Trump Is A Convicted Felon: Now What?

Do you think Trump is guilty?

  • 42.4k
    Voted Yes

    I am looking forward for the battle between the Manhattan DA, the Georgia DA, and several different DOJ prosecutors over who gets to have the first perp-walk of the trump in chains to his different trials.

    I know that the trump is kind of looking forward to a perp-walk becuase he thinks he can use it to solicit more funds out of the poor fools that support him. That ay be true, but most of the electorate, I believe, are still in favor of the rule-of-law and equal justice for ask convicted criminals.

    It will be interesting to see how the trump himself reacts when his illusion of wealth and power is finally seen by everyone as the optical illusion of smoke nad mirrors tha it actually is. I imagine that once a narcissist's shield of presumed wealth and power is taken away, they will have a major emotional reality to deal with.How will the trump deal with it?

  • 2,427

    When he is found guilty, all his presidential perks MUST BE RESCINDED.  He is a traitor to our country.  He tried to make us a dictatorship, for God's sake!  We must not allow a traitor to receive a salary, Secret Service protection, free postage or whatever benefits a true president would have.  On January 6th, and afterward with the stolen documents, he relinquished any rights to be treated as a former president would be - WITHOUT A DOUBT!

    And isn't it wonderful to see how the Fox News hosts TRULY FEEL about their audience?  Amazing how so many can continue to show their ignorance by still watching them. 

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    This will bring the MAGA supporters out of the woodwork. 

    I believe the statue of limitations has expired BTW

  • 1,085
    Voted Yes

    I am amazed how long justice takes to happen in the US whenever it is someone rich and powerful like Donald Trump getting sued or prosecuted. I mean, how much more evidence would any prosecutor or judge need finally put the guy behind bars? He literally called for his supporters to illegally protest Congress to prevent him from leaving office! Come on, lawyers! Prosecuting Trump should have been a walk in the park, man! 

  • 2,427

    This is not about setting a precedent.  This is about asking a man who is NO LONGER a sitting president to pay for his crimes as the rest of us would.  He relinquished the title and rights of President on January 6th!  Who would EVER believe that a treasonous, and at the time, sitting President would ever be allowed to run rampant committing crime after crime without any consequences.  Certainly not our Founding Fathers in the Constitution they labored over and created.  Does the Dump walk free just because our Founding Fathers never believed that such a thing would be possible? They would think that CRAZY; just as any educated, common sense, moral person would.  Should he be found guilty, he must lose all his presidential perks.  He violated our country as never before.  He was instrumental in the hundreds of thousands Covid deaths, even before the deaths on January 6th.  It is way beyond time for this man to be held responsible for his crimes.  Enough already!  He deserves no special treatment. Those who think otherwise are absolutely incorrect.  

  • 1,814
    Voted No

    All lies just to stop Trump from running again. We need to arrest the Biden's for accepting payments from China. It's all coming out and you socialists can't stop it

  • 60
    Voted Yes

    So much for the Law and Order Party. You guys need to resign. You will not be turning America into an Oligarchy. Justice will prevail. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Please lock this idiot criminal up so I don't have to look at his ugly face anymore on the news.

    Is there anyone that doesn't think Judge Cannon is in Trump's pocket? She's the poster child just as Clearance Bribe Me Thomas for a person that should never be put in the position that they're in, the Republican party has become nothing but a pathetic farce.

  • 1,172
    Voted Yes

    Now lock him up where he belongs. He wants 10 commandments in schools. He means his paying hookers raping murdering rioters go head elect the raciest see what happens. The next dictator. Republicans will do and say anything to get elected. Democrats you better start defending our great country or it will be long gone.

