Judge Dismisses Disney’s Lawsuit Against Desantis, Disney Files Appeal

Do you think businesses will reconsider operating in Florida?

  • 42.4k
    Voted Support


  • 55.1k
    Voted Oppose

    Remember when Republicans were pro-business and would do everything to reduce the regulatory and tax burden on corporations?

    Well, I guess that only lasted so far as companies keeping their mouths shut and staying out of politics other than donations.
    This is fascism, and it's anti-business. 

    I don't think Disney will move out of Florida, but they can reduce headcount and change who they donate to. And they can stand stronger against fascists like DeSantis. 

    I hope they do.

  • 70

    This is government overreach. This is big government at its worst. He is trying to regulate free speech and creativity. 

  • 42.4k
    Voted Support

    Good for Disney! They actually read the law and saddled DeSantis and his fascist governing board with higher unionized wages and resposibilty to maintain the roads and public properties in the area, before they had a chance inflict vengeance for Disney's support of gay people instead of kowtowing to the 'fearless leader's' mandate, DSantis is a dangerous man and he is proving it more and more with each and every political stunt that blows up in his face. 

  • 104.0k

    Disney sidesteps DeSantis 1 day before DeSantis's appointed board members take over by transferring all powers from Reedy Developnent board to Disney, and leaving only the responsibility of roads & infrastructure to DeSantis run Reedy Develoomeny board. 

    In addition Reedy Decelopment Board can't use Disney characters or the Disney name, and the minimum wage was increased to $18/hr for 45,000 Disney workers which as the major employer forced the states hand in the minimum wage.

    Looks like the mouse 🐭 will have the last word!

    "Gov. Ron DeSantis' move to take over Walt Disney World's governing board in Florida may have backfired due to a prior obscure agreement that new governor-appointed board members argue stripped them of their power."

    "According to the agreement text, Disney was given a slew of powers including development rights for the next thirty years, or 2053, and the authority to approve any design improvements."

    "This essentially makes Disney the government," board member Ron Peri said during a meeting on Wednesday.  "This board loses, for practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure."

    "The 151-page Florida agreement also states that no "fanciful characters" owned by Disney, including Mickey Mouse, can be used by the board. The use of the name Disney is also banned."

    "Disney World service workers on Wednesday were voting on whether to accept a union contract offer that would raise the starting minimum wage to $18 an hour by the end of the year."




  • 498
    Voted Oppose

    The little Republican dictator in FL. needs to be shown by the people of FL that his views are not necessarily there's. Disney will have to raise its prices, tax payers will need to pay for security and infrastructure, and Disney employees that don't fit Little D's mold will experience discrimination and hate. Wake up FL you're being duped by a greedy, selfish, power hungry fool. #votehimout #nobookbanning #foundingfatherswerewoke 

  • 4,455
    Voted Oppose

    Trump’s cases represent an unprecedented national crisis

    the fact that one bozo (trump) and one buffoon (desantis) can pose a major threat, distraction, create a crisis in the state or country is dangerous 

    congress and scotus need to set the guardrails so that we are not faced with this form of repeat terrorism from within

    get rid of these idiots

    they have committed crimes 

    why the delay - they are not special people

    so he WAS the president... but he is a indicted criminal and after multiple cases has been certified as just that

    then why all this fuss? being a leading candidate does NOT absolve you from crimes? If that were the case el chapo and escobar should be free? They have supporters too! 

  • 4,363
    Voted Oppose

    One thing Ron DeSantis made clear to the entire country when he ran for the presidency is that he's a complete idiot. 
    He has absolutely zero personality Ann seems to have absolutely zero idea of how to relate to any other human being. It's really pathetic with the Republican party has turned into because he is what the Republican party is today. Out of touch with reality.

  • 4,455
    Voted Oppose

    Misinformation spreads in China on ‘civil war’ in Texas https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68185317

    while the chinese are stupid enough to believe this 

    abbot / desantis / republicans are even more stupid to create a divisive atmosphere adding to bozos noise which plays to our adversaries benefit! 
    there is a word that describes such idiots - TRAITORS 

    dont blame the chinese .... 


  • 9,988

    The State of NV is tax friendly, Las Vegas has an international airport, and we would love to have Disney!!!

  • 4,455
    Voted Oppose

    Desantis is a loser plain and simple 

    using hacks and attacks on corporations, anyone that does not agree with his antics just to further his political status will backfire


  • 214
    Voted Support

    We shouldn't use government to take aim at companies that disagree with politicians.

  • 5,356
    Voted Support

    Here's something new and fun. 
    "Jewett also said that scheme DeSantis’ allies refer to in their complaint to Florida’s Inspector General amounted to a perk for the district’s employees, including the firefighters and safety administrators."


