Three Ukrainian Drone Strikes Hit Russia This Week

Do you want your country to supply weapons to Ukraine?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    Yes, keep supplying weapons and more advanced weapons to Ukraine. Russia must be dirven out of Ukraine or Europe will remain at risk from putin's drive to rebuild the Soviet Union. The countries that left the Soviet sphere of influence have by and large thrived and have become valued allies of our country and democracies generally. Democracies need to band together and 'hold the line' or Russia will not stop. 

    The fact that Ukraine has found ingenious ways to attack the attackers who have been launching their attacks from within Russion borders should be applauded. Russia continues to attack Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, residential areas, and medical facilities with weaponry located outside of Ukraine's border; All in the attempt to erase the Ukrainian populace using weapons gained from Iran and North Korea.

    Putin justified these civilian attacks as a response to the attack that destroyed the bridge to Crimea, equating the loss of his military asset to the loss of Ukraine's populace.

    The putin cannot be allowed to succeed in his war of choice, the future economic and humanitarian costs of Russia's possible winning of this war are far too high to even considering it. 

    Get Ukraine the advanced longer range weaponry needed to defend it's people from seaborn and cross border attacks. It will cost far more to not provide these resources before Russia has a chance to regroup.

  • 5,174
    Voted Maybe

    My favorite part is Ukraine is like, "We're not saying we did it. We're not saying we didn't do it. But we're not saying we did it."

    (And my vote for "Maybe" is just because I fully agree with our support of Ukraine, but I also fully agree with our decision to only supply defensive weaponry. The US and NATO can't really be seen giving Ukraine the means to strike at Russia across the border. I support Ukraine being able to strike across the border; we just can't leave any fingerprints on anything that might escalate the war.)

  • 3,405

    The Russians are trying to claim territories of UKraine as their own.  We (Americans)  do not support such actions.  We should give them everything we have to stop the Russian invassion!  

  • 215
    Voted No

    Nations who respect humanity and their Godly rights should pursue peace and unity not wars and destruction. We need an immediate Worldwide Court of Justice to Prosecute and Execute Crimes Against Humanity and to Totally Erradicate Permanently Communism, Terrorism, Satanism , and any other Evil Destructive Group or Person,  that lifts their vile heads to destroy the innocent. Violence begets Violence and for what end certainly not peace, security and human rights! Instead of supplying military weapons immediately annilate the leaders who do not conform to the rights of their country and the world! Better to get rid of and execute one or a few to save the majority, maintaining peace requires maintaining order not disorder and to respect your fellow man , woman, and child, animals too are included!

  • 93.9k
    Voted Yes

    We should continue to provide Ukraine defensive weapons to protect civilians & infrastructure.

    So far, Ukrainian attacks inside Russia have been with Ukrainian or commercially available drones the Ukrainians have modified. They haven't used any US supplied equipment as they know the US will discontinue providing weapons if used inside Russia.

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    What a stupid mistake by Ukraine and our military forces even helping to control the drones to their target. We have a leader in Russia that is under great pressure and needs to end this war quickly and now to show that Ukraine with the backing of the USA are tough have now brought the war outside the borders of Ukraine for show. Russia has been sent to keep the battle in the theatre of Unkraine only and Ukraine has previously done the same to repel the attack. Now they have expanded the war and in return even Comrade Putin May strike back in other countries that have helped Ukraine. This may be militarily or on their infrastructure and supplies. How about an attack against their internet? 

    I am not sure how many cruise missiles Russia has but he may decide in one day to fire off 1/2 of them all over Ukraine in retaliation and to send some of those drones he got from Iran and Afghanistan to hit Ukraine on the same day. 


    Russia knows where the Ukraine troops are from their own satellites so they very well could target the cities that were closed to the troops. In any military encampments there is a control center of operations and part of the infrastructure. He could also target those centers. Behind this attack of total turmoil he could send in rockets from Multiple rockets launcher to hit equipments and troops filled up by tanks and artillery to drive the Ukraine forces out of defensive positions to in the open. All of this could happen because Ukraine wanted to send three drones into Russia.


    Just prior to that final ground assault he could also send in the largest groups of bombers with the most powerful weapons and bombs available in Russia. They would be dropped on as many troops in the east side of Ukraine as possible. 

