New Data Suggests COVID Originated From Raccoon Dogs in Wuhan Market

Do you think Chinese researchers should have released this data earlier?

  • 41.9k

    If you recall, I late January of the year that Covid began to spread in this country, Chairman Xi caller the trump to tell him that they felt that the virus was likely being spread by aerosols instead of by surface contact. Xi also offered Covid test kits since our country had none,  which could have been used to significantly thwart community spread is deployed early. He also offered the world the complete genome of the strain of Covid to help find treatments and vaccines. Based on these actions, I strongly believe that if the Chinese knew of a tie to raccoon family of viruses, the world would have known as well.

    The reason we have e extremely adversarial relations with China largely began with the trump demeaning Xi and the Chinese people with his claims that they intentiaonaly caused Covid and such memorable quotes as 'Kung Flu'  

  • 94.3k
    Voted Yes

    Typical of the Chinese government to release the data buried in databases that only scientists doing their jobs will find, and ignore political inquiries from governments and international organizations so they can say we released it but you weren't doing your jobs. Also the scientific process is slow, requiring research, publication, peer reviews to gain consensus. Meanwhile the politicians fight and point fingers finding blame.

    Also suspect like Russia, China likes creating political decisiveness in the US & Western Europe which weakens their adversaries,

    "Florence Débarre, an evolutionary biologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research discovered genetic sequences of the virus that researchers in China—led by George Gao, former head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention—had uploaded to a public genomic database called GISAID. The sequences were subsequently taken down but not before several other researchers from different countries downloaded and analyzed them. Samples containing viral RNA, which had been collected at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in early 2020, also contained genetic material from raccoon dogs—a foxlike type of canid apparently sold at the market—as well as other animals. The genetic material came from the same areas of the market where SARS-CoV-2 was found, suggesting that the raccoon dogs may have been infected with the virus (possibly by other animals) and could have been the first to spread the virus to humans."

  • 8,471
    Voted No

    Honestly, would it have made a difference?

  • 48.2k
    Voted Yes

    Well, so much for all those who jumped on the lab theory two weeks ago! Now we know there's a strong possibility that COVID did indeed start from an animal.

    This is why we need strong evidence and certainty before making accusations or assumptions. 

    Again, it doesn't matter so much how it started as it matters why we didn't act stronger to stop it and how we will prevent the next one. I wish more politicians were focused on that.

  • 1,126
    Voted No

    The information about the origin of Covid-19 only matters if it could have brought about the development of a vaccine in a quicker timeframe.  Knowing the origin will not bring back the lives of the people who died before the development of the vaccine.  So that information will only provide knowledge that can be used to prevent an occurrence of a future pandemic.  The Pandemic response team that was created ater the Ebola outbreak could have prevented the Covid-19 virus from killing so many people.  So sad that the Pandemic response team was disbanded by Donald.  

  • 199

    This story is typical US/Big Pharma hoax and you should be ashamed of promoting it. 

    FYI, I spent almost 3 hours yesterday listening to the Congressional hearing on the Origin of Covid.  The panel included Dr Redfield the heas of the CDC during the height of the Covid hysteria.  He was very good as being clear that he never supported the Fauci myths of natural origin from any animal.  One of his most significant comments concerned research to find this 'virus' in natural studying 100's of animals.  This microbe just does not exist in nature.  Further, he and other doctors on the panel testified that the virus was one that was found in man-made in a lab creations.   He held firm on this despite his being politic about his disagreements with Fauci.   He also, very tellingly, described how Fauci and his crew decided to create a 1 note narrative and tolerate no questions.  As a consequence Dr. Redfield, a most significant and major player in this this history was intentionally excluded from decision-making meetings.  Fauci had 4 other medical research people who questioned this narrative but 1 call from Fauci and the next day these people all switched their stories.  Lots of $$$ flowed to them for their 'research' after this.

    So stop destroying your reputation with this nonsense and start asking why it is being so heavily pushed by the Pharma industry and the people they fund.

  • 3,700
    Voted Yes

    Of course, the communists kept it quiet.

  • 1,696
    Voted Yes

    Those poor animals that they breed over there serve a purpose for them.  I can't get into it totally, but, those dogs are raised for their fur.  The awful part is that they skin those dogs ALIVE and then toss them in a pile to suffer an agonizing death!  They believe the fur is better if the animal is alive.  F***ing horrific!

    We all knew the virus originally came from China, but of course they wouldn't admit to it.  So many questions, too many deaths, and so little answers because they refused to be at fault for it in the first place.

    If you have a chance to, watch the movie Contagion.

  • 8,978
    Voted Yes

    Continue research so we can prevent or lessen the effects of the next virus.

  • 1,714
    Voted Yes

    Bottom line is let's stop trying to stir up hate against Chinese people. Let's make sure it never happens again. Why did you pull oversight out of China? Whoever allowed THAT is ultimately responsible. Was that the evil plot? One has to wonder. So anxious to point fingers. Stop removing oversight across the board. 

  • 857
    Voted No

    This is one of those, "Do you still beat your wife", questions.  It's not whether this data should have been released or not, it's whether this data has any basis in reality, and I would say no.

  • 2,515
    Voted Yes

    Another no brainer. Of course they should have. However, the Chinese MO, which we witnessed during travel in China, is to hide the truth.

  • 809
    Voted Yes

    Well, of course, they should have. But, then they really didn't have time to put together this storyline and cobble together a pile of feces that was sellable.

  • 1,834
    Voted Yes

    This was very dangerous to the public 

  • 3,959
    Voted Yes

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "New data found strong evidence suggesting that COVID-19 originated from raccoon dogs at a market in Wuhan, China. The analysis, conducted by an international group of researchers, uncovered genetic data that could prove raccoon dogs were carrying and infecting other animals with SARS-CoV-2. Do you think Chinese researchers should have released this data earlier?"  ME: Of course, had it been fully known earlier.  However, then or now, I suspect it wouldn't/won't make much difference in the highly partisan arguments over covid's origin.  

  • 565
    Voted Yes

    YES, but does it really matter now? what's done is done. It does not bring back the dead. China is a DISGRACEFUL country who don't care about human life so why would they care about this? 

  • 2,741
    Voted Yes


  • 257
    Voted Yes

    Well, I acknowledge that the markets in Wuhan Province in the Mainland China really are filthy and unhealthy in the poor & unclean hygiene conditions. Only Communist Chinese government still seems to cover up truth and then it still refuses to release a proof of true evidence of raccoon dog or bat or other animals being sold in the "wet" markets in new datas to our UN's WHO. China commits violations to WHO under UN in a concern.

  • 1,527
    Voted Yes


  • 406
    Voted Yes

    The data is interesting but incomplete and not transparent.  Like the “lab leak” data, this is unconvincing and should be treated as such.

  • 2,600
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Yes

    China and the American government do not want the American people to know the truth....... this is an example of why people fear and hate Trump. He was uncovering government corruption.