Six Ways Golf Courses Hurt the Environment

Do you think golf courses fit into the vision of a greener future?

  • 42.5k

    People's access to potable water has become a challenge in many and in many more areas of he world, and will continue to stress plant, animal and human life as precipitation patterns and watersheds continue to shift due to the accelerating rate of global warming.

    Keeping people alive and protecting local biospheres as best we can, will have to take precedence over protecting adult playgrounds.

    There may be places that can handle the stress of golf courses without affecting local watersheds or chemically damaging local biospheres. Go for it - and be prepared to lose it if and when conditions change!

  • 6,889
    Voted No

    Absolutely not.  It's a stupid game for the well-off.  It takes large swathes of the best land away from it natural state.  They pollute all the adjacent fresh water with toxic run-off of high nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides.

  • 58.6k
    Voted Maybe

    We know that grassy lawns are bad for the environment and a big drain on water usage without providing much carbon capture.

    Therefore, I think golf courses are not part of a truly green future.

    However, I think if golf courses had to include a certain percentage of forested or other more carbon-friendly areas as part of their real estate, they might be able to contribute better to the community they're in. It has to start with standards and maybe local regulations.

    I'm sure wealthy golf course owners might not like this, but it's the only way I think these facilities should be built or improved in the future.

  • 13.5k
    Voted Yes

    The fertilizing of golf courses puts nitrogen and others chemicals in steam, rivers, waters and aquifers of your drinking water. That not talking about other pollutants.

  • 110.7k

    I am not a golfer but I can already hear my family & friends that golf complain,  but then none of them believe climate change is real or a danger. 

  • 27.8k
    Voted No

    I'd love for each community to put this up for a vote.


  • 1,900
    Voted Maybe

    They can stay IF we're able to make them sustainable. If not, the majority should go to make room for native fauna & flora.

  • 2,797
    Voted Yes

    Another thing the tree huggers want to remove. It happens that a proper designed golf course uses less land than most city parks. 

    People enjoy getting out in the fresh air and enjoying the sun and exercise. I have only went golfing one time and took the wife with me. I shot a 72 and then we went on to the second hole. We walked and i carried the bag the entire 18 holes. It was great exercise. Wildlife on a golf course is a no no. When you water grass it goes on the grass and back into the ground to be reused. 

  • 57
    Voted Maybe

    Yani ben pek düşünmüyorum.

  • 394
    Voted No

    Golf courses are a joke.  They waste water, apply tons of pesticides, fungicies and fertilizers that end up polluting groundwater and diverting important water resources to keep grass green.  Ridiculous. For the wealthy and not the average person.  

  • 865

    Considering the golf courses in golf's birthplace, Scotland, we can see that golf courses can be varied as they develop around the natural resources of the local environment.  Golf courses don't need to have planted green grass to look like those golf courses in Scotland.  Greater imagination can help develop a greater variety of golf courses for all to enjoy and not damage the environment in the meantime.

  • 12.9k

    The ugly truth about water in the west. It's not a theory, it's happening and it's very serious


  • 67

    I feel that golf courses hurt the environment because of noise etc  Do your own research ......   whether I could be right or wrong   ....we need to stop Disinformation please save .......our rhinos the best way you can..... wildlife ....No wars missiles bombs.   Stop world government control  of tracks. Etc.   Please  Do not  be Deceived nor compromised     please 🙏 

  • 39
    Voted No

    Golf courses are not the only problem. Individual homeowners who want their lawns to look like golf courses and use fertilizers and pesticides to get them that way. 

  • 1,427
    Voted Maybe

    If golf course designers can come up with a way to make the golf courses less water hogs.  Other wise they are going to have to go the way of the dinosaurs.

  • 1,762
    Voted Yes

    I think the woke endanger me

  • 12.9k

    Oh and the above doesn't even mention the pollution caused by lost gold balls. The estimate is between 2-5 million balls in the ocean off the coast of the pebble beach course in California alone.


  • 1,216
    Voted No

    absolutely not. golf courses are a non essential product. people do not "need" golf courses to survive. the only people who benefit from golf courses are the owners and they only care about the profit they make, never mind the decrease of water for drinking, for humans and animals.

  • 226
    Voted Yes

    Golf courses provide avenues for popular recreation.  While they are not "green", it makes more sense to focus on things like the oil and energy industries whose damage drastically outweighs that of golf courses.  After we've take care of the real climate destroyers, we can worry about golf.

  • 1,030
    Voted No

    Golf, like football has a hypnotic hold on many people but it's a sport that needs to wind down and become a thing of the past. Harm far greater than good. 

  • 771
    Voted No

    What a waste of resoures so you can chase a little ball around. This is one thing destroying our planet. 

  • 1,438
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted No

    They use too much water.

  • 710
    Voted Maybe

    If golf courses can be redesigned to signicantly reduce their negative impacts, then fine. Otherwise, convert them to meadow lands.

  • 694
    Voted No

    Golf courses are an abomination of the elite and a waste of precious water and land resources. They bring unnatural grass and foliage that damages the local ecosystem.