Nancy Pelosi Steps Down as Speaker of the House

How do you feel about Nancy Pelosi's leadership as speaker?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Excited

    Nancy Pelosi is an icon of responsible governance. Her leadership of the Democratic Party in the House has been exemplary. Her true leadership was on display as the Republican Senate leaders and other leaders swarmed around her when they were huddling in the secure room during the Insurrection. She was on the phone calling and coordinating while everyone else from both parties surrounded her and listened to what she had to say. While not leading the House's Democratic Party in the new session, she will be a valued asset and guide for the new leadership.

    The Republican Cartel has long suffered from not having any actual leadership for decades. Neither Mitch McConnell nor McCarthy are leaders due to the fact that they really do not stand for anything more than just keeping thier members in a well coordinated lockstep parade marching together. They have not proposed nor authored much in the was of legislation for the common good of the country nor the people that our government consists to serve. When they speak about elections, they emphasize the need to 'win'. When Democratic Semate and House leaders speak about elections they emphasize the need to make the country better with specific legislative goals.

    McCarthy and McConnell are like the drum section in the center of the parade that keeps the rest of the parade marching together in sync. However, their parade has no clear destination that it is heading toward.

    Just a clue: No-one can 'lead' a parade when they are marching in the middle of it. 

  • 9,055

    She said she would step down as leader at this point and she kept her word. A class act and I can't imagine how difficult it's been hearding the cats recently. A good time to pass the torch.

    Plus, she will still represent her district, so will be around if someone feels they need advice. 

  • 26.2k
    Voted Sad

    Speaker Pelosi, thank you for your service!


  • 3,613
    Voted Angry

    Nancy has more character and guts than the cumulative totality of republican losers in the house! McCarthy and all showed their true colors by being absent when she spoke. And what is on their immediate agenda having narrowly taken the majority? Investigating nonsense and impeaching biden? This is clearly an agglomeration of morally ethically bankrupt scum whose modus operandi is lie cheat steal obfuscate negate delay and so on. 

  • 94.9k
    Voted Apathetic

    Changing of the guard,

    "Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn are all in their 80s, Jeffries is 52, Clark is 59 and Aguilar is 43... the younger trio to run for the top three posts unchallenged....they work so well together, and I think that's a real strength for each of them...They bring different traits to the table, to the leadership table. They support each other, and they reflect the diversity of our country and our caucus."

    "Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline said Democrats overperformed midterm election expectations in large part because of Pelosi’s leadership. Republicans officially secured the House majority Wednesday evening, with the current tally of races The Associated Press has called at 218-211."

    "Cicilline said Pelosi left "a legacy of extraordinary achievement for the American people" and that he would support Jeffries as her successor.  “He has demonstrated tremendous talent and an ability to really listen to the members of the caucus"

    "New York Rep. Gregory W. Meeks likewise said he’d back Jeffries, citing his ability, along with that of Pelosi, to unify what he says is the most diverse Democratic caucus ever in terms of ethnicity and race. He added that Jeffries has the communication skills necessary to speak to Democrats’ priorities, whether he’s addressing the caucus or the public."


  • 1,069
    Voted Happy

    Speaker Pelosi has been instrumental in holding the Republican right wing in check for the past few years.  She has shown strong leadership over her tenures as Speaker of the House and #3 in order of succession to the President!!  While I have not always been a big fan of Rep Pelosi, she has held the ground against #45 and the right wing!  For that, I applaud her!  She is only stepping away from the leadership roles she has had.  She will still be in the House for 2 more years and will be able to still provide a strong voice for our country while helping with passing on her vast knowledge!!

  • 45.3k
    Voted Excited

    Nancy Pelosi exemplifies why you send a woman/mom in when shit needs to get done. Might want to look into that 'Character' thing cornyn, cruz, crenshaw, before you get too high on yourself and before we eventually end your reign.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Sad

    She's been great. But she deserves a break now.

  • 7,796
    Voted Angry

    It's time for these career politicians to step down and allow new, fresh blood into the fold. Too much power and greed regardless of which party.  I fear for the young, unskilled newly elected to play in this greedy game no matter the cost (mostly their souls).  I don't believe the elder representatives truly emit what their constituents want or need. 

