BILL: Should We Would Designate AR-15 the National Gun of the U.S. - AR–15 National Gun Act - H.R.1095
How do you feel about the AR-15 being a proposed national symbol of America?
The Bill
H.R.1095 - AR–15 National Gun Act
Bill Status
- Introduced to the House by Rep. Barry Moore (R-Ala) on Feb. 17, 2023
- Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on Feb. 17, 2023
- House: Not yet voted
- Senate: Not yet voted
- President: Not yet signed
Bill Overview
- The bill would designate the popular AR-15 rifle as the National Rifle of America.
What's in the Bill?
Dubs the AR-15 a national symbol
- If the proposal passes the GOP-controlled House and Democratic-controlled Senate, the AR-15 will become a formal national symbol, along with the American flag.
Acknowledges the place of the AR-15 in American life
- The AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle used by hunters, competitors, and "Americans seeking home-defense guns," according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
- A May 2022 report found 20 million AR-15 rifles are in circulation in the U.S.
- In total, Americans own around 393 million guns, which exceeds the national population of the U.S.
- Alabama, Moore's home state, is ranked eighth in the country regarding the percentage of residents who own a gun, at 55.5%.
Reinforces Moore's pro-Second Amendment position
- With an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association, Rep. Moore strongly advocates for gun rights. He was one of 204 Republicans who voted against gun-law reforms in June 2022.
What Supporters are Saying
- At a conference at a local gun store in Troy, Alabama, Moore said:
"The anti-Second Amendment group won’t stop until they take away all your firearms. One rule to remember: any government that would take away one right would take away them all."
- On Twitter, he said:
"The Second Amendment is as American a right as freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Second Amendment rights are worth protecting and must not be infringed, and we must send a message that we will meet every attack on any of our constitutional rights."
What Opponents are Saying
- The federal affairs director for the gun-control advocacy group Giffords, Adzi Vokhiwa, said:
"There have already been more mass shootings than days in the year in 2023 and in 2021 nearly 50,000 Americans lost their lives in gun violence...This is egregious and reckless. We condemn this legislation and far-right politicians who value gun industry profits more than Americans' lives."
How do you feel about the AR-15 being a proposed national symbol of America?
—Emma Kansiz
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Apparently there is no limit to stupidity!?
shame on congress
shame on judiciary
shame on corporate america
I can now understand why Benjamin Franklin wanted the Turkey as our National Bird. It would highly represent our Congressional folks.
Shouldn't the "national" gun of America be a smooth bore flintlock rifle? I mean, that's what the colonists used to defeat the British. The ones used by a WELL REGULATED militia. The very arms the founders were speaking about in the constitution. Just sayin'..........
Even if there weren't huge numbers of shooting deaths going on, do we need a national gun? Do we need a national everything? I'm in favor of the second amendment, but this is an obvious political ploy - and one in poor taste I might add.
I think it's a great idea. Legally owned guns are not issues. The left always want to attack laws when gun violence is in the news. Long guns are rarely used in gun violence. I like the idea. This will really tick them off.
Will be interesting to see if it actually gets to the House floor for a vote, and who votes for it. I'm sure it's the vary same people receiving campaign contributions from the NRA. Anyone not voting for it will be cut off the gravy train.
So we need a National Gun of the U.S.? First off, no we don't. Secondly, if we did...
Wouldn't the colt innovative revolver or Winchester repeating rifle be more appropriate given those gun inventions are what's considered the guns that won the west? They both have great historical value in our country, but given this appears to be some pr stunt by a gop, that likely won't matter. Because this is all about them, forget history, forget country, just cause division. Rinse and repeat.
The ar-15 is the favored gun of mass shootings and was first developed for the military use. Not nearly the historical valve of a colt or Winchester. What the AR-15 is known for is mass shootings, so of course a gop is all in. They continue to drink the how low can you go koolaid.
I'm torn. Not about how tone-deaf, offensive, and appalling this proposal is. But how depressingly appropriate it is, in all the wrong ways.
Really, what's wrong with the bald eagle?
Would the 89% who are against this proposal please post "Gun Free Zone" in front of their homes ...
This is disgraceful.
Oppose. This better be a
I strongly oppose H.R.1095 - AR–15 National Gun Act. Why on earth do we want to be known for a weapon of murder? No real hunter uses this for hunting and no one associates this gun with hunting, just mass shootings. Why would we want a weapon of murder to represent us?
MilItaly weapons do not belong in the hands of a civilian to start with. The country does it need a National Gun, let alone one that has put children in graves, and that police are afraid to encounter.
The GOP needs to find a better message to bring the American people.
Do better.
Hell, no! No guns should be a symbol of America, least of all the AR-47!
Hell, no! No guns should be a symbol of America, least of all the AR-47!
Hell, no! No guns should be a symbol of America, least of all the AR-47!
Hell, no! No guns should be a symbol of America, least of all the AR-47!
Totally stupid and worthless suggestion!
Vote this down. What a waste of time, no value added, while also alienating Americans divided on this issue.
The gun used in mostly every mass shooting!!!! I can't believe this is even up for discussion. Disgusting.
This is one of those asinine, stupidest bills that make me speak out like I do. Why on Earth would we as a nation and you as politicians make the AR-15 the national gun of the United States. This is the gun used most in the mass shootings occurring within the US and now we want to make it the national gun? Way to support the many people shot and killed with this gun for no reason at all. Our politicians are a joke!
This is just plain crazy. Please just focus on the debt ceiling adjustment so that our stock in America isn't about gunstocks but about company stocks not tanking and maintaining a healthy economy.
It's already a symbol of the U.S. in the eyes of the rest of the world that we like to kill each other and not regulate a military style weapon that has no use other than kill.
It is the most common firearm in the nation. It's the Lego of firearms. It serves a multitude of purposes to include hunting , sport shooting, competition shooting, personal protection, home defense or my personal favorite... none... just to be built and remain locked up never to see the light of day but to be admired as a piece of decoration.
Is this a goddamn joke?!
NO to:
Proposed Bill Would Designate AR-15 the National Gun of the U.S. - H.R.1095
Are you fu**ing kidding me?!? With all that our legislators could be working on to make their constituents' lives better, this is what they choose to spend their time promoting?? GTFOH
There have already been more mass shootings than days in the year in 2023 and in 2021 nearly 50,000 Americans lost their lives in gun violence...This is egregious and reckless. We condemn this legislation and far-right politicians who value gun industry profits more than Americans' lives.
This is absolutely mind blowing!!! While I respect the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, I vehemently am opposed to the AR-15 being designated as the gun of the US. Automatic rifles normally used in our military should not under any circumstances be available for regular everyday Americans. The availability of these types of weapons are seen daily in the numerous shootings we've been seeing with the recent mass shootings. While they still have smaller pistols their weapon of choice is the AR-15 type. Please think about the loss of life by these weapons and stop making it a policital clown show.