Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Six-Week Abortion Ban Into Law

Do you oppose Florida's reduction of abortion access?

  • 94.6k
    Voted Oppose

    Home pregnancy tests vary in sensitivity and it can take 10-21 days to detect a pregnancy leaving only 3 weeks to take action. In states with bans and criminalization, providers will be leaving the state as it's to risky to practice there leaving few appointments for woman living there. Plus Florida's requires 2 appointments 24 hr apart which uses up 1 of those 3 weeks given the scheduling challenges.

    DeSantis is trying to make it look like you can get an abortion but making it almost logistically impossible.

    "Home pregnancy tests can differ in how early they’ll detect a pregnancy. In many cases, you might get a positive result from an at-home test as early as 10 days after conception. For a more accurate result, wait until after you’ve missed your period to take a test. Remember, if you take a test too soon, it could be negative even if you’re pregnant. If you get a negative test and then miss your period, take another test."

    "The State of Florida now requires all persons seeking abortions to delay their care for 24 hours and make two trips to a clinic. This means that a person must make two separate appointments, at least 24 hours apart, to receive an abortion. Delaying access to abortions is medically unnecessary and we understand that this delay will cause hardships for the people seeking care such as missed work, lost wages, increased travel costs, and additional childcare considerations."



  • 2,520
    Voted Support


    White men who are petrified of losing power need to butt out of everyone's private medical business. Women do not need your help in deciding the best medical care. DeSantis is a joke, hopefully a joker who doesn't rise any farther in the power structure. 

  • 1,927

    I actively and totally oppose any restrictions on abortion or other health care for women and all individuals. Anything less is the dereliction of medical duty.

  • 48.6k
    Voted Oppose

    This is who DeSantis really is! He signed this in the dead of night so that the American general electorate might not hear about it, and he was so scared of the consequences that he's not talking about it in public, but this is who he is.

    DeSantis does not support women's healthcare, nor a woman's right to choose. 

    He is unfit for office nationally, since over 60% of Americans support at least some level of abortion access well past 6 weeks, when many women don't even know they're pregnant.

  • 1,716
    Voted Support

    I support DeSantis

  • 3,955
    Voted Oppose

    Oppose with every ounce of my being!  The SOB preaches "FREEDOM" out of his piehole every time he speaks but that "FREEDOM" sure isn't for ALL of us now is is?   What is more "FREE" than deciding what happens to YOUR OWN BODY?!  They whine about "government overreach" but want to control how you live and who you love...

  • 46
    Voted Oppose

    This is to my lawmakers. You all need to stop these restrictive abortion laws that are occurring in other states.  Women should not be treated as chattle or infantilized.  This needs to stop and we need your leadership to help us pass laws at the federal level.  I know you are hitting walls on the republican side but there has to be some deals you can cut with the moderate ones.  Also, let's start looking at the ERA again.  

  • 542
    Voted Oppose

    Ron DeFascist is a Nazi. This is textbook FASCISM but you're not allowed to study history in Magastan.

  • 9,016
    Voted Oppose

    Like a thief at night -----taking away womens rights !

  • 3,938
    Voted Oppose

    Ron DeSantis is a whacked out idiot. Just look at his steps and the last year he picks a fight with a children's theme park probably one of the largest employers in the state, that's good for business DeSantis you idiot. I doubt that you've been DeSantis supporters would be really happy if Disney World made the smart choice and left Florida. What business would want to be in Florida with an idiot governor like DeSantis.

  • 1,810
    Voted Oppose

    Every woman in the state of Florida forced to give birth needs to sue the state for support during pregnancy.

  • 3,938
    Voted Oppose

    Is it occurred to anybody that Ron DeSantis may be suffering from a mental illness. I think it's becoming more and more obvious.

  • 285
    Voted Oppose

    A six week ban is before many women even know they are pregnant.  And while this ban allegedly makes an exception for rape victims, the requirement of documentary proof makes this exception meaningless.  Most rapes are simply not reported for a variety of reasons and the proof required is beyond what most women can produce.  Basically, this law strips women of any control of their own bodies and lives and renders them little more than incubators for the state.  DeSantis signed this bill because he thinks it puts him in good stead with the extreme right and advances his chances in the primaries.  He did it in the dark of night because, on some level, he recognizes that the rest of the public does not approve. In other words, he once again demonstrates he is a gutless power hungry ass who doesn't care whether what he does hurts people as long as it serves his goal of attaining power. The good news is, this will hurt him in a general election because even women who would never normally consider an abortion, don't like the idea of having the government make the choice for them.

  • 3,705
    Voted Oppose

    Every mother should be able to sue this guy personally.

  • 2,746
    Voted Oppose

    Not government business... 

  • 1,002
    Voted Oppose

    It's time for Congress to step-up to represent the MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC who support a woman's right to body autonomy. Instead, the minirity of GOP Leadership have aligned with faux-Christians to tear down the wall between church and state in order to grasp and maintain power through whatever means possible. It's now working to further void the trained judgements of medical and scientific experts at the FDA who have allowed medication that have been PROVEN safe for abortions. The greatest danger to the American public is a group of ignorant power-Hungary politicians interfering with trained experts! Come on Congress, step-up and do the job for which you were elected in this REORESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY. 

  • 1,843
    Voted Oppose

    this is very dangerous for Florida for women

  • 3,039
    Voted Oppose

    Ron Mussolini DeFascust is a flagrant misogynist and fascist, he is also corrupt and a coward as he operates in the shadows 

  • 854
    Voted Support

    If you don't live in Florida your opinion is not important. This is for Florida citizens to deal with. Personally, I am in opposition, but I don't live in Florida. My position is only important in my home state. Florida can choose how they want.


  • 871
    Voted Oppose

    As a Floridian, I am appalled with the facists moves our governor is making in our state!!  READ the 14th Amendment and make it work like it's supposed to start with.  100 years and we are STILL not following our own laws in this state.  I hope every fascist gets voted out!!

  • 1,498
    Voted Oppose

    desantis is endangering the health of the women of Florida.

    And on that note, he is also a danger to the education of Florida's youth with his book bans, restriction on what history is taught and racist agenda.