  • 1,034
    Voted Apathetic

    Excellent leader always looks out for the people. Now let's see what republicans can do. Oh they going to do investigation. They couldn't impeach a killer but let's investigate other Democrats. Oh and give the rich another tax cut.

  • 24

    She is amazing.  

  • 1,927
    Voted Happy

    Excellent leadership, plus the ability and wisdom to step aside gracefully. We need more with her integrity.

  • 613
    Voted Apathetic

    I thought she was very partisan but they all seem to be.  

  • 429

    Pelosi is TOP NOTCH!
    I wondered early on WHY so many people bemoaned Nancy Pelosi.
    Then I understood!
    She's smart.
    She's Bad Ass...(in that she doesn't tolerate much crap from butt heads.)
    She gets it DONE.
    The (R) hate her for being a Dem, a Woman, and SUCCESSFUL. Those puny fragile men tremble at the notion a woman could be more powerful than them, yet be kind and good to the citizens.
    Kevin McCathy...WTF is wrong with you? Instead of learning FROM THE BEST and making good accomplishments your plan for use of power is to have some "revenge" on the people the pushed the cause of the People instead of the oligarchs and the party.  You are a weak man, a puny man...and are and will be nothing but a traitor to the people you are supposed to protect and do good for...selfish whiney little brat. Such an awkward child.
    Yo... Massie take a note...a-holes do assinine things.
    ( is the curse on the name McCarthy? -are they all MFA?)

  • 2,215
    Voted Excited

    She has been, arguably, the most effective Speaker Of The House in US history.  Certainly the best in the last 100 years.  I do hope she can train in several replacements to carry us forward.

  • 9,020

    Faithful to her oath, faithful to all of America. We were so lucky to have her.

  • 1,527
    Voted Excited


  • 1,414
    Voted Angry

    A not so fond farewell to one of the most divisive "Catholic" politicians in recent memory. 

  • 242
    Voted Sad

    She is not to leave. .  Just help make  difference please.   She is important to America.  America is devoted to her and her service...  a true hero 🏆

  • 605

    She's not stepping down.She was fired.

  • 53
    Voted Excited

    She was fired. She did not step down. 

  • 8,471
    Voted Excited

    Nancy Pelosi is an amazingly gifted woman. We have been fortunate to have her on our side. I think it's great she will have more free time now to spend with family!

  • 579
    Voted Sad

    I think she was too liberal and her leader ship was stain in the U.S.A.  She like so many of her supportes had a grudge to give to the people, conservative and moderates.  We are much better of without her ideas, focus,and getting the USA into a mess If counterproductive law.

  • 3,709
    Voted Excited

    She stood up during difficult times.

  • 3,405
    Voted Excited

    I got kicked out so I will start again.  Nancy is brilliant, fast on her feet, knowledgable of the Constitution which is supposed to direct all their work and has a love for our country and democracy that couldn't be matched by any others!  They will never be able to replace her.  I hope you all saw the video of what she was doing on Jan.6th.  Then picture Kevin McCarthy with his cell phone in his hand talking to trump with a worried face. That was pitiful. No leadership ablilities there.

  • 6,716
    Voted Happy

    Majority Leader Pelosi has been a stabilizing force in Washington.  She will be missed.  She could have been a bit more liberal but I still respect her and her accomplishments.

  • 676
    Voted Excited

    Outstanding leadership, I understand why she is ready to step down, but she will be missed

  • 216
    Voted Sad

    Time for younger minds 

  • 2,604
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Angry

    Nancy was a powerful,  demonic bully who had fierce control over congress for 20+ years

  • 1,845
    Voted Excited

    Simply this: all greats have their ups and downs - Nancy Pelosi has had her challenges and from what history shows, she handled them admirably.   

    Her strength and persistence will be missed.

    She deserves a much-needed rest - then maybe not as she thrives on challenges and is not afraid to take them on. Maybe she will miss these. 

    Anyhow, may she have a good life afterwards.  

  • 593
    Voted Excited

    Nancy Pelosi is the GOAT Greatest of All Times

  • 1,844
    Voted Excited

    I'm gonna wish her a happy retirement and she did a good job or training a new generation of congresspeople