Half of U.S. Water Supply Contains 'Forever Chemicals'

Is your government doing enough to combat the dangers of PFAS?

  • 42.2k
    Voted Yes

    Whenever a 'forever' substance is introduced to an ecosystem, in this case the ecosystem that supports modern life in this country, there are secondary effects when these substances are introduced at scale. Some of the secondary effects can be predicted and some cannot. However, it should be incumbent on the manufacturers of said chemicals to assess the potential secondary effects of 'forever' chemicals before being allowed to broadly market them.

    We have too often allowed corporate interests to make their own assessments of the potential long term secondary risks, and they have failed to do this either because they did not anticipate what efffects have resulted or, in many cases, acknowledging potential risks would diminish profitability. Tobacco and asbestos are clear examples where profitability was more important to corporate interests than the health of the nation, and the manufacturers knew so. Regulation is clearly needed along with an FDA-like rigorous assessment and approval process considering potential side-effects.

    Along with regulatory restrictions, there needs to reparations from the corporate intenersts who have greatly profited from their 'forever' chemicals which have become a threat due to the scale of their use.

    For example, I think a good argument can be made to task 3M with providing solutions to municipal water processing facilities which can safely remove PFA's from water supplies, or reduce human exposure to PFA's by developing PFA-free plastic food containers and wraps.

  • 99.3k
    Voted No

    According to a GAO report we don't know the extent the US water supply is effected hence the level of regulation needed. A sampling if 5,800 water systems in 6 states found 16% (978 water systems) had forever chemicals which effected 25% (9.5M people) of the population served.

    Regulations also vary between EPA and 6 states with stricter regulations and 14 states developing regulations.

    We need to know the extent of forever chemicals in the US water supply to develop regulations, and which water supply systems should be prioritized for remediation under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation.

    This problem affects organ systems (liver, kidney, brain, blood, etc) especially in developing children especial babies on formula mixed with water. With out it we will be raising generations of children with health problems because of the contaminated water systems used.


    "As of July 2022, six states set standards and were influenced to do so by public health concerns. When the states set standards, the levels they set were more stringent than EPA's 2016 lifetime health advisory levels. Fourteen additional states developed guidance or began developing standards because of PFAS contamination."

  • 3,959
    Voted Yes

    No explanation needed. Our government has allowed these hazardous products to be made, sold even though they knew the dangers they possess. But campaign contributions mean more than the hazardous waste to our bodies and environment. 

  • 3,403
    Voted No

    No, The Government is not doing enough.  The GOP fights the EPA at every turn, while these corporations line their pockets with untold wealth-and we, the common people, suffer, get sick and die from it.

  • 1,620
    Voted No

    Apparently, they are NOTdoing enough.  We cannot "beat" cancer until we remove the chemicals from our air, water, earth and food.

  • 7,796
    Voted No

    Our government is too busy catering to the upper elite. NOT ONE PERSON IN GOVERNMENT has a clue on how the average American lives.
    Having pure and clean drinking water is a fundamental need.  Flint, Michigan still does not have clean water and it's been maybe 3 years or more! It's quite disturbing.  

  • 2,451
    Voted No

    I really don't know as I've not heard anything on the news about actions our gov. may be taking.  My guess is that we're probably not doing much and should be doing more, but that's just a guess.

  • 39
    Voted No

    BAN PFAS. The reason they wont is very simple, If we follow the fluorine trail of toxicity we may stumble upon fluorides and question how the hell we were ever tricked into drinking this toxic mess. Its the prioritization of industrial and military interests ( AS THEY BOTH RELY HEAVILY ON FLUORINE/FLOURIDE JUST ASK MANHATTAN PROJECT SCIENTISTS AND DUPONT) over public health and even our childrens future, for me. 

  • 3,403
    Voted No

    The GOP wants everything de-regulated, bows to their Corporate donors and this is now what we have.


    Any health effects suffered by the American People is the fault of every member of the GOP.

  • 9,166
    Voted No

    increased action needed now. We can't wait "FOREVER".

  • 13.6k
    Voted No

    now would be a great time for accountability. I never agreed to be poisoned, did you?

    corporations knew now for decades they were poisoning the planet and the people on it, but continued to profit. meanwhile, government has done nothing.

    I will leave you with some song lyrics to ponder. Its by my close friends, Chicago's best mutant rockers, Hotlips Messiah.

    Pollute the water

    pollute the air

    pollute the soil- I don't care

    deformed babies-deformed babies- deformed babies for you!

  • 3,405
    Voted No

    I paid a mighty price to have the Culligan people come to my home and outfit my kitchen faucet with a pfas purizing device.  I figured I'd be dead before our govenment got around to anything that would help us with this poisoning.

  • 137
    Voted No

    Nothing alive is free of these chemicals, just as there are microplastics in the interstices of every cell in every living thing...There is no child born without tiny bits of plastic in between their cells, and no child without these hazardous chemicals flowing through their blood and other bodily fluids. Yet there are few studies, and little regulation on how much of these wind up in our water supplies...And the further up the food chain, the more they become concentrated. Eating a single freshwater fish from ANY body of water in the United States is like consuming contaminated water for a month now! If we do not do SOMETHING, and soon, rates of cancer across the country will explode, due to the presence and further concentration of these chemicals in our food and water supplies.

  • 3,770
    Voted No

    Much, Much more needs to be done. We could start at the level of the wealthiest's paychecks!

  • 1,126
    Voted No

    More clearly needs to be done. 

  • 221
    Voted No

    Whether it is forever chemicals in our bodies, nuclear annihilation, an uninhabitable planet due to man-made climate change, or simply mass slaughter with civilian-owned weapons of war, humans, especially we Americans, seem determined to wipe out our species. We all can help change our trajectory, but doing so requires leadership from politicians who, unfortunately, seem more focused on political gamesmanship and press appearances. Some real leadership would be greatly appreciated - before it's too late.

  • 579
    Voted No

    since the citizens are aroused over this issue.  The feds are dragging their feet to reduce this

  • 97
    Voted No

    I had never heard about these forever chemicals until this week. Yet the have already caused damage to people. Something that harms both our bodies and environment need to be under more scrutiny from the government 

  • 1,820
    Voted No

    Unfortunately our government is run by corporate interests and refits rather than the health and well being of the public.

  • 12.1k
    Voted No

    Obviously not!!!

  • 8,471
    Voted No

    Evidently not!

  • 1,875
    Voted No

    Many comments were well thought out so I'll just add this. 

    Corporations that understand collateral damages that hurt people or the climate and do them anyway should be held liable and - frankly - jailed.  

    The reason corporations get away with it is they know if they get caught, the punishment likely will be in monetary issues.   Prison is a better deterrent and I bet if corporations realize that they'll be jailed for years, they will do a better job.