House Dems Introduced Constitutional Amendment To Restrict Campaign Funding

Do you support the Democracy for All amendment?

  • 99.3k
    Voted Support

    The disconnect between Congress and voters is because Congress spends half its time raising money for re-election campaigns, They also spend the remaining half representing large campaign donors as opposed to the voters that elected them.

    While this is an issue effecting us all, I doubt the current House leadership sees it this way making it difficult to bring legislation to the floor for a debate much less a vote. To get to the floor it needs not only the support of the House Majority leader but the Rules Committee now controlled by the Freedom Caucus. Currently co-sponsors are all dems. If they want to move forward they need co-sponsors not only from the other side of the aisle but the far right Freedom Caucus.

    "Despite a $174,000 salary, members of Congress do the job we elected them to do only "part time." The rest of the time, they are chasing money for their re-election campaigns."

  • 1,530

    This amendment would hopefully get rid of the crazies that have been recently elected to Congress, as their campaigns of undisclosed donations is very telling.

  • 320
    Voted Oppose

    Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech

  • 51.8k
    Voted Support

    I support this, but it's at least 4 months too late, if not 10 years. Democrats are not in control in the House and McCarthy will surely not bring this up for a vote for fear of upsetting his handlers and wealthy owners, I mean donors. 

    Campaign finance does need to be reformed, we need to get money out of politics, and we need to reclaim our power over choosing our politicians, not the wealthy and corporate donors who pick them now. 

    I support this, but I think it'll die in the House with the current leadership.

  • 2,959

    Been an advocate of this for many years and will support this bill.  Sadly, greed, a lust for power with control over the masses, caused by over blown egos won't allow this to happen.  This is why I advocate not re-electing any official after their first term in office.  This method reduces the ability to limit big money influence.  

    The next thing on the agenda should be to outlaw all political parties who make their millions off of conning the tax payers with half truths, and outright lies to retain their power and control.  This, in turn, would force all politicians to work only for the people they represent within their own state.  We have to start somewhere.

  • 694
    Voted Oppose

    If the rights of corporations to donate to campaigns is restricted the the rights of unions also needs to be restricted.  If we whine about certain entities having undo influence on politics we should think about fairness to all.  I do not think that any union or association that is made represents government workers should have any more say than the individuals that make up that group individually.  We currently have the recycling of government money to pay government workers who then pay dues for collective rights and those dues are used to pay for politicians to keep the gravy train running.

  • 1,530

    I support campaign finance reform. I would encourage all to read the article that Politico published about the early days of SOCTUS judge Thomas. It sheds a lot of light on campaign finance.

  • 341
    Voted Support

    How do you restrict dark money?O

  • 331
    Voted Support

    No brainer!

  • 425
    Voted Support

    If you limit the time to campaign and:

    -No corporations or other businesses, lobbyists, foundations, or non-profits to contribute.

    -Private funding from personal contacts is restricted to $10,000 per person

    -Less money needed to fund the campaign

    -No attacking or comparing other candidates or parties

  • 81
    Voted Support

    We need to get corporate funds out of the voting process.  Our country's decisions and politics should be based on the views of individual taxpayers, not corporations. 

  • 952
    Voted Support

    Pass “The Democracy for All Amendment” Campaign financing reform is sorely needed. Simply put, the as is “Profit drives Policy” needs to be reversed for democracy to be saved. 


  • 1,195
    Voted Support

    As long as Citizens United exists, Corporations can pour money into the party that will benefit themselves! campaign funding must be restricted, so that those WE elect actually represent their constitutents and not a corporation or a religious group! If we aren't careful, we could easily lose our Democracy! Our Constitnution is amazing in that each branch of our government can check the other! Our government was specifically set up to stop any one group from taking over, and can stop anyone that wants to be an authoritarian! It's important that the Constitution be followed, and that's why every member of Congress has to take an Oath of Office to follow and protect the Constitution!

  • 38
    Voted Support

    Close the loophole in donations. Allowing corporate donations & anonymous PACs is tantamount to an invitation to corrupt politicians on every level. (Everyone who can afford a politician, should buy one, right? It's just good business.) It prevents regular people, who can't afford 100K/ plate fundraisers, from having  any real influence with their representatives; no access means no influence. I don't think letters to our representatives have quite as much  affect on legislation as a $million from an oil company. The sheer number of lobbyists in Washington, with their huge budgets, indicate that influencing with money works. While it's expensive to run a political campaign, politicians need to remember that these influencers aren't their constituents. Doing their bidding  doesn't serve 95% of Americans, or the country's morale or our embattled environment. Limit them.

  • 1,234
    Voted Support

    They should have annual Audits of every member.

  • 4,132
    Voted Support

    We are the only democracy in the world that has such a crazy system as we do. Campaigned should be no more than $1 million. No more donations from large corporations with her not American citizens they are businesses. And business has no business running the government. Look where that got us in the 1920s if anybody is a student of history.

  • 2,451
    Voted Support

    Totally support. No donor should be buying an elected official and no elected official should cater to their big donors to the exclusion of the voters who put their asses in office.

  • 762
    Voted Support

    We know how influential Big Money is in determining who gets elected.

    Set a limit on 'Big Money'...period!

  • 148
    Voted Support

    When a corporation is allowed to bribe judges and sponsor politicians, when it as a non-living entity have more rights and more say over MY body and life than I do as a tax paying, hard working, American woman, it's time to drain the swamp and throw anyone supported by politicians and the rich in jail for dereliction of sworn duties.

  • 374
    Voted Support

    As a retired teacher who conducted active shooter drills, I want to eliminate the control organizations like the NRA exercise over our elected officials, so limiting those contributions is pivotal to returning government to the actual will of the people. 

  • 188
    Voted Support

    Yeah, cut out corporate donations and make politicians beg for money like the rest of us. Also, they should cut back on the campaign cycle. All our politicians do is campaign, take our money and give us diddly squat in return. It's like service providers upping fees yet offering no extra services.

  • 44
    Voted Support

    Politicians should be bought by we the people not corporate entities whom do not have a vested interest in the betterment of society but greed instead. Make all funding grassroots by individuals only.

  • 9,166
    Voted Support

    We the people should be deciding NOT CORPORATIONS !

  • 331
    Voted Support

    About time.

  • 74
    Voted Support

    Rich people and large business should not be able to buy or influence elections. Neither should evangelical churches. 

  • 966
    Voted Support

    I see this as a natural step forward in campaign reform. Each person should have a voice. Basing elections on the money a candidate can raise rather than on their history, abilities, and stands on issues has distorted the process. I hope this reform is finally passed and changes how our elections are run.