Ten Things Banned in American Schools (Hint, Guns Aren't One of Them)

Do you support gun control?

  • 8,811
    Voted Support

    #1 killer of children in the USA ...guns!


    Stop catering to the NRA & wacko gun loving crazies. 

    Start taking corrective actions:

    no bump stocks

    no semi automatic weapons for anyone other than the military/police

    Implement red flag laws across the country & have a national registry 

    No guns for felons and those convicted of domestic violence 

    Mandatory background checks

    gun safety training for first time buyers

    Guns must be required to be locked in a safe or have safety locks in homes where children live/visit

    Get rid of stand your ground laws

    Penalize anyone who buys, loans, or gives a gun to another who uses it in a crime of any kind, or is on a red flag list, felon, or convicted of domestic abuse



  • 320
    Voted Oppose

    Encouraging even this community is split on gun control.

  • 8,497
    Voted Support

    Guns in school? There was, by some staffer. Having more Guns you just more shot out or gun accidents  !!!!! 

  • 114
    Voted Support

    What's the ONLY common denominator? GUNS, get it? So....advance sensible gun control. We're the ONLY Nation with intolerable gun violence.

  • 8,497
    Voted Support

    Book, sertion words, outfits seem, LGBTQ, bathrooms and others are ban to protect children, but not guns?

  • 51.8k
    Voted Support

    Guns of any kind should be banned from schools. Security personnel in schools should only have guns if they intend to use them to stop another person with a gun (which is not what happened in Uvalde). 

    It would be better to fully screen everyone who enters a school so that nobody carries a gun. I hate that it's come to that, but it's the only way to try to keep schools safe.


    Banning books, clothing, and other things is just another effort by right-wing gun lovers to act like they care about safety when really they just want to keep the gun lobby in power.

  • 51.8k
    Voted Support

    I think need to stop calling it gun control, and call it gun safety. I support measures to keep all Americans, especially children and vulnerable populations, from the rampant gun violence in this country.

    It doesn't have to be "control", and we don't necessarily need to take anybody's guns. 

    We do need to make it harder for people with bad intentions to get guns, make it a requirement to store guns safely, and hold all who commit any kind of gun violence fully accountable so that others might be discouraged from trying to commit similar violence. 

    In the "greatest country" in the world, we should not be losing hundreds of people daily to gun violence. It is an embarrassment.