Wyoming Bans Abortion Pill, Texas Judge Considers Nationwide Ban

Should more states ban medication abortion?

  • 2,567
    Voted Oppose

    Old white men who know nothing about women's bodies should butt the hell out of women's health care. Men are embarrassed by any discussion of menstruation and cringe during discussions of vasectomies. Why the hell do they think they have any right at all to regulate of restrict women's health care? Stay the hell away from our bodies!  

  • 3,405

    It's quick, clean, and does no harm.  Why do people try to make such a struggle out of someone else's business?

  • 661
    Voted Support

    Medical abortion by pill should be banned throughout the United States. When an abortion takes place, at least one life is taken.

  • 1,559
    Voted Oppose

    This is the Trump GOP cult action against women, sponsored by old white men seeking the far right votes to keep their useless elected positions.  This is an attack on women's rights and our freedoms for insideous reasons.  We had a majority support Roe vs Wade SCOTUS approved solution only to be overturned by the Trump extremest SCOTUS, who do not represent our country, just the far right GOP.  And BTW, I am an Independent and think both parties have let us down by their extreme decisions based upon a small percentage of the parties. 

  • 1,013

    Its time for Congress to legislate protection of trained medical professiinals, pharmasists and the FDA to prescribe and distribute medicines for abortions or other MEDICAL PROCEDURES that reinforce a woman's body autonomy. Enough of the interference of religious doctrine's interference with the rights of all Americans.

  • 809
    Voted Support

    A well-written article says it all.



  • 217
    Voted Oppose

    This is not pro-life but pro-death for women, children and the family !!!!!!!

  • 2,427
    Voted Oppose

    Here's a truth.  Women are not your little dolls to use as you wish.  We are strong and we will defeat those of you who think otherwise.  Stay out of my body or have every young boy of procreating age have his tubes tied until a woman agrees to have his child. Then he can have the procedure reversed.  No Viagra or any substance that contributes to a man's virility. They must be banned.  Enough of women bearing the burden of your using them and then throwing them out in the streets. If you marry, then divorce them, at least half of your salary should be given to them.  If they need more, our government should assist them by giving them the ability to earn a living wage.  I do not support a lifetime of welfare payments.  Additionally, if you then go on to impregnate more women, then you must be neutered, and pay for those children, too.  There should be jail time, if you do not properly provide for these children.  Our taxpayer dollars should not have to bear the brunt of your escapades or dereliction!  Men need to be held responsible, too.  The teenage boy, who is a star in sports, should not be allowed to shrug off his responsibilities because he is deemed special.  Enough already.

    Let us go or suffer the consequences!


    Hey, JimK, missed you, also.  Always thought of you and many others but you, my first friend here, the most.  Be safe my friend.  Still looking forward to that luncheon.  Hope to be down in the lower 48 this Fall.  Fingers crossed. 🤗😊🙏❤️

  • 2,427
    Voted Oppose

    Murkowski, Sullivan and Peltola, you had better shape up and start doing something constructive or, hopefully, your days are numbered!  You are disgraces to our country.  Shape up or get out.  Your silence on the critical issues is alarming!  Sullivan and Murkowski, you are part of a party that encourages division and hatred. Peltola, you ran as a Democrat but are now acting like a Republican.  Are you a Manchin or a Sinema now? You all lie, lie lie and your silence about key issues is alarming.  You are following a party that wants to destroy freedom and embrace a dictatorship.  You will not ban assault rifles or even just make it harder for people to get them.  You still let them say the election was stolen, even though you know it was not.  You are banning books.  This CRT bull is outrageous.  You refuse to help our teachers in so many ways that we are unable to replace them. You encourage businesses that are contributing to the increasing climate change that is destroying our lives, causing a loss of homes, as well as many animal extinctions.  Yet gas ovens and a change in M&M's makes you outraged.  You are disgusting cowards.  I cannot express the depths of my disgust for you.  I could go on and on, but I know it will make no difference to you.  I hope you reap what you sow. May God judge you exponentially. Amen to that!

  • 1,337
    Voted Oppose

    Politicians and religion should stay out of women's personal decisions and lives.

  • 452
    Voted Oppose

    Enough already! Get your damn noses out of my business! Free country?

  • 217
    Voted Oppose

    Some state are pushing the death penalty for abortion. It's must be the kinder gentler state? The MAGA feel execution are the way to change minds on everything!

  • 2,237
    Voted Oppose

    I support Federal protection for the rights of Doctors to provide care to patients.  That includes preventing the enforcement of state laws that restrict Doctors or Patients from Federally approved care of any kind. 

  • 60
    Voted Oppose

    Why are people assuming control of another persons body?  Ten steps backwards.

    This is a personal choice.  

  • 74
    Voted Oppose

    I am 100% opposed to any government regulation or law, state or federal that interferes with a woman's right to decide how to proceed with her pregnancy. Full support a woman's right to choose!!!

  • 84
    Voted Oppose

    Politicians and judges should never practice medicine. 
    Seems like there's a law about practicing medicine without a license.

