IT: Biden visits Ukraine ahead of one-year anniversary of war, and... ❄️ Are you prepared for the historic winter storm?

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  • 1,814

    Natural gas is higher than Kamala Harris, electricity is more now than its ever been so No, I am not ready. I can't afford food, petro, natural gas or electricity. This senile President Biden has made everything more expensive because of his idiot party. They think it's all about green which it's not. Its hurting every middle class and poor citizens in America. Time to come to reality and okay contracts for oil companies and natural gas. We need it now. Also, stop funding the war in the Ukraine with our taxpayers money. Let's get Peace talks going before we enter WW3, the end of humanity.

  • 7,796

    Prepared for winter storms?  I leave in the Northeast, Pocono Mtn region of PA.  Of COURSE WE ARE ALWAYS READY! 

  • 48.6k

    I would love some banana bread today. Too busy to bake.