Virginia Walmart Shooting: 6 People and Shooter Dead

Do you believe there's a solution to America's gun violence epidemic?

  • 2,451
    Voted Yes

    YES-it's called stricter gun control measures-like banning assault weapons, increasing the age that people can buy a gun to 21, expanding background cks., elimnating gun sales at flea markets, or other non-gun shop places, implementing and enforcing Red Flag laws nationwide, imposing a 10 day wait period from the time of applying to buy a gun, discontuning the practice of not having to have a permit to carry a weapon-consealed or not.  Yet, the fucking Republican won't do anything to try and curve this senseless violence.  Apparently, they enjoy seeing innocent people being gunned down just so idiots can have their damn guns., 

  • 5,397

    Just another typical day in the Violent States of America.

  • 99.3k
    Voted Yes

    The VA Walmart killing makes 40 mass killings for 2022, 2nd to the 45 that occurred in 2019 according to a database maintained by Northwestern University and the Associated Press since 2006, but the year is not over yet. Sounds like a revenge killing by an employee or ex-employee,

    "The U.S. has now had 40 mass killings so far this year, second to the 45 that occurred for all of 2019. The database defines a mass killing as at least four people killed, not including the killer."

  • 47.8k

    And Again, And Again, And Again, etc to infinity. Beginning to think Mother Nature has decided there are too many of those Homo sapiens F'ing up the planet and is determined to find any and all means to slow their breeding/growth to save the planet. Actually, nice dream! We're doing this to ourselves. Well, I guess there's always ... LOL! Keep all those unlimited access, open carry gun laws going on here in Texas, Reps, so we can keep up with the rest of the nation in killings. Wouldn't want to fall behind, would we, abbortt, paxton, patrick, cornyn, cruz, crenshaw, etc. state shits

  • 226
    Voted Yes

    The solution is simple. Regulation of weapons akin to driver's license enforcement, banning of assault weapons, heavy criminal penalties for breaking these laws for both buyer and seller with no first time leniency, and most of all, believable assurances to the law abiding gun owners that there is no slippery slope and that the Constitution protects the rights of those who remain within the law.

  • 341
    Voted Yes

    Our government must act to curb gun violence with common sense gun legislation and mental health measures. Measures that do exist are ignored by law enforcement in Colorado, and republicans look the other way. The data proves that more guns have not made us more safe. 

    I am not anit-second amendment. But, we have to have common sense not absolute black and white. Owning and using a cars has legal guardrails. Walking has legal guardrails. Guns...not so much. Gun ownership, of all rights, must come with responsibility. And government has the responsibility to make that true. 

    This may come as a surprise, but you, whether in the House or the Senate, are supposed to be leaders -- morally, ethically, and practically. And if you're not up to the job of doing what needs to be done rather than what's easy, then stop running. America deserves better than a bunch of job protectors.


  • 51.8k
    Voted Yes

    If there were fewer guns and it was harder to get and carry them, then there would be fewer incidents like these.

    Let's hear what solutions the gun lovers have other than letting more people die.

  • 374
    Voted Yes

    Civilians have no business with assault style rifles, & extended clips that some want to play with like toys. Extensive background checks for gun buyers, especially at gun shows, & parents must secure their guns. I just retired from a 38 yr teaching career; what is it going to take? How many innocent people must be murdered like this? Why is the NRA allowed to fund legislators? We're digging our own graves, & we look like neanderthal idiots to the rest of the world. 

  • 479
    Voted Yes

    Look at conditions in Iran and China today, go look at the news articles: millions of people pleading for relief from their oppressive government, which has ensured they remain easy to oppress by restricting their ability to arm themselves.

  • 479
    Voted Yes

    Sadly, it is a very, very common denominator that people who choose violence come from a home without a stable father and attentive mother. Do your research... see how many of these people who end up committing atrocities were raised by an overworked single mother, by grandparents, or some other situation where the father was absent. This is not to disparage single mothers or grandparents faced with the role of raising children in difficult circumstances, they should get more support and help from the community.

