House Panel Finds Evidence of Rep. Santos Crimes

What do you think about Santos?

  • 3,907
    Voted Sad

    Don't blame Santos and his like

    Blame the stupid people who vote these scumbags into positions of power 

    Look at how many republican women still support trump, maga idiots despite the immense harm inflicted on womens rights and issues! A self proclaimed proven serial rapist is going to run again for president and with the support of women & 'christians' 'conservatives' 'patriots'


  • 494

    Appalling that my tax dollars are being used to pay Santo's salary and pension, as well as other criminals(Trump, Gaetz, and of course the Republicans who contributed to the Jan. 6 insurrection).#votethemout #refundplease 

  • 358
    Voted Happy

    Finally, a republican may have to face justice. 

    Sadly, most republicans are immune to the justice system.  Any crime they commit is oked by the system. Just goes to show that there are two systems of justice, one for the rich republicans and one for the rest of us.

  • 8,811
    Voted Apathetic

    Santos is not going to resign. He's clearly mentally ill. 

    The GOP needs to remove him. They won't. They should have done a better job vetting this candidate. They didn't. 

    I can't believe what the Republican Party has become. I find it incomprehensible that anyone defends his seat.




  • 4,132
    Voted Sad

    George Santos epitomizes what the Republican party is in stands for today. He is a reflection of his environment.

    Just look at the number of serial liars in the Republican Party holding office.
    All of them in congress voted to keep Trump in illegally in power while trump himself has now been proven to be one of the worst serial lier's  in this country's history in addition to being a sexual pervert. With one conviction and more than 20 accusers of sexual abuse by trump. Instill the Republican party supports this pig of a man.

    Then take a look at the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas a man who never should've been put on the Supreme Court it begin with after all the accusations of his sexual abuse has now been shown to be on the take for years by a billionaire Republican Mega donor paying for his $50,000 vacations houses, and schooling for his relatives and God only knows what else. Then the sad fact the Clarence Thomas's wife helped spread the lie that the election was stolen across this country.

    And yet the Republicans sit by and do nothing.

    Then there's the sad fact that today more children die from gunshot wounds in this country than anything else. More than any single thing in this country children die from being shot!!!!!!!

    What did the Republicans do, absolutely nothing. This is what the Republican party is; this sad sick organization of criminals lier's and quite frankly accomplices to the murder of our children.

  • 756

    George Santos never should have been allowed to run for office in the first place! Another GOP low life and criminal. 

  • 4,006
    Voted Apathetic

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN AMBIGUOUSLY ASKS: "GOP Rep. George Santos In Custody, Charged with Fraud, Money Laundering
    What do you think about Santos?"  ME:  First, If Causes question refers to what I think of the charges agains Santos, then I click the smily face and say Hip! Hip! Hooray! And may he be conviced and locked up forever!  Then, if Causes question refers to what I think of Santos' character, then I click the angry face and say he's a scumbag, fraudster, criminal and should be locked up forever. 

    Of course, McCarthy needs his vote in the House, so don't expect this jerk to be expelled. That would take a mild to middling case of ethics, of which the GOP from the top (Trump), down (Santos), and sidewise (Thomas) doesn't seem to have any shred..

  • 254
    Voted Happy

    Scum bag!

  • 99.3k
    Voted Sad

  • 27.8k
    Voted Sad

    Rep. George Santos says he expects to be kicked out of Congress as expulsion vote looms (from @AP)

    25 Nov 2023
    NEW YORK (AP) — Rep. George Santos said he expects to be expelled from Congress following a scathing report by the House Ethics Committee that found substantial evidence of lawbreaking by the New York Republican.

    In a defiant speech Friday sprinkled with taunts and obscenities aimed at his congressional colleagues, Santos insisted he was “not going anywhere.” But he acknowledged that his time as a member of Congress, at least, may soon be coming to an end.

    “I know I’m going to get expelled when this expulsion resolution goes to the floor,” he said Friday night during a conversation on X Spaces. “I’ve done the math over and over, and it doesn’t look really good.”

