Thousands in Russia and Ukraine Displaced After Kakhovka Dam Collapsed

Do you think the U.S. should be doing more to help Ukraine?

  • 42.2k
    Voted Yes

    The civilized world needs to proactively get Ukraine the military weapons and and equipment that it needs to decisvely remove the Russian presence in all of it's sovereign territories. The Russians are attacking civilians, kidnapping and 'reprogramming' their children and destroying Ukraine's civilian infrastructure. We need to get the military aid that Ukraine needs to them, now.  So far it has always been too little and always too late.

    Meanwhile the cicivilian population is being killed outright, being starved, denied power during the cold of winter and now have a major source of potable water intentionally being taken away,

    If this continues, there will be little left of Ukraine, their people, their culture, or their history. And for what? Just so the putin can realize his dream of becoming the reincarnation of Peter the Great. It is disgusting and the Putin must be stopped or the whole of Europe will be at risk. 

    We need to get more equipment to Ukraine than they currently need, so they can rid themselves of these war criminals and the Russian people can rid themselves of the putin.

    The putin's war is a disgusting stain on the history of the world and it must be eradicated. 

  • 2,959

    My thoughts on this situation is the belief that Russia and it's government does not have the ability, common sense, or intellect to take care of its own population except by way force on the population.  They may have removed the country's monarchy but they have put into power dictatorial, self grandizing control freaks  who obviously wish to bring down the entire world.  I'm waiting to see what will happen when they try to pull this stunt on China or vice versa.  Both countries have a reputation for "back stabbing" any entity that tries to remove their control.  It will cost many lives and do the earth itself, no favors.  There will always be rebellions no matter how hard you try to stop them.  Each and every country needs to work for the betterment of ALL through health education and well being and by allowing each and every one of us "free wiil" to follow our own paths, make our own choices, and live our own lives to the best of our abilities without governments and religion forcing their ideaology upon the masses. 

  • 51.9k
    Voted No

    I support financial aid and military equipment, and that's all at this time. I'm troubled by this water issue, but we should allow NGOs and the European neighbors to help with this. We are providing enough support for now, although I wish those tanks would get there sooner.


  • 99.3k
    Voted Yes

    Yet another reason that Ukraine needs to recover its eastern lands in order to control its water & electrical supply needed to sustain life in Ukraine as the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station supplies over half of Ukraine's power needs, and the Kakhovka Reservoir supplies southern Ukraine and much of Ukrainian agriculture with water, as well as the hydroelectric plant used for power generation. 

    The US needs to supply the weapons needed in a timely manner so Ukrainians can take back their land and resources to sustain life in Ukraine.

  • 3,195

    How is the Russian Invasion Causing a Water Crisis in Ukraine?

         (EXTRARPT)  Russia appears to be draining an enormous reservoir in Ukraine, imperiling drinking water, agricultural production and safety at Europe's largest nuclear plant, according to satellite data obtained by NPR.

         Since early November 2022, water has been gushing out of the Kakhovka Reservoir, in Southern Ukraine, through sluice gates at a critical hydroelectric power plant controlled by Russian forces. As a result, satellite data shows that the water level at the reservoir has plummeted to its lowest point in three decades. Separate images provided by the commercial companies Planet and Maxar show water pouring through the gates, and shoreline along the giant reservoir emerging as a result of the rapidly falling water levels.

         Water levels in the Kakhovka Reservoir have dropped sharply

    Water levels have dropped by approximately 2 meters (or about 6 feet) (EXTRARPT)


  • 694
    Voted No

    We started this mess and we need to end it. Stop preventing peace and fueling the fire. We are the original aggressors trying to control the world and thankfully the world seems to be waking up to our BS. 

  • 242
    Voted Yes

    Absolutely yes please.   They matter. Also American red cross too.  Help them to reach AMERICA PLEASE immediately.  

  • 612
    Voted No

    Why not just start WW 3 and get it over with

  • 412
    Voted Yes

    The greatest non-RepublicN threat to democracy is Putin if we want to protect decomxracy in the USA and Ll other countrie, we must defeat Putin. 

  • 788
    Voted Yes

    We need to get rid of Putin.  One of the biggest threat to United States.  He thought could keep Trump in office since he was controlling him.  When that didn't work out he invaded Urankin.   

  • 2,622
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted No

    Happy to take care of Ukraine as soon as we take care of our own problems like homelessness, food insecurity and veterans and don't forget immigration 

  • 2,934
    Voted Yes

    Russia is committing war crimes and has illegally taken the Ukrainian land.  They need to be stopped and right now the Ukrainian army are our proxy.  Cheaper to pay them than to put our feet on the ground - unless the MAGA types want to go over.  Oh yes, they will join the Russian side.  No collusion with Russia there!

  • 1,171
    Voted Yes

    It's time to put an end to Putin's "fantasies" of grandeur and end the pain and sufferring of all the people!

  • 565
    Voted No

    Our help has only prolonged and escalated the war. 

  • 2,772
    Voted Yes

    Always support democracy against aggression! 

  • 1,128
    Voted Yes

    We must defeat putin in Ukraine so he cannot continue his attempts to take over other nations.  I pray putin dies soon.

  • 8,497
    Voted Yes

    The Republican party is not only a party on hate, bigotry and bullying, but ;

  • 2,451
    Voted Yes

    I'm in facor of doing everyhing we can do to help Ukriane.  It is evident that Putin is not just trying to win a war that he started without any justification, but he's trying to destroy the entire country of Ukraine, while also creating problems for his own citizens.  Putin must be stopped because if he isn't he'll take to war to other countries.

  • 1,337
    Voted Yes

    US should fully support Ukrain. 

  • 244
    Voted Yes

    I support any free country being invaded by a country that suppresses freedom and rules by terror.  If we don't support Ukraine, it's a green light for other countries to do the same thing, like China, for instance.  To be perfectly frank, I think it's more likly than not that Trump's meetings with these dictators was a stimulus to what we are seeing now.  Who knows what lies and classified information Trump told about the USA in those meetings to make Putin, Kim, Jinping and others more paranoid than they already are. I believe it's all related to what we are seeing now.  Trump is the biggest TRAITOR this country has ever seen and I am absolutely appaled that he is still running free and that the charges against him are still minor ones compared to his actual crimes against humanity and this country.

  • 1,706
    Voted Yes

    Everyone needs to do more to end this stupid war.  Too much needless deaths, kidnappings, and destruction.  Arrest the idiot putin and his minions for war crimes.  It's a no brainer.  This is all just a game to him.

  • 8,497
    Voted Yes

    You asked me on one of my sources? Here is one.

    You can search at the top!

  • 1,233
    Voted Yes

    Mr. Puttin is waging an all-out war if we are doing any business with them we are supporting it. The same goes for the Chinese if they choose to support them we need to limit import goods and have American companies rethink the cheap labor model they thrive on. As for the people in this country from Russia if they are not citizens or in the process we need to take a serious look at repatriating them to mother Russia.