    Look at when these tragedies started becoming common, and see the correlation with the breakdown of the traditional family through no-fault divorce, sexual "liberation," and attacks on the very concept of a traditional family being the norm. Nationwide family structure began to crumble in the 1970s, and within the second generation afterwards we saw Columbine mark the beginning of the fallout from that trend.

    Firearms were common 100 years ago, even automatic firearms (which wouldn't become regulated until 1933), but they were not an issue because the cultural norm of a traditional family with mother and father raising their own children greatly reduced the risk factors for violence. Of course there were exceptions, with either bad parents, a lack of parents, and/or kids who were bad despite good parents, but they were the exception to the cultural norm.

    Now the cultural norm is absentee fathers, step-fathers, or no father at all, with children being raised by single parents, grandparents, or step-parents. That doesn't make the people trying to raise the children in those circumstances bad people, but at best they are good people trying to fill their roles in conditions which are sabotaged by the lack of a stable holistic family environment.

    This is a cultural epidemic, and creating laws that attempt to stick a bandaid on a symptom will do nothing to cure the underlying disease.

  • 1,221
    Voted Yes

    The solution for "gun violence" is for each of Us to be aware of those around Us emotional situations. This is a twofold solution: 1 Emotionally disturbed people need to be removed for society, and treated at good facilities; 2 Laws that encourage mental health treatments.

  • 32
    Voted Yes

    This is shocking no need for it. 
    God help everyone that got caught up in it

  • 686
    Voted Yes

    Liberals need to stop commiting hate crimes against other Liberals & get themselves some mental health help.

  • 97
    Voted Yes

    In 1791 when the 2nd amendment was created, we were shooting musket balls, cannon balls and using swords. The people back then also fed their families with wildlife. But they weren't using bullets. There was no such thing. Semi-automatic weapons? None!! 
    As our weaponry changed the laws did NOT! Since our lawmakers couldn't see into the future the law stood as it was. 
    We would do well to look into the Canadian laws. They allow guns for certain purposes only. Otherwise, they are locked in specific gun control boxes. There are few people who even have a gun in Canada. Generally the population as a whole are a kinder, more polite, tolerant society. Having lived in both places, this is the opinion that I have formed. I am a US citizen, but I seriously think their gun laws are far superior to ours. 

  • 4,132
    Voted Yes

    The answer is quite simple Vote Republicans out of office.

  • 762
    Voted Yes

    Repeal Amendment 2. Let NO GUNS be the solution. Let "...Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness..." Flourish freely everywhere. This is exactly like the rest of Nations respecting Democracy. Good company, don't you think?

  • 6,775
    Voted Yes

    Yes...  And it's simple.  Make getting a gun harder and make weapons like semi-automatic weapons illegal.  

    But I doubt that will happen eventhough we actually did both in the 1990's.  

    By the way, today's Mass Shooting make at least 608 Mass Shootings this year.  

    Only 3 more and we have a new record high...  

    No one should be proud of that.

  • 4,132
    Voted Yes

    When you live in a country where a political party like the Republicans spawn hate and pass out handguns and assault rifles as fast as possible what else can you expect. The solution is get the Republicans out of office and start locking up some of them like Donald Trump.

  • 10.3k
    Voted Yes

  • 99.3k
    Voted Yes

    Killer Profile 

    Northeastern University-AP Data base of Mass Murders (4+ dead)

  • 1,430
    Voted Yes

    We had a solution. President Clinton had a solution that expired. Is that the only solution no.

    Another solution is stop worrying about who is having a baby. Frankly it is none if your business.

    What is your business is who owns a gun. Is that person responsible. Dies thar person have good judgment. 

    I am triednof hearing about shootings. I mean we had the UVA football players, the 4 college students in the Midwest, Colorado, and now this one. 

    This is a health and safety crisis. 

    If people have to take classes and require a license to drive than the same should apply to guns.