BILL: Do You Support Republicans' National Abortion Ban?
Demand your reps take action on abortion rights
Full version of the Senate bill.
Full version of the House bill.
The Bill
Bill Status
- House and Senate: Not yet voted
- President: Not yet signed
Bill Overview
- In overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ended constitutional protections for abortion and moved the decision to states. This GOP bill would ban abortions nationwide, regardless of state laws.
- The “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” - introduced by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and co-sponsored by more than 100 House republicans - will ban abortions, in every state, after 15 weeks.
What's in the bill?
- The bill would leave in place state bans that are more restrictive but outlaw any state-level ban that allows abortion after 15 weeks.
- There would be rare exceptions for rape, incest, or when the pregnancy puts the woman’s life at risk.
- Doctors will be tasked with filling out extensive documentation should they perform a post-15-week abortion.
- Physicians and nurses who aid a woman in getting an abortion will be subject to a fine, 5 years of prison, or both.
- A woman who undergoes a "prohibited abortion" would not be prosecuted.
- The bill makes no mention of an exception for fetal abnormalities.
- A variety of the most common genetic disorders and fetal deformities cannot be safely tested for until at least 15 weeks, and often only past 20 weeks
- Republican lawmakers in Texas, Idaho, Missouri, Louisiana, South Dakota, and other Red states have either announced bans, proposed bans, or promised crackdowns on birth control, including Plan B and IUDs.
Argument in Favor
- Advocates claim that a 15-week-old fetus has sufficient nerve to feel pain and that this renders the operation unethical. (Note: There is no scientific consensus on whether - or when - a fetus can feel pain.)
- Supporters also point to the invasive nature of second-trimester abortions, and the risk that they pose for women.
- On a broader level, supporters believe it is in the best social and political interest of the country to have a consistent, comprehensive federal abortion ban.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC):
“I look forward to the debate. I look forward to the vote. If we take back the house and the Senate I can assure you, we'll have a vote on our bill. If the Democrats are in charge, I don't know if we'll ever have a vote on our bill.”
Argument Opposed
- Critics consider this bill to be one more step towards policing and controlling women’s bodies & reproductive rights, which are ultimately human rights.
- Opponents point to the lack of medical consensus about when a fetus feels pain, arguing 15 weeks is an arbitrary cutoff point.
- The lack of exceptions for fetal abnormalities raises issues in a country that is experiencing older birthrates across every demographic except Native Americans. This severely limits the options for older women and will lead to an increase in potentially risky and expensive treatments abroad.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
"There are those in the [GOP] that think life begins at the candlelight dinner the night before... But we are united in our support for women's right to choose.”
President Joe Biden:
“[I]f you give me two more senators in the United States Senate, I promise you, I promise you, we’re going to codify Roe and once again make Roe the law of the land.”
-Josh Herman & Emma Kansiz
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I don't know
If a 3 digit IQ was requirement for voting there would not be a Republican Party.
Ted, I know I already sent you a statement earlier, but I just wanted to include a Special one, just for you, you 💩!
Profile of poll participants in favor of abortion bans: Uneducated, older, white, Republican men...
I am PRO LIFE! I am also a Christian, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. I cannot fathom the loss of a grandchild because of an abortion. It is a heartbreak when a miscarriage happens. Our family is strong and each family member is important & valued. With that being said, the federal government has NO RIGHT to dictate whether a woman should become a mother or not. The Federal Govt. should NEITHER PAY FOR NOR ENDORSE THE DEATH OF ANY UNBORN CHILD. The "laws" regarding abortion must be determined by and left to the States. I understand circumstances such as incest, rape, or the life of the mother will often dictate the hard & heartbreaking decision to stop the life of an unborn child. When our society ceases to value & protect the life of innocent babies not yet born, preferring to let them bleed out after having their neck cut in the womb or their leg pulled off by surgical suction, our society will cease to be. I used to be a Democrat but changed to Republican when the CURRENT Democrats quit caring about the family unit, safety & security, our country, our constitution, and our laws. Those advocating for "ABORTION RIGHTS" need to read some history & learn why and by whom abortion became a control weapon.
"Free will" was given to mankind by the Creator for a reason which is known only by the Creator. No one has the right to tell another what they can and cannot do, what religion to follow, much less how to live their lives. Arguement used the most by those against abortion is "Thou shalt not kill" while they promote killing through war, capitol punishment, mass murder, riioting, and God only knows what else. One person's morals are not always the same as the next person. We have to make mistakes to learn which is what life is all about. Maintaining the balance in all things will bring about a more peaceful existance quicker than anything else. Keep your nose out of everybody else's business and pay better atterntion to your own. Don't want an abortion? Don't get one, much less pay for one or cause for it's necessity. Don't believe in gun rights? Don't buy one. As the old saying goes "Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one." Just don't try and force yours upon anyone else. Have a good day and blessing to all.
IF you REALLY think through the whole of the GOP plans and intentions there is absolutely NO LOGIC.
Affluent women--most ofte "pale" will still be able to gain the funds and access to abortion legal or not, safe or not.
Women with limited access because of lower income will not only be financial unable to get reproductive care they will suffer MORE consequences when a child is born alive. They will be required to fund and raise the child WITHOUT ANy or very limited assitance from the party that constantly whines about having to provide social and ethical support to people FORCED into parenthood. AND these children of minorities...the ones that the GOP demeans and wants to restrict from citizenship...their numbers will be increasing, while the "whiter" women will have fewer births. DUH...