  • 4,455
    Voted Yes

    New Louisiana law requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom

    FIRST hang that around every republicans neck and 6 red benchers especially

    Thou shall not steal (elections)

    Thou shall not lie (bozo & his clowns) 

    you can add more! 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Another fine upstanding example of a Republican, who did nothing about the fact that the capital was disgraced piston pooped in and people were killed today:

    A witness told the house ethics committee that  representative Gatz paid her for sex, if Gatz is your representative then you paid for his sex. Which is apparently just the tip of the iceberg of the testimony that they're hearing . That's the Republican party today. He is one of the biggest loudmouth in the party. The first to condemn anybody he feels is lesser than he is and look what he does but he thinks it's OK because Donald Trump does the same thing and that's OK and that is what's wrong with the Republican party. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Here's another example how Trump has given right wing idiots to do whatever they want and think it's OK in Louisiana as of today it's mandatory that the 10 Commandments are displayed in every public school and every private school! What if this doesn't happen to be your religious affiliation? What the Republicans are doing is making it so in this country if you're not exactly like us then you're the enemy. That's not how this country was built. It was built by immigrants from all over the world. Somehow the Republicans now feel like they're holier than thou - what the hell happened to the Republican party , I know -  Donald Trump. Lock Him up. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    here's yet another reason Trump should be locked up because he's destroyed or is on his way of destroying totally our electoral process
    Over 100 South Dakota primary ballots that were rejected by the Republicans as being fake were found to be totally legitimate. They just "happened" to be from a district that was not Republican, what a shock!  This is exactly Trump's doing getting his minions to destroy our electoral system. All the while Trump cries the system is  crooked when all the while he's made it crooked. He is crooked. He's a convicted sex offender. He's a convicted business fraud and he's been convicted of 34 felonies and that's just the tip of the iceberg, what is wrong with the Republican party? 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Here's yet another reason to lock up Donald Trump, as if you need another reason, Dallas-area megachurch pastor Robert Morris admitted to molesting a 12 year old girl over a period of years!

    Who is Robert Morris besides a dirtbag he's one of trump's evangelical advisors!

    what an absolute match made in heaven or maybe hell between two sexual perverts a convicted Donald Trump for sexual offenses and I'm sure as soon to be convicted Robert Morris for sexual offenses. What the hell is happened to the Republican party? What the hell is happened to religion in this country when they support people like this?

    it gives their religion zero validity they have absolutely no morals whatsoever. And that's what Donald Trump has done to this country and that's the people Donald Trump surrounds himself with.

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Lock this idiot up he's on the road to destroying America and here's another example of it: Johnson says House will go to court for Biden recordings after DOJ says it won’t prosecute AG Garland.

    that's right they're willing to go to court over nothing but they didn't give a crap about the fact the people with Trump flags and mega hats rated the Destroyed it. Several people died. They crapped in. They pissed all over the walls, but that's OK with Mr. Johnson because he doesn't like America and he wants to see it defaced. And where does Mr. Butt kisser Johnson get this from kissing Donald Trump's butt. This is what's happened to America this is what Donald Trump has done to America.

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Lock this right wing radical idiot up. Here's some more damage the right wing has done to America.

    on the take Clarence Thomas made this statement after ruling bump stocks, which make weapons automatic machine guns are illegal:

    “A bump stock does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun any more than a shooter with a lightning-fast trigger finger does,” Thomas wrote in his opinion. “Even with a bump stock, a semiautomatic rifle will fire only one shot for every ‘function of the trigger.’”

    Who has a finger that's lightning fast that's a human being, no one. The point is that American lives have a little or no value to people like Clarence Thomas, who lives in La La Land this doesn't affect him nor other Republican politicians. You see as much as they approve all these things that Americans can murder each other with you're not allowed to bring any of them into absolutely any Republican event. It's bullshit. It's the slaughter of American American children. It's enough to make you puke on your shoes. That's what the Republican party has become, it's time to get these people out of office before they destroy this country and turn one of us against the other. It seems pretty obvious to me that that's exactly the backstory here are America up for a shootout. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Lock this creep up before he destroys America. Here's another example of what Trump has brought to us as Americans and from a Trump supporter and threatened an FBI agent.

    "You can run, but you can't [expletive] hide," he allegedly said in a June 11 voicemail. "So here's how its gonna go: [T's] gonna win the re-election and then we're gonna [expletive] go through the FBI and just start throwing you…into jail. OR, you can steal another election and then guns will come out, and we'll hunt you…down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are in your own [expletive] homes."

