As Border Crisis Persists, Biden Deploys 1,500 Troops, Opens New Immigration Centers

Is the U.S. doing enough to help migrants?

  • 111.4k
    Voted Maybe

    Step in the right direction: 

    1) Not every immigrant has adequate tech (phone, WiFi) to make use of the app so immigration centers with equipment & staff are helpful, especially in countries that are closest to their home country so they can apply for asylum in countries other than the US.

    2) partner with NGOs and international organizations to help people navigate the app, make WiFi available and provide access for those without cell phones. Get UNHRC involved as they are experienced in creating refugee camps, maintaining them and working with all countries to place refugees. This isn't a US problem, it's an Americas problem for this hemisphere, and Europe is facing a similar problem in their hemisphere.

    3) make sure countries (Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain) designated to offer asylum actually are accepting and processing applications so people apply at the countries near them and end caravsns walking hundreds and thousands of miles to the US border 

    4) staff up the border with sufficient agents to review all claims in 30 days under the Final Asylum Rule

    5) provide real time, online tracking that includes more than just encounters but also disposition like Asylum applications, rejected, accepted, deported)

  • 59.1k
    Voted No

    We need to do more to ensure safe, legal migration in this hemisphere, and Congress has failed these people 

    Mexico is not doing enough to treat migrants humanely, and the US is complicit.

    Wake up, Congress, and find a way to improve immigration.

  • 2,970

    People all over the world are leaving their home countries for what ever reason, looking for "greener pastures".  All they want is to be able to house, feed, and educate their families as well as receiving gainful employment.  But like every other country, the governing bodies are too puffed up with themselves to really care about others.  It's a sad, sad situation and must start somewhere.  Decent treatment for all applicants should be attended to ASAP which includes living quarters, nourishment, and education.  We are all related in the eyes of the Universe and we need to remember this fact.  Our own Congress, for what its worth, hasn't done a damn thing to aid these people because their chosen "party" doesn't want anything to do with them.  Closed minded politicians have no business being in charge of this situation no matter what they try to make the rest of us believe.  We can't stop people from wanting a better life, so why not give them a chance.  They may even get educated enough to return to their native lands and make the necessary changes needed there.  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."  I choose to put my faith in those who are willing to make such sacrifices.

  • 1,427
    Voted Yes

    While many folks think that the government is not doing enough about immigration at our southern border, we can't, in reality, deal with the numbers of folks who want into America. 

    Unfortunately, we are not going to see a slow down as climate change is going to add to the numbers of folks seeking new places to live.

    I am not sure that there is an easy answer to this issue.  It's not jsut about letting folks in.  There is the impact on our nation's infrastructure that limits the numbers of folks that can be absorbed. We have housing issues here in America and that's not going to change any time soon. 

  • 6,889
    Voted No

    Of course not...  

    But elected politicians in the USA and officials/agents in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Border Patrol don't seriously want to help the people fleeing violence in Mexico, Central and South America and the Carribean.  

    They are paying for the bad acts of the United States and U.S. Corporations especially in Central America.  Those countries weren't called "Banana Republics" for no reason.  Now those Banana Republics are involved narco-trafficking--mainly to supply the United States with illicit drugs.  

    The current troubles at our Southern Border is Karma.

  • 5,356
    Voted Maybe

    Here's a solution - any time someone claims we have open borders, we dump them in Mexico and tell them to try to get back into the US without their passport. Let's see how open the borders really are.

  • 694
    Voted Yes

    Over five million souls have entered the United States of America through abnormal channels. The Biden administration claims that there is no border crisis. Yet crime, disease, death, and untold financial turmoil has been foisted upon hard-working American citizens forced to pay the bills for healthcare, education, housing, food, clothing, etc. Migrants should apply well in advance to come to our country. They should have a sponsor financially capable of meeting the applicants needs or the applicants themselves should prove financial responsibility. They should also have a desire to assimilate among the citizenry, learning America's proud heritage. Migrant children are of particular risk, lost to illegal child labor businesses and sex trafficking. Women are also being trafficked in the sex industry. Open borders have also resulted in hundreds of thousands of illegal drug deaths of US citizens. It is time for this administration and our legislators to responsibly meet its law-given obligations of caring for US citizens as committed through the Constitution of the United States.