    I think after the retaliation mentioned above for three drones hitting Russia even Ukraine might think this was a bad idea and maybe keep the war inside the sandbox. 

  • 685
    Voted Maybe

    We need to stop this war in order to save lives.  That means going into negotiations and talking to rusia and their neighbor in and around the area to stop this madness.

  • 1,206
    Voted Yes

    Drop a few drones on the Kremlin

  • 394
    Voted Yes

    Putin is a monster and deserves to be in jail.

  • 862
    Voted No

    I want the Biden Admin to work on ending this War. Not sending more money and equipment to this Corrupt Ukraine Govt. The USA must cause a Peace Agreement. And part of that deal must get all of our money back from both sides. The USA has the Power to end this War and that is what must happen.


  • 32
    Voted Yes

    This isn't about Ukraine.  Its about a ruthless dictator with a lot of weaponry who wants to re-establish an empire, and who has invaded our own cyber territory.  In fact, with revelations of the likes of Maria Buttina, and the NRA being 'hosted in' Russia, which, by the way has strict gun control, this is a proxy war with Russia to ensure we limit their incursions into our own territory and population.  To ensure that Vlad does not have his crazy meglomaniacal visions come to fruition.  Yes, keep tabs on what's sent over there, but by all means send it.  (Reminder, these are U.S. arms, manufactured in the U.S., employing Americans.) The Ukranians are doing our dirty work. Americans are profiting. A dirty awful reality. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

  • 1,358
    Voted Yes

    not only should we be supplying Ukraine with weapons, we should be supplying more advanced air defense systems and drones and other systems that will have the range to hit anywhere in Crimea. We need the Ukraine to win this war. It is the perfect opportunity to totally degrade Russia's conventional military capability. C'mon Biden, grow a set of balls. 

  • 147
    Voted Yes

    When a country tries to invade and capture another one without provocation, then all help that is available should be's either supply them with the weapons or go to war and fight for them...Russia and other countries tragically underestimated Ukraine...GO UKRAINE!!!

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Yes

    We can not leave these people hanging out there unsupported when threatened by a power mad state like Russia. Especially when they are willing to defend themselves.

  • 463
    Voted Yes

    We must do everything in our power to asist Ukraine and other countries who are in a fight to retain their independence, and their democratic form of government. We cannot allow international thugs and dictators to move against their independent neighbors without any kind of repercussions against them, including military force.

  • 1,124
    Voted Yes

    Putin bragged about killing Americans when he was a KGB agent.  He must be treated as a number one enemy

  • 2,737
    Voted Yes

    Need to have Russia know it just can't take territory (though a bit late...). 

  • 217
    Voted Yes

    The United States, as a member of NATO, must do everything within our resources to support Ukraine's rejection of the Russian invasion, including the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Crimea territories.  Russia and its allies must be shown that they will not be allowed to invade the sovereign territory of neighboring nations, and that the United States will fully support the defense of democratic nations so threatened.  How do we Americans look into our national mirror if we do not? 

  • 3,959
    Voted Yes

    CAUSES ASKS: "Do you want your country to supply weapons to Ukraine?"  ME: Although I abhor war, it is necessary for the US to send defensive weponry to Ukraine in order to minimize its destruction and devastation (which Russia is doing a good job of even with such weaponry).  The implications for Europe and much of the rest of the world of Russian control over all of Ukraine  is almost as abhorant as war. Hitler redux.

  • 1,927
    Voted Yes

    The novelty of this war has long since worn off. Time to help Ukraine win decisively. Frankly, I would be for more than weapons. All that's going on in the current situation is more places, people and money are being blown up. The longer this goes on, the less well it will end.

  • 59
    Voted Yes

    Ukraine is fighting so the rest of us don't have to. We need to give them everything they need to finish this. Quickly.


    Money we spend now is money we won't have to spend later. It's an investment in our combined futures.

  • 279
    Voted Yes

    We have to support Ukraine at any cost. They are fighting a war for all people who love freedom. And they should be sending drones inside Russia against military targets to protect their military and civilians from missle and bomb strikes. 

  • 90
    Voted Yes

    Absolutely.  Russia's aggression would go beyond Ukraine if we do not help them in any way.

  • 1,874
    Voted Yes

    Yes, because they are our ally. If we don't assist, that looks like we silently support Russia's attack.