That are SO against minorites all the time so what is the logic of this plan? What is there to gain?
If you have a look at world history there is a purpose to increasing biorthrates, especially of the underprivileged and the poor.
You will have to look at history and connect the dots yourelf...
They will be known most often as "cannon ball fodder".
I am an adult, A senient Human, that can think for myself and was born...not in CHINA...nor Russia... but American by birth. I'll make my own choices...
--including voting out EVERY REPUBLICAN that has pledge to steal my rights and destroy my country.
That means this Kentucky Trio. And ANYWHERE else in American where I can have influence by aiding FREEDOM for WOMEN.
The people who want a nation-wide abortion ban are the same people who believe healthcare is and should be a privilege to those who can afford it (they can afford to go to those places that provide abortions), who want to end Social Security and Medicare, who believe the wealthy should pay no taxes, who believe elections are only legitimate when their party of choice (MAGA Republicans) wins, who believe laws apply to everyone other than themselves, that their lies are the only things that are true, and that we are not to believe the truth of our eyes and ears.
This proposal for a nation-wide abortion ban has little to do with pro-life advocacy as their concern stops at birth. These people oppose programs such as Medicaid that can provide medical care, they oppose minimum wage increases that would allow for improved living conditions, they oppose minimum basic income programs that have been proven to enable poor families to seek better work and education, they oppose funding for affordable housing, they oppose funding for education and promote education programs that preach a singular sanitized view of our history.
The people who want a nation-wide abortion ban are the same ones who have preached for years that they don't want the government involved in personal medical care and health decisions, and now, through a nationwide ban, want to do just that at a level where the government is not only involved but tries to dictate the outcome regardless of the needs or circumstances of the people involved.
No, we do not need a nationwide abortion ban.
I support women having the say over their health care & what they do with their bodies.
If they have an un-planned, or even planned, pregancy, They should understand that the baby IS NOT the woman's body.
The baby is exactly that--A Baby. A fully human person with all that that implies!
Don't murder it! You don't want it, fine--does the Dad want it? Why not adopt the baby out.
For God's sake though, imagine how it would feel if you caught your arm or leg in a wood chipper1 Gruesome, Right? That's what you do to a baby during an abortion.
I'm urging all law makers to think about this & vote against the ongoing Genocide of our most vulnerable citizens.
I am 100% pro-life, but the federal government both republicans and democrats have no legal authority to make any kind of laws on abortion. The states should decide this and each state should pass its own laws. I live in Indiana and if I was pro-choice I would either have to get active in helping change the law, get over it or move.
Even though I posted my thoughts on this issue. It mostly appears to a former Republican, this whole GOP bullying tactics is a bunch of old white men, about to loose their congressional power, with women now advancing within the work force, congress and the White House. They must feel they need to somehow take the power away from the women of America. I watch our GOP candidate for Senate, and his remarks. He had to come to our state because he wouldn't fit in back east to run for office. He says he is a leader, so why does he need to hang on Trumps coat tail.
Our government is made up by a majority of old, white men. These men have no clue about science or medicine or pregnancy or women. These ignorant but self-important men need to stop making laws and court rulings which limit A Womans' Right to Personal Bodily Autonomy! Finish ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment by lifting the time-limit. Then, when women are legally equal to men, men won't be able to dictate to them what women can and cannot do...
I have no idea why anyone would think, yes, let someone else decide what happens to me. Because that's what they are doing. One might think, but oh I'd never do the thing that would make them take control of my body by force, but that's the premise they are agreeing with and supporting. It boggles the mind.
Not only do I NOT support a national abortion ban, I don't even support the fucking Republicans that advocate for such a "take a woman's right away" bill. I wish the damn Republicans would get out of a person's private life/bedroom/reproductive freedon/sexual orientaiton, etc., etc. Roe v Wade was a commonsense approach to limits to abortion and needs to be codified.
To my dumbpublican, Taliban loving, fascist, nazi sympathizing state and national Reps.,
NO, I do not support your national abortion ban. But I do support aborting YOU, even though it's after Y'ALLS third trimester
I live in America, not a Dictatorship country. I believe in the freedom of choice. I believe if we make a mistake it is between me and God, not some Dictator GOP individuals. I believe in freedom of religion, but my choice not some Jesus admirer, pushing their beliefs on me or anyone else. I believe in laws for the pursuit of happiness, but not GOP Dictatorship. We are all entitled to our beliefs, but that is where it stops. I also believe both parties have forgotten the people as a whole. We probably would not have this Abortion Issue if we ALL had adequate health insurance, that actually provided a service. But being the GOP persuaded health insurance companies to turn to profit first rather than service, this is what we end up with.
Politicians are not qualified to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.
This is a matter of privacy, and freedom, and equality.
Women should be able to have equal agency over their own bodies that men do.
So do we believe what Dr. Oz said last night? That "local politicians" will get to decide whether abortion is legal?
Or do we trust that he'll toe the party line with Lindsey and Mitch and ban it across the country at the first chance they get?
So by giving it to the states is a automatic ban? So we should make dwi dui laws federally?
It is not the governments place to tell people what personal choices they should make. Abortion is a personal choice and the supreme court confirmed fifty years ago. Send all the bills to raise the kid to the six puppet judges and the republicans that are forcing their will on you. They will be glad to pay.
If only the republican politicians mother's would have aborted them, think how great America would be right if they were not here taking up space. The best part of the punks ran down their mothers leg all those years ago.