  • 123
    Voted No

    Close the borders and repair our broken immigration system!! Our sovereignty as a nation should come first. The general welfare of our citizens should come first.  Those individuals seeking asylum need to go through the proper vetting BEFORE crossing over.  Our national debt is out of control and we keep pouring our tax dollars into resources for illegal immigrants.  

  • 368
    Voted No

    The US should be helping and welcoming migrants, not keeping them from our border.

  • 2,602
    Voted No

    Republicans like to point fingers at everyone but themselves. But it is they who are responsible for crafting workable legislation. Republicans refuse to do that. Until Republicans get their heads out of their butts, we will continue to have difficulties.

  • 1,563
    Voted No

    Congress has failed for decades enacting a fair and logical immigration policy and law. Congress  enjoys blaming everyone else when they are and continue to be the failures. 

  • 8,471
    Voted Maybe

    I need for information!

  • 9,293
    Voted No

    Migrtants accepted at the border , seeking jobs ,should be sent to areas that have unfilled jobs that no one in the  seems  want. IE: farming, resteraunt, fast food, ect...

  • 718
    Voted Yes

    Close the damn border, PERIOD! This deployment is to process, not secure our borders. Biden is the most pathetic president our nation has ever had.

  • 2,934
    Voted No

    Not until there is good immigration legislation 

  • 2,849
    Voted No

    Need reforms! 

  • 4,042
    Voted No

    CAUSES ASKS: "Is the U.S. doing enough to help migrants?"  ME: Not IMHO.  For starters, where are the additional immigration judges?  Attorneys?  Resources?  The failures of Congress are legion.

  • 676
    Voted No

    I think back to the Holocaust and to the people who died because we refused to help them escape a deadly situation. We must help refugees by helping to solve problems in their countries of origin and helping them find safe places to live. We must overcome xenophobia and find empathy and compassion for those who have no options to escape violence and extreme poverty.

  • 1,927
    Voted Maybe

    Something has to be done; I'm not sure the armed forces are the answer. How about deploying 1500 lawyers who speak Spanish who can help these people come in by legal means and redirect them to places where their presence will do some good for our country? 

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted No

    Congress has been MIA for years kicking the can down the road on comprehensive immigration reform. Our borders must be closed, we must learn to fast track applications and put reasonable, sustainable laws in place

  • 2,321
    Voted No

    Too much. Let us have Vets go to Mexico, walk across and get the goodiores.

  • 37
    Voted No

    Just closed the Border.

    And allow them in legally is running in.

  • 1,281
    Voted Yes

    HELP THEM????   kick their asses out - all of them - men, women, children and babies... 

    Were done!

  • 2,464
    Voted Maybe

    We're probably not, but to be fair, I doubt that we'l ever be able to keep up with the demand.  While, some short-term fixes can be employed, what's really needed is comprehensive immigration reform that is far-sighted.  The other thing that is needed which is for the most part limiting is to reform conditions in the home countries of the migrants so that there is not a need to immigrate to another country.  While, the US can have some impact on improving conditions in their home countries, we can't control everything that goes on in those countries.  The various countries themselves have to want to bring about reform and given that the leaders of many of these countries profit from the corruption and are the source of that corruption, it;s not likely that the US can or will have much of an impact.

  • 9,293
    Voted No

    We need to speed up the process !

  • 7,796
    Voted Maybe

    We have provided more to non-citizens than to our own.  Enough is enough.  We need to work on the homeless, the starving, the mentally ill (including Biden's state of mind). 
    Until we put effort into housing, providing food and meals and getting people the help they need, we shouldn't be taking any new people into our country.

    We also need to work on unity and as long as this racist, money laundering, career politician and his administration are in office, that will never happen. They are hell bent on destroying the middle class so the upper class can thrive.