Live Election Updates: Raphael Warnock Wins Re-election

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  • 1,085

    Georgia coming in clutch once again! Warnock's win against the evil Walker means Democrats will control 51 seats in the US Senate! So what is the differences between 51 and 50? Here the most important: 

    1. Democrats will control complete majorities in EVERY Senate committee, granting them full subpeona power and complete quorums so they can vote to pass bills and nominees through committees without a single GOP vote! 

    2. Democrats will be able to vote to confirm executive nominees and federal judges at a faster pace since they can afford to have up to 2 Democrats absent at any time instead of needing all 50 Democrats present as they had to for the past 2 years.


    3. Democrats can now afford to net-lose 1 seat in 2024 Senate elections and still retain control of the Senate. It will still be tough, but 51 seats gives them more breathing room. 

    With 51 Senate seats, Democrats have the potential to replace any Supreme Court justices that retire for two more years, and 2 of them are currently in their 70s! All elections matter. Voters understood the assignment. Hence, why Democrats maintained and expanded their majority in the US Senate!

  • 13.3k

    this was way to close...

    politicians are in theory, educated on how government functions, how laws work etc...Walker, simply put, does not know how to tie his shoes, let alone understand what his job would have been, other then saying the most ignorant things to rile his base.

    I hope Democrates learned something here, however. People need better candidates to choose from, who represent the interests of the people, not corporations. they need to start supporting labor, the LBGTQ community, and women.

    this race illustrated , yet again, how money and power, not ideas and service, are how politcians even get on a ballot. Walker was unfit, obviously, but republican voters didn't care...this was too close a call for our democracy.

  • 2,412

    I am so glad that the GA voters had enough sense to elect someone who has the intelligence and integrity to serve in the Senate.  Warnock's win is a win for democracy and it restores (somewhat) my faith in the voting public (although I really think the margin of victory should have been much larger).  I am hopeful that the wins that the Dems had in the midterms are a sign that maybe our country is getting back to some sense of rational thought and reasoning.  I hope that the Republicans take a long hard look at the direction their party has taken and decide that maybe they need to become more moderate and leave the fringe and Trump in the dust.  While, I am a lifelong Dem. there are Republicans that I do respect, even though I don't agree with some of their views.  Republicans like Liz Chaney, or the late John McCain who really do care about this country and put the good of the country before their personal goals and are willing to work across party lines to protect our democracy.  And yes, there are some policies that Dems. have advocated in the past that I didn't agree with and if any Dem. acted like Trump (lied about virtually everything, was a sexual predator, a cheat, etc., etc), I'd be the first to withhold my vote for them and possibly vote for their opponent (depending on the character of the opponent).  I pray that we will return to a country that works to improve the lives of its citizens and to uphold the rule of law.

  • 1,178

    i feel grateful.

  • 7,792

    Over 50+ got it right in GA and on the right side of history. Trump has destroyed so many lives with lies, propaganda, misinformation, hate and religion with long term effects. Russia Putin did the same with lies, propaganda, misinformation, hate and religion to start a war with Ukraine with long term effects. Most authoritarian dictator use the same process to forge popular consensus to justify committing a crime and crimes against humanity!

  • 525

    It was distressingly close which just proves that Republican voters vote party not candidate because Herschel is all kinds of messed up. How he was the candidate, much less how anyone could pull the lever for him in this race, is far beyond my comprehension. At least now I can relax and rewatch his speeches for the comedy gold they are and not worry he will actually win. I guess Republican voters like to feel superior to their candidates which explains why so many of their candidates are so inexpressably stupid.

  • 6,674

    Congratulations Senator Warnock!

  • 1,927

    Congratulations Sen. Warnock on the well-deserved win. I still am amazed that almost half of Georgians would vote for a dubious individual whose only "benefit" to the Senate would be as a rubber-stamp "yes" for the GQP. Not a benefit to most Americans. So congratulations, Georgia, for electing a highly-quafied and righteous human being as well as keeping a bad dude out.

  • 48.0k

    Warnock wins!!

    A victory for Georgia and for the Senate!

  • 782

    Meh.  Doesn't change anything.  What it does is show how bad the candidates the GOP puts forth are.  When will they get a clue and distance themselves from Trump?  Better yet, when will we get a new party that's socially conservative but fiscally liberal?

  • 809

    Warnock's win is proof positive that Democrats really have no problem with the abuse of women, mistreatment of the disadvantaged, corrupt so-called black preachers, and getting wealthy on the backs of the poor as long as it's their guy doing it.  Some of the vile racist insults hurled against Herschel Walker by leftwing media types is just further proof that real racism lives in the Democrat Party,  Warnock's tolerance of it just illustrates he's that other epithet Democrats like to label Blacks who dare to leave the Plantation.

  • 266

    It sucks that Warnock won. But, it also sucks that Walker and the GOP are idiots as well. Why would Walkers campaign allow him to campaign with RINOS like Graham and Haley. Makes no sense to me. Maybe in 2028 MTG can defeat Warnock!!!!!

  • 48.0k

    I'm just so sad so many people would vote for Walker.

    We will never listen to Republicans talk about truth, family values, or qualifications again.

    Walker is a liar, an adulterer, a wife abuser, an absentee father, and supremely qualified.

    It's clear the people voting for him care only about power and not any principles. What a shame.

  • 44.7k

    Official! Warnock Wins!

  • 5,397

    Warnock has been projected to win re-election in Georgia.

  • 8,879

    Nbc and cnn have officiallyprojected warnock will be the winner.

  • 44.7k

    Still waiting on the election call, but other than that, SSDD!

  • 48.0k

    Hoping Georgia will turn it out today and re-elect Rev. Senator Warnock!!

    If the Republicans really wanted to win this seat, they should have picked a candidate that was qualified and able to better convey a policy.

  • 25.8k


    Please make the time to watch this five-minute video even if you are not a citizen of Georgia.

    In the video linked to below, Politics Girl makes an excellent appeal to all Georgia voters.

    Essentially, she advocates for voting for a candidate who has character, honesty and competence.

    Beyond that, Politics Girl states a fact about Senate protocol that the media has failed to emphasize and why it is extremely important for the Democrats to have the 51 seats.

    "Georgia Voters Unite"


  • 5,397

    Hopefully Warnock will be elected. It will make the job of the Senate in balancing the actions of the Republican House over the next two years somewhat easier. The SCOTUS remains somewhat of a wildcard, but will most likely also cast their votes with the Tea Party Republicans. The House Revenge Hearings are the ones to watch - especially the Judiciary Cmte under Gym Jordan. Sandy Hook and Uvalde are the best examples, but for years we have been putting money and gun violence above the lives of our children and others. Civil society is in danger. Trust is essentially gone, and "kill or be killed" is rapidly becoming the norm. Power and greed and the code of so called "conservatives" and grievance is the basis for their actions. Nihilism rules. And now Trump wants to do away with the Constitution, and Republicans in Congress have not decried that statement, but have in fact minimized it and said they would support him anyway. MTG has struck a deal with McCarthy that, if he is elected Speaker, will make her the defacto Speaker of the House. Could be an "interesting" ride. Welcome to Republican America!