    Timothy Muller, 43, of Fort Worth a trump supporter.

  • 9,293
    Voted Yes

    The Jury has spoken! Time for Trump to understand he is NOT ABOVE THELAW. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Holy hell, the Republicans today blocked a bill to make in vitro fertilization available across the country today!!! Now are the Republicans not only anti-family they want to decide if you can have a family or not! 
    this is the Republican party. This is Donald Trump's dream total control over everyone if they have children how many children they can have what kind of wives they can live what the hell happened to the Republican party. Wake up America and vote these idiots out before they destroy this country and everyone's lives.

  • 281
    Voted Yes

    LOCK THE CONVICTED FELON UP!!!!  First reason, Michael Conhan recieved THREE years for his crimes HE COMMITTED FOR THE FELON IN CHIEF!!! SECOND, the Convicted Felon in Chief had his DOJ remove his name from anything to do with the Cohan crimes, so it does show he knew he did something illegal YEARS LATER and did not want to accept responsibility for said crimes!  THIRD, the Convicted Felon in Chief, HAS COMMITTED OTHER CRIMES AND FOUND GUILTY but in civil trails--he was found guilty of sexual assault and cheating on his taxes.  I understand these are civil cases BUT HE WAS FOUND GUILTY BY A JURY for those crimes!!!  SO HE IS A REPEAT OFFENDER not a first time criminal!!  FORTH, the Convicted Felon in Chief has not taken ANY RESPONSIBILITY for what he has done in ANY OF HIS PAST CASES OR PENDING CASES!!!  FIFTH, he continues to attack the judicial system, while I do agree their is are issues with the justice system (hint CENTAL PARK FIVE), he is not a victim of it. In fact, NO SUSPECT HAS BEEN TREATED BETTER SINCE MURDERERS OF EMMENT TILL and other murderers of black and brown people in the 50's and 60's!!!  LASTLY, the Convicted Felon in Chief tried to have Michael Cohan put back in jail AFTER Cohan was released for good behavior, all because Cohan was going to write a book!

    The idea of what this will do for the country is a shullbit excusr!!!  Nixon escaped responsibility for his crimes and look what happened.  The Convicted Felon in Chief can rot in a jail cell--AWAY FROM OTHER INDIVIDUALS while a Secret Service officer watches him on a monitor in a room close by.  It's that simple!!!  And he should be treated like other felons!!!


    And to my three worthless excuses for reps: at some point you will have to pull your head out of your Dear One, and I hope reality smacks you hard!!!  History will judge you as cowards and sycophants, HELL will reward you as it did the Nazi's.  May you forever spend your after life sucking your Dear One's . . . 
    oh, and Risch SNL did you right . . . 

  • 9,345
    Voted Yes

    I do understand why anyone think Trump bring prices down on good or Biden. This is a free market, capitalism what don't they understand. Corporations fix the price from oil to food! The price of oil is control by the oil industry and this effect everything. Corporations are not really a free market!

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Lock this criminal up along with the criminals in the Congress that support him.

    On that note the Republicans in the house find Merritt Garland in contempt while they couldn't have been given a
    C. R. A. P. That their presidential candidate directed people to break into the Congress smash its windows, smash its doors poop on the floors and pee on the walls. no, the Republicans in Congress did absolutely nothing about that. It was OK with them. That's the Republican party for you. That's what it stands for.

  • 55.1k
    Voted Yes

    A convicted felon should not be allowed to run for president, let alone be inaugurated.

    It's time to update the Constitution.

    How does anybody who believes in "law and order" think a convicted felon is the best we can do for a president?

  • 11.3k
    Voted Yes

    Dear media,  Stop calling them Trump’s voters and start calling them Trump’s marks.

  • 9,345
    Voted Yes

    Trump billionaires friend are are supporting Trump, it must be all the MAGA followers?

  • 252
    Voted Yes

    It's about time he get what any of us would have been in jail for months ago