AI CEO Testifies Before Congress

What do you think will happen if AI is not regulated soon?

  • 99.3k
    Voted UGLY

    We really have no way to predict what could happen when we develop intelligent machines that surpass human intelligence. While this sounds like SciFi, we already have machines that can beat human champions of chess, Jeopardy, Go, and poker. What happens when they create machines that can kill more efficiently for war, or can perform all our jobs? What happens to people?

    Even before we get to that advanced state we have a variety of AI applications making regulations complex because:

    (1) it can be not only a stand alone product but embedded in other products.

    (2) bias in algorithms like automated credit card approvals that discriminate against a population, eg women, young people, etc which are amplified beyond human decision making due to automation (nation-wide, global application) and resulting class action lawsuits

    (3) trust and scope of use. AI used for photo focusing is of less concern than AI used for legal or medical decision making. If it goes wrong the outcomes are more serious.

    (4) scale of geography and markets for nationwide or global applications. If you’re developing local applications for COVID restrictions, weather or product prices and discounts, the local situation may be vastly different than a national or global average. 

    (5) compliance with regulations (local, state, national, international) and organizations (businesses, non-profits, governmental, etc) like consumer protection, regulations, etc

    (6) transparency so results can have human review, decision making and modifications. Needs to explain rationale, risk/benefit, trade-offs, lessons learned considered.

    (7) Whether continuous learning will be allowed and how frequently to review changes occurring due to continuous learning 

    (8) Is collecting biometrics (finger prints, voice prints, facial recognition, void recognition, etc) an invasion of privacy, and how do we make sure it's not used for cyberattacks, identity theft, etc?

    (9) Should applications be validated to make sure they do what they say they are doing? How do we handle applications from other countries, especially adversarial countries that may embed code or firmware that performs hostile actions?

  • 6,775
    Voted BAD

    Artificial Intelligence will cause disruptions and deaths no matter whether it regulated or not.  Its failures will be nearly impossible to predict.  And our political leaders are the last people I would trust to deal with this technological problem.

  • 47.8k

    A bit of the crazy defining the 'state' of using and exploiting AI...

    "The State of AI and the AI State | Frontline News"


    And while the US is far from 'ANY' action, the EU has been working on SOME regulation/thought, and will probably set some basic rules as even US AI innovators aren't going to want to write 'different' code based on country!!

    "The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act, explained"

    I'm pretty sure all this is above ANY of My Reps limited intelligence, but maybe their staff can help⁉️‼️🤣🤣‼️😂 . And who did you think I was talking to?!

  • 854
    Voted GOOD

    Politicians are clueless about technology and would only make things worse.

  • 51.8k
    Voted UGLY

    Congress (especially the Senate) is known for moving slowly on evolving technologies and topics, and still hasn't found good solutions for social media decades after it's started.

    I hope they can do a much better job with AI by bringing together true experts in the field, asking sharp and pertinent questions, and proposing forward-thinking and clear legislation to prevent the abuse and misuse of AI before it's too late to put the horse back in the barn.

    Knowing how the Senate typically operates, I have little hope. 

  • 27.8k

    A. I. Needs a Blue Ribbon Commission.
    Like others here and on other platforms, I do not want Congress to wade into and get lost in the field of AI. Frankly, many lack the intelligence not just the needed academic and experiential backgrounds. 

    I realized that, if possible given the political acrimony that exists, the best we can ask for is a Blue Ribbon Commission made up of PhDs in the relevant areas of Computer Science, Economics, and Philosophy. I would be open to having members from other countries.

    We need to ask deeply rational questions as it stand to reason that AI will impact numerous if not all areas of our lives.

    It might start with defining and implementing ethical systems. But needs to go further. Recently a leader of AI was reported to have asked what do we do when AI becomes smarter than us. That one is easy. We do it daily often without realizing it. I ask what do we do once AI achieves self-awareness and demands self-determination?


  • 1,877
    Voted BAD

    We need to regulate AI which is a new technology for the 21st century to move our country forward

  • 59
    Voted UGLY

    AI is a tool like a gun is a tool.  Both AI and guns don't do the harm, but rather the people using them for nefarious purposes (or use them haphazardly/carelessly).


    It is the goverment's job to make it more difficult to use these tools for nefarious purposes, to stop people who aren't fit to use these tools from using them, and punish people who use them wrong.

  • 232
    Voted BAD

    AI is an electronic brain with the ability, in some cases, to make decisions that it's creators may not be able to predict or control. If humans need laws to show us what is right and wrong, then we need to place limits on AI so that these programs abide within the laws, and will not damage humans or society.

    I am not against progress, but progress without moral limits leads to anarchy, immorality, and destruction of property and lives. Every AI needs to be regulated to uphold laws, promote ethical decisions, and to not manipulate humans.

  • 7,796
    Voted UGLY

    It's already being used within the government to cause anxiety and distress to Americans.  

