EPA Approves Chevron's New Cancer-Causing, 'Climate-Friendly' Fuel

Want to protect your health? Tell the EPA to improve regulations and ban cancer-causing fuels.

  • 479

    Eliminate regulations and legislation pushing companies to come up with wildly unhealthy new "climate friendly" alternatives to traditional fuels. Are questionable regulations with vague claims that they are aimed at somehow "saving the planet" worth sickening and killing so many people who are already struggling to survive poverty?

  • 9,020

    Our health is more important than corporate company GREED.

  • 49.2k

    I'm very concerned about this, although we know the oil & gas industry has undue influence in Washington and there's likely an army of lobbyists at EPA right now pushing for this to be released.

    We cannot allow the industry to produce or release toxic substances of any kind.

    I wrote to the EPA about this just now and I urge those who care about public health to do the same.

  • 1,219

    Stop killing Americans for profitts

  • 983

    I wrote to the EPA, told them to stop this insane approval, and hope once they receive enough backlash that Chevron's corporate greed and utter disregard for health of beings will be halted. 


  • 36

    Why is there so much concern behind this and not a peep about Ohio literally in the middle of a modern day Chernoybl?

    Maybe, becuase the big bad Oil companies might make a dollar?

    Yet...lets poision half the country with cancer through the water supply so Big Pharma can cash more, bigger checks for the next 50 to 100 years to "treat" cancer.

  • 1,075

    The EPA like the present administration is useless.  They were sent a patented technology that would eliminate CO2 emissions.  Just like the biden administration they ignored it.  Seems to us that money is more important than the health of people and the planet.