    The comments came one week after the Republican chairman of the House Ethics Committee, Michael Guest, introduced a resolution to expel Santos once the body returns from Thanksgiving break.

    While Santos has survived two expulsion votes, many of his colleagues who formerly opposed the effort now say they support it, citing the findings of the committee’s monthslong investigation into a wide range of alleged misconduct by Santos.


  • 37
    Voted Sad

    It isn't very reassuring to see my reps when it relates to Santos. I don't seem him being expelled. Congress had a chance to remove him before. I don't have any faith in the Republicans and I find the Dems to be mildly weak as well. This is why Texas and other hold out States shouldnlegalize weed. 

  • 3,907
    Voted Sad

    Rep. Elise Stefanik adds to ethics complaint against judge in Trump civil fraud case after mistrial denied

    when a sitting member of congress directly interferes in courts that should be illegal / defendants have other means to do the same
    republicans have been more busy over the last decade running interference for their partners in crime than solving the peoples business! 
    we have seen this act frequently by trump

    deny, create a circus,blame others, delay, lie, mislead, create a cloud of mistrust with staged innuendos, threats etc etc 

    shame on congress

    shame on the judiciary 


  • 1,128
    Voted Sad

    George Santos must be removed

  • 3,907
    Voted Sad

    Colorado judge rejects bid to keep Trump off the state's 2024 ballot
    The ruling is another victory for Trump after courts in Minnesota and Michigan this month rejected similar legal efforts to disqualify the former president from those state ballots
    congress punted, judiciary punted 

    just because he is leading AMONGST his clowns does not mean he is not a serial criminal bent on creating the ultimate dictatorship

    good luck America! apparently the masses have dumbed down and are happy to be led to the guillotine 

  • 5,259
    Voted Sad

    It would legitimately make my day if a Democrat were elected to his seat.

  • 8,497
    Voted Sad

    Santos Is not the only one that needs to be remove!

  • 12.1k
    Voted Sad

    Just another hypocritical "law and order" Republican.

  • 598
    Lyn Z
    Voted Sad

    It's about bloody TIME that person was held to account. He doesn't deserve to be in office. What a scammer he has been!

  • 3,403
    Voted Sad

    It's not like it's a secret that the person is a liar.  What is baffling to me is how on earth the GOP could have let a grifter like him stay in his position to begin with.


    I guess that's what the GOP has come to.

  • 4,132
    Voted Sad

    So what have we found out about George Santos, that he's a liar that he's a criminal doesn't that just make him your average Republican politician in Congress today?

  • 1,358
    Voted Sad

    Santos is a typical member of the Republican Party. I just got a letter from my Congressman Pete "dirty cop" Stauber justifying censuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib while he condones lying by Gym Shorts Jordan and so many other Republicans. Stauber also supports the insurrectionist Donald Trump. It is time for not only Santos to go but also all the other congressmen and senators that supported the January 6th insurrection 

  • 1,171
    Voted Sad

    When did the politcal parties stop vetting people prior to their primaries?  This man should've never been allowed on the ballot in  the first place, let alone be elected to congress.

  • 89
    Voted Happy

    Why has he not been EXPELED??????  The GOP are corrupt and need to be never elected to office !!!!!!

  • 65
    Voted Sad

    George Santos appears to be a serial liar. It's difficult to believe anything he says. I believe he should be removed from the House now and replaced by someone with ethics. 

  • 1,877
    Voted Sad

    George Santos needs to resign and he's politically corrupted like most right wing politicians 

  • 788
    Voted Sad

    He should have expelled months ago.  But then again current GOP front runner for president is charged with much worse crimes including attempting to overthrow government.  So I guess I shouldn't be surprised republicans have supported him this long.

  • 1,458
    Voted Sad

    This is what they voted for!

  • 2,451
    Voted Sad

    He's a lying, cheating, crook, just like Trump.  The Ethics Committee should have recommended explusion from the House.  I hope criminal charges will be filed against him, he'll be found quilty, and he and Trump can share a cell together.  The people of this country deserve better out of our elected officials and we should demand that we won't accept anything less.