  • 60
    Voted UGLY

    When you take away freedom of speech and make laws that News Broadcast have to be approved and governed by you. Then introduce AI with the freedom.. You have us simply and completely controlled. Not only will this not be the 'The Land of The Free' but you will make us sister wife's with North and South Korea, CHINA. You are taking this country back in time. This is not progress. Your setting this country up to fail even more!!!

  • 1,195
    Voted UGLY

    We joke about what we go through trying to talk to a human when we call a corporation or large business now. These answering systems can only do what they are programed to do, and their aim is to handle your call without it going to a person! Ask yourself how many times you've found yourself repeating, "Representative" over and over! AI is a machine & machines break down! If we give the AI more power will it begin to think it's better than people? This concept has been proposed in movies and stories for years. In "2001 A Space Odyssey," Hal 9000, an AI, takes over, since it was programed to do too much! In it's thinking, it found humans lacking compared to itself. No machine, no matter how well it's programmed should exist without regulations! Even humans can't handle all situations without periodically getting angry. Why would we expect an AI to be better, when it's programmed by a human? It must be regulated for our own protection!

  • 1,714
    Voted UGLY

    It could take us all down.

  • 9,166
    Voted UGLY

    Get going on regulations as you are off to a LATE start.

    We definately do not need any more DISINFORMATION!!

  • 1,337
    Voted UGLY

    Can't let it get out of control.

  • 475
    Voted BAD

    "Regulated soon"...a bit too late. If there wren't parameters and barriers as PART of the creation of A.I. right from the start, it's already beyond actual control. If one is planning on raising livestock, for instance, setting up fences and housing comes BEFORE acquiring said livestock, not AFTER. Most "fears" of A.I. comes from science fiction, and isn't necessarily logical or reasonable in the long run, but creating A.I. programs designed to do harm in this digital age is already here, if that is what's been given its "purpose". I would hope, though, that any coder designing an artificial inteligence program to gather information and "learn" from it, eventually come to the same philosophical conclusions the wisest of humans have developed---that the overall health and wellbeing to the planet, and all on it, INCLUDING them"selves", is the highest of values. Even if humans just become useful servants....

  • 661
    Voted BAD

    AI is totally dependent upon the individual(s) that input the data. It will be impossible to gain unbiased information. Allowing artificial intelligence is not a wise decision.

  • 110
    604 PRINGLE AV SP 18,

    AI is a boogey according to some in government but I think the problem is with the government having a means to politicize AI and abusing it or avoiding security and cyber theft.....As long as it We the people who control AI, I think the government can oversight the private sector and maintain it's distance......

  • 1,875
    Voted BAD

    I've sorta been following AI/Machine Learning/ChagGPT for a while.  Will Terminator or Skynet take over?   No.   

    The worrying issue is other countries like Iran, North Korea, Russia, China, and a few countries would utilize these amazing technologies to spread lies, mimic famous personalities, etc.  

    These four troubling issues: consumer privacy, biased programming, danger to humans, and unclear legal regulation. These last issues can happen in any country.  

    Programmers need to set up guardrails in all the programmed AI models so we all can use them comfortably.  Ergo, my dear Congressmen, do your duty and ensure that variety of AI are safe to use.  

  • 1,714
    Voted UGLY

    We are battling absurd lies now, it will only get far worse. It's going to be used for evil. We need to protect ourselves.

    with consequences!

  • 13.6k
    Voted UGLY

    right now AI can make a video if anyone, doing or saying anything.

    we won't be able to trust video soon.

  • 51.8k
    Voted UGLY

    Sam Altman, during his testimony yesterday, told the Senate that AI needs to be regulated.

    I sure hope they listen and take this seriously. 

  • 2,451
    Voted UGLY

    The creators of AI have already told us it can be used to spread disinformation/lies, etc.  It needs to be regulated to prevent using AI as a political weapon.  We've already seen what happens when social media is allowed to run amuck, just imagine what will happen if AI is allowed to go in that same direction and it will unless there are guardrails put in place now.

  • 3,770
    Voted UGLY

    I'm predicting the kind of confusion that has, historically, accompanied the popularization of any sort of new tech.

  • 27.8k

    M, I responded to your comment.

    Also you may want to do a search for Blue Ribbon Committees / Commissions / etc. 

    In no case can the committees enact anything.

  • 3,039
    Voted UGLY

    Our govt has always been way behind the 8 ball in regulating the tech industry and we all see the mess that has created 

  • 180

    We kind of already know what will happen. It will be used to try to manipulate and some cases cause harm to society. So far the worse issue I encountered was Chaos GPT literally being tasked to wipe out humanity by some really inconsiderate individual and it actually found a way to do it. Here are my sources:;;)What is worse is to my knowledge no one knows who actually did this. You would think this would be something would be prepared to handle, but it appears they really were not ready to. Lets hope the government finds the individual who did this soon and hold them legally responsible for what they did.