Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Pushes For Harsh New Immigration Legislation

Do you agree with DeSantis' strict proposal?

  • 111.4k
    Voted Oppose

    DeSantis claims Florida is a law and order state but this legislation is anything but when lawyers can be charged with a felony for driving a client they represent to a court hearing, and doctors can not follow the Hippocratic Oath in treating patients which would result in their losing their professional accreditation for practicing their profession as require by their professional ethics.

      Further more for DeSantis to declare the US has an “Open” border makes him nothing more than a Putin tool spreading Russian propaganda that will have the direct opposite effect than this legislation is trying to do, reduce immigration. Instead the headline news around the world is Florida Governor says the US Border is open so go pack your bags and start walking.

      Nor are the economic costs of this legislation considered especially since 80% of Florida State revenues come from sales tax since Florida is a no state tax state which everyone including illegal immigrants & tourists pay. And with 90% of illegal immigrants being people overstaying visas the line between tourist and illegal immigrant is blurred. Other considerations are:

      (1) E-verify system expensive & inaccurate will cost employers a minimum of 13.5M hours (not counting legal & medical service users for clients & patients)

      (2) the economic engine of many of the sectors of Florida: caring for children, elderly, and sick, putting food on tables, teaching students, lawn care, building trades, etc. are staffed with immigrants keeping the state economically and culturally vibrant. 

      (3) immigrants without a documented status pay $600M annually in state and local taxes. 

      (4) 281,000 immigrants pay tuition and fees at state colleges and 36% of Florida’s small businesses are immigrant-owned


  • 285

    Here comes fascist autocrat DeSantis with another bright idea.  So now we want MD's to be responsible for determining someone's immigration status before providing care.  So much for the Hippocratic oath.  And if I see a person in need of help, I can be charged with a felony for helping them without determining their immigration status?  Now the State of Florida can invalidate the driver's license issued by another state because they don't agree with their laws? Can religious leaders be charged if their religion directs them to welcome the stranger and help those in need?  What crimes do people who offer any degree of support to immigrants face?  What about monetary contributions to immigrant groups? Is that a crime? Is my free speech restricted if it aids immigrants? Any Christian who supports this should reread their Bible because this is not consistent with what Jesus said.  Nor is it consistent with the Constitution.  There is no open border policy.  Most people who cross illegally are caught. This is just another mean spirited and hateful idea that furthers DeSantis' culture war.  The thing that makes all this so phenomonally stupid is that we desperately need immigrants.  They pay taxes and do a lot of the jobs Americans simply won't do.  Their children grow up to be some of the most driven and innovative members of our society. America's success has always been driven by immigrants and without constantly replenishing that source we stagnate.  We are cutting our own throats by closing our doors.

  • 341
    Voted Support

    Has Support strict immigration laws on our border. All the drugs. The sin criminals are allowed to come in. There's no filter. This is our country we built it and now it's been turned into Venezuela.

  • 54.7k
    Voted Oppose

    Wonder if the Dumber than a DeDoorknob will crawl under his desk in the dark of night to sign this one like he did with the 6 week abortion ban he signed last night? Proving once again, he's SCARED!

  • 3,405

    Well this is just shocking!  Mr. DeSantis is going to make Florida a big gambling State!  I know the people there have voted against that at least 4 different times, so they don't want it.  Why would DeSantis want a gambling state?  Oh yeah, money laundering, that is the only other thing that could benefit him there.  Wake up, smell the toast.  The people that live there are in fear!

  • 1,103
    Voted Support

    What's going on at the border is an absoute joke.  Biden should have been impeached if not for that than for allowing a Chinese Spy balloon to fly over our bases in the US collecting data.  This Country is becomming a political joke and things need to change before we change the entire Congress.

  • 7,796
    Voted Support

    It's time to address the forever rising amount of illegal immagrants.  We need to take a stand against Biden's open boarders. This is causing a lot ofpmeu and pain to our great nation.

  • 44
    Voted Oppose

    I'm felling sad, about this situation in Florida it causes fear in the population,and created a negative impact on the Florida economy 

  • 44
    Voted Oppose

    It will impact negative the Florida economy 

  • 13.9k
    Voted Oppose

    Except Unless he send the fascist republican cubans back to Cuba,

  • 59.1k
    Voted Oppose

    I think this is illegal under the Constitution, if not a violation of medical ethics. Doctors cannot deny someone care, and they would be tempted to if they doubted someone's citizenship.

    Either way, DeSantis has no power over immigration. He's the governor of a sinking banana republic that's trying to take away its residents' rights and freedoms, and is too extreme to ever win a general election for President. 

  • 542
    Voted Oppose

    Ron DeFascist: Making Florida Stupid. This is textbook FASCISM but you're no longer able to study history in Magastan.

  • 9,293
    Voted Oppose

    I propose Desantis Leave the USA and live in a country more suited to his ideas.!

    WE do need immigration reform BUT not his!

  • 1,829
    Voted Oppose

    He is a small man with nothing but hatred in his little heart.

  • 136
    Voted Oppose

    Ron DeSantis wants doctors to ask patients their legal status as a condition of care?  He has no heart, he is a souless individual, playing to the far right.  How I long for more moderate candidates from both sides of the isle!

  • 1,013
    Voted Oppose

    This country has been moving backwards in steps "for that more perfect Union" and being a symbol of the "American Dream." With the dominance of the new Republican Party, we are now the country of racism, ignorance and hate.  It's truly heartbreaking. 

  • 1,048
    Voted Support

    According to federal law, illegals are responsible to pay for their own way. The Public Purse is not to be used.

    Taking action against groups or people involved with Human trafficking will reduce their suffering.

  • 3,808
    Voted Oppose

    Does NaziRon think cruelty will make him more popular?

  • 2,849
    Voted Oppose

    Need reforms, but not that! 

  • 4,042
    Voted Oppose

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing for a proposal that would crack down on the border crisis: penalizing those who aid undocumented immigrants, calling on doctors to ask patients their legal status as a condition of care, and more.  Do you agree with DeSantis' strict proposal?"   ME:  DeSantis is an extreme autocratiic dictator enamoured with political power, grabbing what he can and to hell with who he harms. Ignore medical advice on COVID.  Endorse white suppremitist history of race relations.  Cut help for trans kids.  Denigrate LGBTQ people. Permit no help or charity or medical assistance for migrants (assuming, of course, that if one falls ill there's no chance of transmitting that illness?).  It goes on and on.   IMHO, he's a major symbol of what's wrong with America.  And people want him for President?  Forget not that Hitler was elected, too.

  • 1,028
    Voted Oppose

    Desantis is a weak man!! 

  • 3,039
    Voted Oppose

    Another fascist move by Ron Mussolini DeFascist

  • 7,796
    Voted Support

    Our country is being invaded by drug lords, human traffickers, rapist and thieves.  
    The small town I live in has become a battleground with shootings just about every other day.  Most of these happen in early morning hours (6am-8am) or afternoon.  It's sad to think that at any given moment, we could get hit by a stray bullet.  This wasn't the case a couple of years ago.  What has happened to our society?