Biden Signs Executive Order Strengthening Gun Background Checks

Do you support expanding firearm background checks?

  • 2,520
    Voted Support

    Not only do we need to increase the strictness of background checks, we need to reduce the number of guns, period. The leading cause of death for children is not books, it is not bathrooms, it is not drag story hours, it is guns! Let's deal with the real problems and not the straw man problems.

  • 743

    As the owner of a few weapons, I wholeheartedly support more comprehensive background checks, well-enforced Red Flag Laws, and keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally and emotionally challenged.

  • 3,959
    Voted Oppose

    We have passed so many background check Bills and still children and folks are getting killed. 1/10 of the military budget for mental health care might be the answer to stop the mass shootings. But to keep passing Bills with no teeth is careless. Just appeasing those that just hate guns. Example California has some of the strongest background laws in affect, but still have their share of mass shootings.

  • 94.4k
    Voted Support

    In lieu of any meaningful Congressional legislation an Executive Order to try to get something done that I'm sure will face all sorts of court challenges from the well funded NRA, Federalist Siciety, etc.

  • 3,405

    It is beyond belief to think that anyone, anywhere would be against back ground checks to purchase any sort of firearm.  Absolute lunacy.

  • 2,797
    Voted Oppose

    There he goes again with another Presidential Order. Congress had just recently passed a law that would help reduce gun violence and mass shootings with bipartisan support. 

    Why the second amendment crowd don't want to give an inch is then the democrats try to take a mile. 

    I think we all want background checks but not a national registry. 

    When a timely background check is made and the applicant fails the FBI need to visit the residence with a warrant to verify that the applicant doesn't have any weapons. 

    Most firearms owners are trained to use the weapons and don't break the law. If a gun is used in the commission of a crime then it should be a federal offense and the government should handle the case and if the penalty is five years for the crime then it double for using any weapon. So for using a gun it is now ten years without parole, and no down grading of the charge. 

    In other words if you use a gun in your crime or have one on you even if you didn't use it your crime won't be reduced and you will be going to a federal prison without parole. 

  • 844
    Voted Support

    I, like all decent people, support better background checks for gun ownership and other common sense gun control measures that we need to protect children and other innocent people against the evil people who are terrorizing our country. And mentally healthy, law abiding people who own guns welcome these kinds of laws!

  • 881
    Voted Support

    I support Biden's proposal for Background checks to buy firearms.

  • 1,845
    Voted Support

    Definitely support it, but I would venture to say go back to the original Texas gun regulation way back years ago.  At that time, to have a gun, one must register, take a 3-day class - learn how to dismantle and put the gun back on, practice target shooting, make note of the line of sight, and all that plus 1/2 day in anger management.  After all that, wait a month for background checks before finally being permitted to have a gun.  

    That is what I went thru.  And, get this, I was glad to do it because I know the other owners of guns are for the most part safe as they took classes. 

    Abbot removed that and now we have many, many children killed as well as many, many adults.   


  • 111
    Voted Support

    Doing background checks only makes sense.

  • 110
    Voted Support

    There has been too many people who are too young or felons or have other things on their records that should never have been allowed to buy guns, which were used to kill children and adults.   Too many mass shootings and too much hate going around.

  • 1,696
    Voted Support

    I totally support this.  This country has too many batshit crazy nutjobs with guns.  Too many children have been slaughtered by these nutjobs!  What's wrong with this picture?  Why are gun owners so against this?  What if their child gets slaughtered by a gun toting nutjob?  Is that what it will take?  Seriously?!  It's way past time for control!!!

  • 66
    Voted Support

    Guns are dangerous unregulated

  • 1,839
    Voted Support

    Background checks has bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans voters

  • 32
    Voted Oppose

    There are enough laws on the books.   The force the laws already in place. 

  • 8,989
    Voted Support

    This AND MORE!!

    Ban all assault weapons

    Require gun safety training

    Raise purchase age

    List all congress members that oppose gun control

    List names of Congress that have received NRA money

    Charge the purchaser of the gun used as well as the user in a crime

    If any one under 21 carries a weapon to school or commits a crime charge their parents or care giver.

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Support

    Why would anyone who opposes school, family or criminal gun violence oppose background checks to remove guns from those who have shown they have no business possessing them?

  • 852
    Voted Support

    This is a step in the right direction but we need to do more.  Bring back the ban on assault weapons that expired.   

  • 306
    Voted Support

    Of course I support stronger background checks! Talk about comonsense actions to decrease the number of children and individuals killed senselessly by guns owned by people who should not own them. A kid who's parents didn't lock up their own gun and didn't mind him taking it to school in his backpack. A quote disgruntled unquote ex-employee who confesses to murdering his ex colleagues. A teenager who brings a long-gun to a protest, kills someone, and is told to "go home'; by white police. None of these people--and so many others--should have been able to buy a gun. How many of the latest mass killings have involved someone buying a gun the day of their murderous spree? All of them need to be prevented from buying a gun while the gun seller checked their backgrounds.We need background checks desperately--and SO much more. You know, an assault-weapon ban would be perfect for spring.

  • 6,682
    Voted Support

    Make sure that these people are members of a well-run militia and all the weapons are circa 1776...  


    I'm not be facetious.  I'm pointingout that the idea that an amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1784 forces us to allow any type of gun for anyone is utterly ridiculous 

  • 1,017
    Voted Oppose

    There ia already a process for background checks, what is needed is a legal frsmework for reporting mental health issues into a data base and a way for families to start a mental health evaluation of a family member.

  • 108
    Voted Support

    Sto] Killing our children in the name of profits

  • 1,396
    Voted Support

    Any action that we can take that will keep guns out of the hands of folks who potentially pose a threat to their communities it a good thing.

    It should not have taken this long to figure out. 

    If the power wielded by lobbyists could be curtailed that would also help in this endeavor.  When politcians are afraid to buck the gun lobby that is a very bad situation for our nation.