After Chemical Spill, Philly Residents Have Concerns About Water Safety

Do you support Philadelphia officials telling residents that the water is safe to use and drink?

  • 42.2k
    Voted No

    I personnaly want the politicians to say that they feel the water is safe to drink, but caution should be exercised until the professionals can fully assess and certify that there are no known hazards.

    Often statements are made to calm the public without the facts needed to back up the claims being made. It has happened in long contaminated water for 'less desirable' communities as a money saving tactic,

  • 51.9k
    Voted Yes

    I think the experts who have studied the water should have the final say on whether the water is safe to drink or not, and consumer beware.

    We know what happened in Flint and East Palestine and northern Minnesota. If you trust the authorities, drink the water. If you don't, then do what you need to do to protect your family.

    It's clear we need better guidelines and procedures for protecting, treating, and testing our water supply in this country.

  • 9,166

    ONLY if all the testing is complete!

  • 99.3k
    Voted No

    Residents should be told not to drink the water till the investigations are complete, and the company minimally should be required to provide those effected with drinking water.

    This company has a history of problems and thus far corrective action has consisted of remediation only no preventive maintenance to avoid machinery & pipe failures.

     Bristol-based, Trinseo Altuglas Facility, a specialty chemical maker stopped production at on Friday (3-24) after 8,000+ gallons of latex emulsion leaked from the plant due to an equipment failure where it entered the storm drain where it flowed to Otter Creek and then to the Delaware River. The company has a long history of accidents has and been subject to frequent monitoring by government regulators including 4 recent contamination incidents ( the US Coast Guard detected 2 releases of acrylates from the Bristol facility into the Delaware, the EPA had separately detected 2 other acrylate releases).

    The company is cooperating with the US Coast Guard, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Philadelphia Water Department, and local authorities to determine potential impact and remediation.

    The Philadelphia Water Department felt confident that tap water from the Baxter drinking water treatment plant, fed by Delaware River was safe to drink at least till Monday night, but the department said the spill could potentially affect the water treated at Baxter. The city's other two treatment plants are unaffected as they draw water from the Schuylkill River.

    “David Salas-de la Cruz, a Rutgers University associate professor of chemistry, worked at the Bristol plant during its Rohm and Haas days. He said the number of incidents over the past decade was unusual.”


    2010, EPA investigated  plant’s release of 1,760 pounds of methyl methacrylate during transfer to a storage tank, and reported the incident led to “the excavation and disposal of the contaminated soil.”

    2012-2013 EPA documented another release, this time of butyl acrylate and ethyl acrylate, that required remediation between 2012 and 2013.

    2014, the Coast Guard reported the plant spilled 300 gallons of ethyl acrylate, resulting in a facility evacuation, a shelter-in-place order for a local school, removal of soil and asphalt contaminated by the chemicals.

    2020, EPA  corrective action plan for a 60-acre area encompassing the facility and surrounding land used for chemical or wastewater processing for over a century. The agency found that the groundwater throughout the area was “contaminated with a variety of organic and inorganic chemicals.”

    2021, the Coast Guard identified an Arkema pipeline at the facility as the source of another leak involving an unknown quantity of methyl methacrylate.

  • 5,259
    Voted Yes

    I don't really support or disapprove of it. If the water is safe to drink, then I support it. If they're lying, then I don't support it.

    Either way, I hope it was Tookany Creek, where we used to play when I was a kid. I remember fondly how we'd skip rocks and debate whether the water needed more latex finishing solution in it....

  • 159
    Voted No

    Historically speaking, I can't recall when that ever ended well. You try it first. 

  • 13.6k
    Voted No

    I'm sure...lets see them ( the govenor , and other state officials ) drink a big glass straight from the tap...won't happen.

    Remember Flint ? there water is still poison, and was due to the pipes.

    this is the source itself. who actually believes its clean that fast? or will ever be again?


  • 103
    Voted No

    Public officials always want to maintain the status quo. Get an independent group to test the water.

  • 6,775
    Voted No

    My actual answer is "Yes and No."  The state toxicologists must not "sugar-coat" or over-simplify their answers.  

    First, on e of things I learned in medical school is literally EVERYTHING is toxic!  

    It all depends on dose--how much, how frequantly and how much.  

    The simplest way to divide a toxic exposure is by Acute Exposures vs. Chronic Exposures.  

    Acute Exposures require higher doses to be dangerous.  

    Chronic Exposures can be much smaller because they accumulate in the body over a longer term...

  • 17.4k
    Voted No

    Not since the Flint fiasco. 

  • 3,770
    Voted No

    The greedy corporations and the billionaires behind them must be punished and stomped on until they pose no more threat to the public. Those billionaires and their whole families must be stripped of possessions until they are poor and imprisoned and their money has been spent cleaning up their mess.

  • 3,405
    Voted No

    The people that I know that have lived there have never dared to drink any of the water.  Everyone knows that it is full of chemicals.  Bottled water is always on hand if you are thristy.

  • 3,403
    Voted No

    I do not trust any officlas regarding the safety of water or air after what happened in Palestine , Ohio.  Not anymore!

  • 1,900
    Voted No

    Let them stand up & drink a glass of it in front of the people, and THEN maybe they'll believe it.

  • 1,714
    Voted No

    Enough lies. They are unacceptable. Stop killing people while your pockets are being stuffed. 

  • 854
    Voted Yes

    An ordinary resident is not qualified to determine water safety. An ordinary politician is not qualified to determine water safety. So why is this up for a poll? Water experts ARE qualified. That's who should be deciding this. 

  • 2,934
    Voted No

    Prove it!

  • 2,772
    Voted Yes

    If it's true...! 

  • 1,532
    Voted No
