Supreme Court Pauses Federal Court’s Restrictions on Abortion Pill Access

Do you think the Supreme Court should restore nationwide access to the abortion pill?

  • 94.2k
    Voted Yes

    With 6 out of 9 judges being Catholic and pro-birthers, suspect only pressure from pharmaceutical companies via the Federalist Society to maintain the existing FDA drug approval process will be the only reason they protect the current 10 week label of mifepristone being dispensed by pharmacies unless of course they suddenly start practicing law and realize this case has no standing since it wasn't brought by either a woman or doctor harmed by mifepristone, only a group of conservative organizations or has the court given these organizations "rights" like they have corporations?

  • 7,875

    Churches should stay in there own lane or loss their tax exemption, and save souls. With the teach of kindness, compassion, understanding, tolerance, caring, forgiveness and walk in other shoes for a mile, which is not what they are teaching. Trying to get government to force people to hate, fear and be divisive!

  • 1,017
    Voted No

    The Supreme Court decided that abortion was an individual State's decision to make. I do not think in six months they will reverse part of their earlier call.

  • 44.9k
    Voted Yes

    Hmm, wonder if he's going to update all those flights on crow's private jet? Also wonder what transportation "Ginni" used to get to D.C. on 1/6???

    Pay attention Reps.🖕

  • 7,875

    So what other things did the supreme courts get wrong? Thomas can interpret the rules and regulations of the IRS? 
    Could they have got it wrong on women's rights, abortion, gerrymandering, gun control, voter suppression, environment, climate change, water pollution, hobby lobby, LGBTQ, discrimination and democracy? These are the people who are required to interpret the constitution and laws?

  • 123
    Voted No

    Stop the horrific killing of the most vulnerable and innocent of lives! 

  • 3,405

    It is not their business.  Are any of them MD's?  Didn't think so

  • 341
    Voted No

    I think this abortion pill is wrong. I don't know how long it's been around but when people are taking medication so I don't know anything about the side effects could be deadly.

  • 47
    Voted Yes

    Abortion access is healthcare. Government needs to stay off women's bodies. Everyone has the right to choose. Mifepristone isn't only used for abortions either. 

  • 35
    Voted Yes

    I am shocked that judges are influenced by their beliefs instead of science and medicines. This should not even have gone to the courts.  We need a correction on our elections.

  • 1,479
    Voted Yes

    I think at the heart of the medication abortion is the question, "what is a fetus". So some food for thought... is a seed a vegetable on its own; is a flower a piece of fruit on its own; is a tadpole a fish on its own...

    And, is something that is part of someone's body have a right to life on its own?

    Some Native Americans tribes (and I would venture to say other cultures as well) actually revered the "afterbirth" with a burial. But does that mean in the 21st century we should do the same?

    There are too many stories of women being harmed by this ruling.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think abortion should be used as birth control, but I just don't get the intent of religious beliefs getting into health decisions. Advancements is science, since the Native peoples of the world questioned the whole birthing process, and religions wanted to increase their numbers over each other, have long shown us the reality of all the old ideas of birthing and population increases.


    I don't think it is the place of any court to decide this issue. It should be a family health decision. 

    And on the other hand increasing the population with unwanted children presents a further stress on society at large. This that supporters of abortion abolition don't seem to want to deal with, monetarily, morally or socially. What would the courts do about that?

  • 3,405

    Abortion is private family buisness.  It is not State business or federal buisness.  We have had safe effective abortion services and safe effective abortion pills and safe effective brith control in this country for years now.  Leave it alone and let it work.  Keep your big noses out of private family buisness.  Leave your church on the corner where it stands.

  • 422
    Voted Yes

    The Supreme Court nor any portion of the Government, should not have control over a woman's body.  They are not doctors, or scientists, and have no direct knowledge of the problems that can and do happen during a pregnancy.  This whole nonsense of control over women and their bodies, by old white men, who have never had a uterus and never will, needs to be put down now.  

  • 48.2k
    Voted Yes

    Whatever happened to "send it back to the states"? If it's a state's decision, then the state should only be able to ban abortion and abortion medication for that state, not all others.

    This ruling must be reversed, as the FDA determined mifepristone's safety 20 years ago.

    If Texas doesn't want to use it, then let that be up to the women of Texas to vote on...not the rest of the country.

  • 3,405

    This is not business for the Courts.  This is private family business.  

  • 48.2k
    Voted Yes

    Do we think the Crow-backed Thomas is going to rule in favor of women suddenly? 

    We can only hope that Justice Roberts shows up with a spine for once and does the humane thing.

  • 8,978
    Voted Yes

    This is health care! A women should be able to choose to take or not take!!!

  • 285
    Voted Yes

    The Supreme Court said it was leaving the issue of choice up to the states.  Overturning the FDA's judgement on a drug's safety, on the basis of no substantive evidence, advanced by people who have no legitimate standing, would reveal again the Supreme Court's corruption and single minded effort to impose their religious beliefs about abortion and other issues on everyone else.  Given the blatant lack of ethics this Supreme Court displays, nothing would surprise me. But if the Court takes such a legally unjustified stance, it has sunk to the exercise of raw power and lost any semblance of legitimacy. Why not reconstitute the Supreme Court in a truly balanced rather than political format?  Why not have a Court with 4 Justices selected by the right, 4 Justices selected by the left, and 4 Justices that the other Justices must unanimously agree are fair and neutral arbiters of the law?  Wouldn't that be fair? Wouldn't it be nice to have a Court that focused on justice rather than politics?  Oh, and let's have them subject to the same ethics rules other Judges have to abide by for a change.  The idea of no man above the law needs to apply to Supreme Court Justices too.

  • 1,178
    Voted Yes

    whether they will is another thing. i expect they won't but i won't object to them surprising me by doing it.

  • 620
    Voted Yes

    Government overreach to the extreme! Only participants that must be involved in medical decisions involving reproduction have got to be the woman that is pregnant and her doctor.

    Politicians,forced birth advocates and anyone other than doctor/patient must absent themseves from any decision!!!

  • 2,741
    Voted Yes

    If you don't approve of abortion, don't get one! 🤔

  • 116
    Voted Yes

    Why would a judge be allowed to make a medical decision on the validity of abortion pills, and having done so why is he still a judge? Since he did not consult the FDA before banning the product!

    Also why is Clarence Thomas not fired for violating the ethics of his office? He took a number of expensive trips that were never reported!

    Shouldn't these folks be held to a higher standard? People holding offices with less influence seem to be held to a much higher standard, what am I missing?

  • 3,700
    Voted Yes

    Of course!

  • 3,959
    Voted Yes

    CAUSES ASKS: "Do you think the Supreme Court should restore nationwide access to the abortion pill?"  ME:  You bet I do.  And congress should overturn the Comstock Act.  I am so tired of misogynistic GOP right-wing political hacks thinking they're science and medical pros and putting women at serious rick of harm and death. 

  • 3,039
    Voted Yes

    This medication is necessary for the health of women in this country. The corrupt Supreme Court has no credibility and it's decisions are bought and paid for by their own rt wing agenda and donors