    You're not qualified to be making these decisions. 
    It's not small government to be in everyones bedrooms, doctors offices, and insisting people hold your false knowledge as truth.

    Women don't owe you anything, we aren't your incubators, we're not your property, we have the right to control our own bodies. The Constitution is non bianary, you have zero right to put laws or restrictions on certain groups of people. All citizens born and naturalized are to have the same rights. Read the Constitution, keeps your religious beliefs out of my government and laws. 
    You're not qualified for your jobs.

  • 852
    Voted Oppose

    I've seen something strange in high school. I boy knew the girl would come into reality and had seed with a condom with her because his plan wad to marry her by getting her pregnant by poking a hole in the condom. See, or society deeply encourages a woman to be experimental with sex. They think condoms actually work. Now with this attack on women, we should let them have their choice on whether to continue this family, this life or choose another at and when they choose. Yeah you say they chose and they get what they wanted but they didn't want that. That was a deceiveance committed by what seem to be natural yet radical decisions. See many men don't care how ugly he finds her, he just gotta have sex. He just had to get out in there and it'll feel like heaven. He's gonna wear a condom and he may learn that that really blocks the feelings. The next thing he learns is that there is a mind block that often times doesn't allow him to enjoy it because a good man needs to hear things from the woman that it's her choice to take his seed from him and welcomes it. To him this means there together man and woman and so on so he can actually enjoy the baby making process. This shared creation and this woman is his dream and that is when a man can say this woman is for me. A best orgasm besides positioning and all that. Now this ain't taught to kids in school or college unless they started, which I doubt. Now when a boy thinks his end is near because white nationalists, kkk, neonazis, and other white republican radical groups are so crazy as they are in America, he may just not have much to live for besides his hopes but those just get to be more and more ain't going nowhere in that direction at all thing, and things are quite ridiculous. The system is broken ladies and gentlemen and they can see it but the adults seem to be a bit blind about it. In America's past there were apprentices and people knew what they were gonna do and sorry of be. That ended and even geniuses are now completely overlooked and left without proper education. In America they could be minority and learn from the white kids that they have worldwide war plans and they'll starve them one day. This gets worse as they grow and get dirty looks from cops. They have no evil in their minds yet the evil comes because they expect to die. I never had an abortion. I seek, I played and if things couldn't work out I'd wait 6 months, get a std check and try again. I love every girl and we all lost because I didn't have opportunity. It would've been one, not more not less, and there'd be less waiting for me all at once. Our reps sold us out to monopolies and now endless poverty is predicted by MIT. O doesn't know exactly  how unchristian our founders were until recently but I did learn at Lane Tech here in Chicago that the Europeans sent with it's population those criminals that would've otherwise been chopped up and killed. They came as savages bent on genocide and they exist to this day as leaders of America. They are the rich and 95% of politicians they own through their lobbyists. They own 6 of 9 of the Supreme Court. They are a terrorist group that are traitors to all life on earth. They have declared war on the middle and lower class and all life on earth. 

  • 50
    Voted Oppose

    The decision to have an abortion is a private medical decision between a woman and her physician - not her politician who has no medical training (and no real  knowledge of the human body, especially a woman's) and has no understanding of her personal and private matters.  For a party that espouses "no government control" the hypocrisy of these abortion measures is not lost on your constituents.  While at the same time banning books and education - are you completely blind to these being forms of government control?  

  • 550
    Voted Oppose

    Pregnancy is such a personal thing for women, they should have the freedom of choice if they want to be pregnant or not! 

  • 151
    Voted Oppose

    Medical decisions should be between the patient and their provider.

  • 217
    Voted Oppose

    Idaho republicans has not only ban abortion, doctors and hospitals quit delivering babies, they brought the firing squad back, there's a psychiatrists shortages in schools, the Republican block free tampons in schools, Idaho agency want the court to stop the attorneys general from investigating child care grants. This is a state I was born in, thank God we move out of out of the neo Nazi, white nationalist, red neck central !!! The women and girls are on their own with the barbaric mentality of the state! I think it's a race to the bottom with the red stats?

  • 797
    Voted Support

    I believe no government funds should be used in providing abortions. Including any pills. But any pills used in abortions need to be safe for the mother. 

  • 42.2k
    Voted Oppose

    I think that we will need to build a great Arc and load it up with pairs of religious bigots, 2 by 2, and send them to settle of the large swaths of sea ice in the North Atlantic Their God or God's (we many need more than one Arc) can then punish the wicked that remain behind. 

  • 137
    Voted Oppose

    These are drugs are exclusively for early term abortions...the kind that are the only ones allowed in many states now, due to unscientific "Heartbeat" bills, that place personhood on a swatch of cells pulsing in rhythm, before even a brain has developed. Unless, and until birth control that is safe for everyone and perfectly effective is available,(NO currently available method is 100% effective, even when used perfectly!) then women NEED these alternatives. Depriving us of a drug proven to be both safe and effective reduces us to the status of incubators, not human beings.

  • 1,820
    Voted Oppose

    The radical fascist party wants to reinstate slavery! Women need to deny them the opportunity to procreate using all means necessary.