China Criticizes U.S. and Allies For Submarine Agreement

Do you support an increased military presence in the Indo-Pacific?

  • 42.2k
    Voted Yes

    China is concerned about the US providing nuclear submarines to Australia. Yeah, so what?

  • 9,166

    Being prepared is essential.

  • 13.6k
    Voted No

    Enough...enough war, bombs, missles and tanks...this is not making America safe, better, or more free. miltary spending is out of control.

    we need sustainable energy, housing and healthcare, good schools with books,and well paid teachers and staff.

    we need to get corporate money out of our politics. We need reinvest in our nations infulstruture. We need a strong ethics board, with the peoples intrests at heart, not personal gain, and grandstanding.

    War is always fought by the poor, to protect the economic intrests of the ruling class.

  • 3,959
    Voted Yes

    We have to. China is gradually worming their way throughout the world by using oceans. They have grown out of being a third world country. They have educated themselves to be one of three powerful countries. We grew colonial status after WWII. Then using the Marshal Act to gain friendship. Yes,China wants to take our place in the world as Number One. 

  • 2,959

    As long as China is concerned about our presence, it distracts from its colusion with Russia and Putin.  I don't think we need to increase our presence but I do approve of keeping China "on its toes".  Keep them guessing.  The fact that they would do it gives way to their own doubt about our presence.  Mind game for all.

  • 694
    Voted No

    Why are a dying empire desperate to maintain our hegemony. We have no business Saber Rattling with China or Russia. We are doing more harm than good and putting humanity in peril for a pissing match. It has to stop. Weapons of war and dirty fossil fuels should NOT BE OUR TOP EXPORTS! 

  • 280
    Voted Yes

    China needs some pressure put on them.

  • 43
    Voted Yes

    why can't people live in peace,there only one chance of life

  • 8,497
    Voted Yes

    China trying to go to war against a solvent country! No different than Russia!

  • 8,497
    Voted Yes

    Russia is moving nuclear weapons to Belarus, making Belarus and its people a major target now, beside Russia and its people. Putin is trying to suck other countries in to Putin bad decisions to take a solvent country and go to war.

  • 2,567
    Voted Yes

    Unfortunately, if we don't exert presence in the Pacific, China will. And it time that spells trouble for the world.

  • 2,237
    Voted Yes

    How DARE the rest of the world react to Chinese aggression and expansionism! <sarchasm>  China has claimed every one of the nearby nations, and conquered the ones too weak to defend themselves who lacked mutual protection agreements.  If the ISA were claiming any area for itself it would be imperialism, but mutual agreements like this are defensive and well justified.  They can be as critical as they wish, but they are wrong and those countries deserve to protect themselves: and it is in the interests of ALL of the Western nations to help them.  (We also have resources in the area that China would be happy to destroy, and we deserve to protect OURSELVES!) 

  • 3,770
    Voted Yes

    Spreading across the Indo-Pacific? We've seen this behavior from nations before, and by the time we did something about it we'd already been attacked.

  • 1,124
    Voted Yes

    China is becoming another Russia.  The only thing they will respond to in a reasonable way is meeting force with force!  They have been expanding unchecked in that part of the world.  They are turning into an intimidating bully.  We must demonstrate to them that the democratic and free nations in that area do not like the bully they are becoming.  We will arm ourselves to respond appropriately.

  • 51.9k
    Voted Yes

    China has no say, especially after the spy balloon fiasco. Don't pretent they don't have submarines patrolling in our hemisphere, why shouldn't we help Australia to patrol theirs?
    I don't want a war with China, but observation and patrol are totally on the table.

  • 2,934
    Voted Yes

    Us, the Japanese and the Australian navies should and do work together 

  • 328
    Voted Yes

    We need to counter Red China's increasing presence in the Pacific and we can't do it all by ourselves. Having help from our Austrailian allies can only help us project power in that region. Having the additional work for our shipyards helping to keep the production lines open, and the extra jobs they provide, is a nice bonus. It doesn't hurt that General Dynamics Electric Boat division makes more money, either!

  • 8,497
    Voted Yes

    China complain about countries want to protect them self, because China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others can't get along and are the problem. If they don't like it, stop being the aggressor just like Russia!

  • 1,745
    Voted Yes

    100% Support a military presence 

  • 2,451
    Voted Yes


  • 2,281
    Voted Yes

    Need to rebuild defenses. Will Hunter and Joe allow?