small businesses competing against corporations. If education was equal across the board, the poor might actually be able to get a better education, and a better job. The Bible, Quran, and Torah all say we should help the needy, but not the Republicans who have received a lot of money from an alt. right religious group! Let's see, No abortions, as it saves a life, without thought of who will have the ability to pay and support that child, not the Republicans! They want to save an embryo, but won't ban assault rifles that take many lives! They also won't reduce their SPECIAL Healthcare insurance and SPECIAL Retirement plan, that we the people pay for. NO ONE IN Congress should have better healthcare and retirement than their constituents! We never gave them the permission to do this! They also refuse to create a fair income tax system, and don't want the IRS to have the needed manpower to go after those who cheat so they pay less taxes. Therre are many people in our inner cities that don't believe having better education will help them get a better job, so they don't have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet! Birth to 5 years are the key years in forming brain connections, and these parents have to work 2 jobs to feed and clothe their children, and are unable to read to their children or give them the experiences to better form these brain connections, The Republicans want those on welfare to work, but don't want to pay to train them! I find this situation really sad!!
No, we should not cut Federal Programs! There are many people in rural areas...people who work for substandard wages that need this help. How about we cut fuinding to the Pentagon-since they seem to loose the money the taxpayers are giving them and cannot account for what they are getting! Tax the rich, tax billion dollar corproations that pay nothing in taxes....and better yet-start using the money those folks on The Hill get ffrom their coporate billionaire mega donors and put THAT into the IRS!
In my opinion, if this goes through I predict that the United states will run out of money by July anyway. It doesn’t matter what a wash up labor secretary says on twitter. The “Biden way" of how to reduce inflation supposedly doesn’t seem to work. This is the same guy who has been in Washington since 1973 and he knows what creates inflation? Did any president pass legislation to reduce inflation in America? No! The president’s plan isn’t going to reduce anything . We spend more than we collect! My solution is stop spending and figure out what’s essential and what’s not essential because I don’t think people understand if the United states of America was a corporation like Amazon. It would be facing a bankruptcy judge right now! Moreover, this attempt to fear Social Security that the democrats want to use is laughable because the fund is running out anyway. This unspent money for the pandemic should be rescinded and In my opinion it should be a payment for our country’s debt!
We wouldn't be having this problem if the wealthiest paid their fair share and the corporations need to be included. In my state if you are not disabled or on Social Security, you must a have source of income whether self employed or partime work, even job search is required to obtain SNAP benefits. Then the government needs to audit every cent given to the Military complex and federal contractors. Corportate "bailouts" and susidies must be eliminated and political donations must be taxed. The only ones getting a "free ride" in this country are the wealthiest among us no thanks to the political factors involved. Ending Citizens United would be a good start. Then eliminate all the unnecessary "write offs" used at tax time. And allow the IRS to audit every income above the $400,000.00 per year mark which should include profit gains from investments and tax them accordingly.
Once again the far right factions of congress have managed to load the bill full of provisions which effectively give free rein to the fossil fuel industry while hamstringing the efforts to move forward with the transition to green energy - elimination of tax credits for green energy initiatives and language which promotes fossil fuel production, including fracking. This bill does everything to benefit the wealthiest Americans and NOTHING to benefit the middle class and working poor; and I see next to nothing in it that pertains to the issues which are most important to the American people. If anything, I see this bill as widening the divide of income inequality and moving us ever closer to a caste system. It's blatantly obvious that Kevin McCarthy and his goon squad have no intention of doing their jobs for the American people as a whole. Once again are using their positions to perpetuate their own personal and political aspirations by supporting those industries that "own" them because of political contributions. It's time to vote them out and elect people who WILL serve the many rather than pander to the few. What sickens me most is the gaslighting that is happening relative to all this, and how many people are fooled by it.
I'm ok with a reduction in spending, but not as part of a hostage situation where the full faith and credit of the United States can be questioned and our economy wrecked to score political points.
This reduction plan should be part of the regular budgeting process, not when our incurred debts are due.
If the Republicans are serious about reducing deficits, then they will look at the largest source of our spending: our runaway military-industrial complex and its inability to account for where those funds go.
And they should also be willing to collect ALL taxes due, especially those unpaid by corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Without either of these considerations, the GOP's words are empty and meaningless, because we can never balance the budget.
While I agree that spending needs to be reigned in, I'm not in favor of doing so solely on the backs of social programs, the env., and the poor. If Congress wants to cut budgets, why don't they start with their damn salries that they don't half earn? Why don't they cut some from defense (which hasn't been done in years as spending continues to go up and up in that area)? Cut the damn $ spent on the space program. Go after the tax cheats (wealthy and big business) to ensure that they pay their fair share instead of the middle and working class carrying the bulk of that burden. We need to invest in people via social programs and protect the env., rather than protecting big business and the wealthy. But investing in people is not the Republican way, now is it?
China rejects U.S. request for a meeting of the defense chiefs
stop coddling the chinese - they lie / steal / cheat / copy
when their own people cannot trust their own infant formula and pay $100 per can of enfamil made in USA what does that tell you?
require them to provide the US with restitution due to covid / had we not spent trillions in costs, death, damages, lost opportunities etc we would not be in the current predicament
where is the accountability? Attach a covid surtax to chinese goods & services! It will help reshore our economy ... there is a false narrative that we need cheap chinese crap and cheap energy! The indirect penalties we have to fork out in social and other costs FAR outweigh the incremental costs of doing it right here
congress step up and get real! stop wallowing in your vested interests and stupidity
I agree with some of the aspects of this Bill. I believe the Bill doesn't go far enough. We have a budget for our household. I never just paid the interest on any of my loans. In time of war I understand the need to go over budget. But no one has attacked us since 9/11. Even then we could have spent less and accomplished the same with less lives lost. Democrats always want to fix things at taxpayers expense. And not get nothing acccomplished. Housing is a major problem, homelessness is a major factor. Nothing done. Big companies win from tax breaks. We give big dollars to foreign companies to supposedly help us, at taxpayers expense. Big companies are given tax breaks and do not pay taxes at taxpayers expense. Hospitals and insurance companies have gone from nonprofit to profit status at ratepayers expense. Airlines win over other modes of transportation. But our government wants us all to buy electric automobiles. But no monies into public transportation, such as buses, rail, trollies. Three major rail companies and automakers win on that at taxpayers expense. I listen to all what they have to say. It is all BS and not in favor of the average taxpayer.