  • 4,042
    Voted Support

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "Disney is filing a counterclaim against the board appointed by DeSantis to take control of Walt Disney World's special tax district, claiming Florida is infringing on their freedom of speech.Do you think businesses will reconsider operating in Florida?"  ME:  GO DISNEY!  And I most certainly hope business reconsider operating in -- and stay away from or move out of -- Florida...and Texas...and Alabama ...and...and...

  • 2,817
    Voted Support

    Free speech should have no penalties! 

  • 27.8k
    Voted Support

    It's not just about Disney World! 

    DeSantis’ ‘anti-woke’ bills are costing Florida millions of dollars in business

    By Alicia Wallace, CNN


    Minneapolis (CNN) — A slew of new bills signed into law by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has draped the Sunshine State in controversy, spurring protests, lawsuits and travel advisories warning the state is “openly hostile” toward people of color, immigrants, women and LGBTQ+ community members.

    The fallout is starting to spread to a key economic artery for an income-tax-free state heavily reliant upon tourism taxes: Florida’s convention business.

    In recent weeks, at least a dozen organizations have announced plans to either cancel or relocate their upcoming conferences scheduled to take place in Florida, making a statement by having their thousands of attendees and millions of dollars flow into other states deemed safer and more welcoming.

    While DeSantis’ office brushes this off as a “media-driven stunt,” tourism officials and community organizations in the state say what’s happening now may be just the beginning.

    “Unlike leisure business, which is a very short-term booking window [in weeks or months], conference business is long term,” said Stacy Ritter, president and chief executive officer of the Visit Lauderdale tourism marketing agency in Broward County, Florida. “We’re booking ’26 to ‘30 now, so any impact that this might have is not going to be seen for years to come.”

    As of July 26, Ritter said that Visit Lauderdale has tallied 10 events and conventions that were canceled by organizations citing recently enacted laws, policies and travel advisories. That amounts to 15,000 lost hotel room nights and an estimated $20 million economic impact, she said. 



  • 256
    Voted Support

    Businesses will return when Disney destroys DeSantis.

  • 378
    Voted Support

    If Disantis wants to create an environment hostile to businesses. I guess the population that voted him in can bear the brunt of his actions. I have no sympathy. 

  • 2,602
    Voted Support

    This is a confusing question and answer pairing! Yes, I think businesses will reconsider business in Florida. Our only choice is to move into the future. We cannot move into the past, which is what Republicans want to see us do. Not only will businesses reconsider their options when faced with bass-ackwards policies of such individuals such as DeSantis and Abbott, other investments will suffer as well. Large donors of e.g., universities will also be rethinking their gifts. In the long run, the state and the people will suffer under the petty, vindictive and discriminatory policies of DeSantis and Abbott.

  • 280
    Voted Oppose

    Just read a article how California and New York are continuing to lose big tech and investment companies to Florida and Texas. They have lost over a trillion dollars in assets and investments. I think that is the asnwer to your question.

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Oppose

    Disney isn't any business and Disney's deal far exceeded what any other company could do today in getting these concessions 

  • 2,321
    Voted Oppose

    Only the woke who prefer broke-Budweiser, Target etc

  • 4,363
    Voted Oppose

    Ron DeSantis is a sissy boy joke, he has made an ass out of himself and he knows it that's why he's trying to distance of himself from the whole Disney farce DeSantis himself concocted.

    This sissy boy man spends almost all of his time picking on those that have nothing that can't fight back a classic Sissy boy move. DeSantis is nothing short of a waste of human organs. An idiot that has totally proven that he doesn't have the mental capacity to be governor let alone president of this country. What the hell is wrong with republican party.

  • 27.8k
    Voted Support

    Disney Files Counterclaim Against DeSantis-Appointed Board

    I approve of this latest move. 

    Do you think businesses will reconsider operating in Florida?

    I think business have different agendas which may or may not be immediately impacted by DeSantis' Anti-Truth, Anti-Education, Anti-Voter, Anti-LGBT+, Anti-Immigrant, etc. Policies. In the end, it is likely Florida businesses will take a hit in three to five years. 

    I read that the convention business is already facing a long term impact since conventions are booked years in advance. Tourism has also been impacted to a slight degree. The League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the L.G.B.T.Q. organization Equality Florida have issued Travel warnings. Thus far, the warnings seem to have had minimal impact. It may take time for people to decide on alternatives to doing business with Florida's businesses.

    NYTimes: Despite Battle Over Politics, Florida Tourism Rolls On




  • 1,013
    Voted Support

    The cost of ignorant hate must have a price.  That, for DeSantis and the Florida legislors, should be the most effective: ones that hurt their pocketss. Consequently, let businesses seek other locations and citizens boycott Florida travel and spending. I'm with THE MOUSE on this one!

  • 9,345
    Voted Support

    Businesses support Trump DeSantis and the Republican Party what do they expect when they support fascist dictatorships? The supreme courts support the extreme right propaganda and screw up the country, now the reality of their decisions is setting in. It's too little to late for a reality check!