FDA Ends Ban on Blood Donations From Gay Men

Contact the FDA with your reaction

  • 1,281

    The shortages can remain in place. This is trying to normalize deviants and diseases. Hey Dems, deny all the side effects of mRNA injections and get boosted today and tomorrow if it makes you feel good.  Deny the incidence of sudden death amoung the vaccinated and get vaxxed often. 

  • 2,464

    Wow, the FDA is coming into the 21st Century.  Novel idea.

  • 60.5k

    This is great progress! As many blood banks regularly report shortages, it's good to know there's a possibility of new sources of donations from gay men who want to give and can meet the updated criteria.

    HIV/AIDS has been under control for 2 decades now and all blood is screened anyways, so this has not been a necessary restriction for a long time.

    Hopefully this will help the supply and allow many gay men to do their part.

  • 42.5k

    I frankly do not know the reliabilty of blood testing to identify HIV in a sample - so I accept the FDA's conclusion that this is not a factor that could taint any statistically significant portion of donated blood.

    That said, it is time to stop marginalizing gay men with restrictions that no longer represent any potential risk and do not serve any meaningful purpose.

  • 60.5k

    It's about time. We've known for years that donating blood was low-risk for men in monogamous relationships or who had not had sex with other men in the recent past, but once again some people's religious ideology led them to discriminating against gay blood donors.

    At a time when fewer and fewer are choosing to donate blood, which medical facilities desperately need, it's good to try to bring new donors into the fold. 

    Even so, all blood is screened after donation, so any infected blood would have been discovered before being given to a patient, so there was no great reason for this to begin with.

  • 2,464

    This action by the FDA is reasonable and rational and should have been taken years ago.

  • 113.5k

    Good to see FDA updating regulations for social norms & technology advancements. Also good to know the blood supply is tested for HIV.