Spain Approves Menstrual Leave, Teen Abortion, and Transgender Rights

Should more countries do the same?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Support

    It feel honored and humbled to be an American, the country that once led the world with the example of our country's democracy and the fostering of Democratic governances around the world. I am honored and humbled by our governance when Jimmy Carter made basic human rights an international issue as well as developing non-nuclear profliefration treaties with some teeth to control the spread of nuclear weapons.

    I feel ashamed and humbled by how far behind we are in the basic issues of equal human rights, care and equal opportunity for all of the non-privileged people in our society - aspects where our country is far behind peer industrialized demcracies.

    Accepting the special needs of females and implementing policies for their self-care is yet another example of how far behind we are continuing to be separated from the ideals that our constitution and other founding documents so well articulated - that other demiocracies have embraced and acted upon for the benefit of their people.

    Our country has essentially been bought out by wealthy industrialists as a tool to ensure the sustained accumulation of their wealth. Our less than well educated general populace is being used as pawns who are being duped by centralized propaganda that plays off of their grievances without ever addressing those grievances head on.

    We can learn a lot by watching other demcracies, founded by the democracy we once enjoyed, doing the things necessary for the common good of all of the people instead of for the good of just the wealthy entitled.

    Thank you Spain for your great example. I hope our country will learn from your eample instead of continuing on the track of restoring the morès of the 1830's. 

  • 8,922

    Whilel, I can understand the need for a sick day on a menstrual day, I don't like the idea of having to identify what your sick day is. One should not have to disclose their specific health issues. 

  • 2,797
    Voted Oppose

    WOW Spain has gone totally WOKE. I am assuming that a trans man who now identifies as a woman will be able to get menstrual leave?



  • 94.3k
    Voted Support

    Spain is the 1st European country to offer menstrual leave and joins a small number of countries worldwide (Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Zambia) which part of a larger legislative package on reproductive rights (abortion, gender change). This is a big change for Spain which is usually a very conservative country. If Spain and other countries worldwide can offer enlightened healthcare policies then the US and other developed countries with more resources should be doing the same.

    "The bill approved by Parliament on Thursday is part of a broader package on sexual and reproductive rights that includes allowing anyone 16 and over to get an abortion or freely change the gender on their ID card."

    "The law gives the right to a three-day “menstrual” leave of absence - with the possibility of extending it to five days - for those with disabling periods, which can cause severe cramps, nausea, dizziness and even vomiting."

    "Worldwide, menstrual leave is currently offered only in a small number of countries including Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea and Zambia."

  • 2,942

    Good for Spain!  More countries, the USA included, should take a page out of this book.  This decision is a rational one and should be adopted by all.  Don't forget that Spain is a strong Catholic country and if they can accomplish this stance so can Evangilists and other so-called "Christian" countries.

  • 285
    Voted Oppose

    16 and 17 year olds are under the age of majority. There is no reason a judge should be inserting themself in a family matter. Also, any judge the sanctions abortion should immediately be removed from the bench. Abortion is murder and the States are bound to protect Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. As for Trans rights for teens, they need to seek help for their mental disease. I would oppose paid menstrual leave. Menstration is a biological process. Why should an employer be forced to pay someone who is not productive? Nothing in this world is free. This cost would be passed along to the customers. When you add up all of the issues that everyone is so "passionate" about and then try to monetize them you are going to price yourself out of the market. 

  • 97
    Voted Support

    Spain has come such a long way from their old views. As a country that had a huge Catholic influence on how their country was governed, this shows that a county should not be stuck in their ways. America is supposedly the land of the free, yet none of the things that were passed in Spain are in our laws. Where is the equality, freedom, and protection we pride ourselves in? 

  • 1,327
    Voted Oppose

    Wow! Who cares about Spain? I sure don't. 

  • 32
    Voted Support

    put yourself in our shoes

  • 13.4k
    Voted Support

    again, America needs to follow the lead of more progressive nations, and unburry its collective head from the sand. 


  • 1,358
    Voted Support

    I wish all countries had similar policies 

  • 46
    Voted Support

    If you've never had a period, do your research. If you have, you know even more research is needed: there's no one-size-fits-all treatment or cure for Premenstrual Syndrome.

    This legislation has my support. 

  • 378
    Voted Support

    Spains government should support whatever the voters voted for. 

  • 32
    Voted Support

    I support all of these 

  • 3,700
    Voted Support

    Yes, more countries should follow.

  • 3,405
    Voted Support

    Shouldn't be up to countries, only women can decide this issue for themselves!

  • 3,955
    Voted Support

    Every country should but most importantly, THIS one!   All that + more is being targeted by republicans here in the grand ol' USA...where we are supposed to be known for our "freedoms"

  • 3,332
    Voted Support

    How sad that another country-and one with a Monarchy at that-is better on Human Rights than the United States!   The lawmakers on The Hill should be ashamed!

  • 1,714
    Voted Support

    Funny how my travels abroad have always made me scratch my head. How dare we consider ourselves "advanced". We have become basic hillbillies in the eyes of the world. Rightly so. Arrogance is foolhardy. People should start voting with sense and walk away from the propaganda and manipulation. Due your research before you vote. Look at voting records! Do background checks! Stop allowing yourselves to be snowed. Actual research doesn't take as long as you think. 

  • 2,515
    Voted Support

    The health issues of woman and other marginalized groups need to be recognized, and access provided. It's been too long that white men have denied woman access and recognition for the unique aspects/needs of women's biology.

  • 8,978
    Voted Support

    Spain is taking care of their women and transgenders.

  • 239
    Voted Support

    Finally a woman stood up to protect women's rights to take care of their bodies.

  • 3,959
    Voted Support

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "Spain Approves Menstrual Leave, Teen Abortion, and Transgender Rights.  Should more countries do the same?"   ME:  Absolutely!  And starting here.  'nough said.

  • 2,934
    Voted Support

    But republicans will kill any of this as, my god, they are women.  We hate women especially minority ones. Bdkntblisten to their objections just look at their laws.