What We Learned From the Jan. 6 Hearings

Should the Department of Justice prosecute Trump?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    The DOJ must SUCCESSFULLY prosecute the trump as well as his co-conspirators at every level, To do less will allow other many more trumps into our governance who will see local treasuries as their personal bank accounts, and abuse the authorities granted to them by the people for thier own self-serving benefit. It would put on-notice the many politicians and executive branch appointees that their oath's of office matter, that protecting the Constitution and the country matters, that 'right' matters - and anyone that egregiously abuses their oath's of office and/or the public's trust that authorities granted to governemnt officals will be used solely for the common good of the country and all of the people, that ANY government officals who does so will be held to account.

    To do less, would be to sacrifice our democrcacy on the dual alters of wanton greed and lust for power,  

  • 7,970

    Yes, he and every person involved in the planning, implementation or attempted cover up of coordinated attack on our Capitol. 

    The repercussions for not doing so will lead to more violence and ultimately, the destruction of our democracy.


    The DOJ has all the evidence they need to successfully prosecute. Do it!!!

  • 1,814
    Voted No

    Another felled investigation. Hunter Biden and sleepy Joe should be prosecuted. They both have been compromised by China and Russia. Hunter took millions from China, his laptop has all the truths on it plus his penis and all the strumpets. Biden used his influence on Ukraine and China to score billions for both of them when he was Vice President. It's time to impeach Joe and arrest him and Hunter. The FBI is protecting them but their day is coming too.

  • 8,921
    Voted Yes

    If we don't prosecute a former leader who tries to overthrow the government, why do we even have laws? Obviously, they shouldn't go forward unless they have an airtight case, but asking the Georgia governor to invent more votes is pretty on point. 

  • 94.2k

    Even more important than the 187 minutes between Trump's rally and the calling off of his supporters, and planning leading up to that, are the 3 hours it took to approve the request for National Guard at the Capitol since DC is not a state and has no Governor to approve, it requires Presidential approval. And the approval eventually came from VP Pence not Trump. 

    In the interim the Governors of MD & VA sent in state troopers and county police as they also required Presidential approval to deploy their state national guard outside their states. 

    We could see the bumper-to-bumper line  of police cars headed around the beltway to DC.

    Total non-performance & abdication of responsibility to take 3 hr to approve National Guard dispatch despite numerous calls from Congressional members to the President and MD & VA state governors.

  • 163
    Voted No

    The democrats never give up. Trump hate has overtaken love of country. 

  • 1,387
    Voted Yes

    Trump should be tried and hung by the neck on public television. He is a traitor.

  • 244
    Voted No

    Prosecute Trump for what? All the have are Trumped-up allegations to prosecute with. Get serious!

  • 220
    Voted No

    No they shouldn't, not unless they want to drag Nancy Pelosi, Chuck schumer and Maxine waters into court with him for telling everyone to hunt down and target Trump supporters for their political views. These rules are supposed to apply all of the time to all of the people otherwise our rules in the country are just words and not laws. Trump says "March peacefully and patriotically to the capital" Maxine waters says you find them and tell them they're not welcome here in restaurants in gasoline stations. Etc. 

  • 51
    Voted Yes

    He broke the law.  Period.  No one should be above the law for any reason.  If they don't prosecute him, all they are doing is feeding into and proving the belief that rich people get treated better than people who aren't.

  • 3,914
    Voted Yes

    It's astounding the more you look into this you find out what a blithering idiot Donald Trump is and what's even more astounding is to think how much more of a blithering idiot you would have to be to believe in him. Or kiss his butt like Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Mitch McConnell, and the person who needs the most chopstick of anyone Lindsey Graham. They're all pathetic it's all pathetic.

  • 2,427
    Voted Yes

    All you idiots who keep donating to a man who uses your money to pay for his attorney's fees, his whining campaign stints and the bills on all his properties, while you starve, deserve all the misery you get!  It is your donations that are financing his corrupt attempts to make our country a dictatorship, too!  You big businesses, who think he will reward you, once in power again, are absolute fools.  Suckieberg, et al., he will drop you like hot potatoes, if re-elected.  Or... he will make you pay an exorbitant fee to allow you to stay in business, all while he tells you who is, or is not, allowed on your platform.  There will be no free speech. There will be no more justice, except for his concept of justice! How can you all be such fools to think otherwise? 
    Look I know Biden has his issues, but the man really wants to do what's right for ALL OF US, not just the chosen few.  If we give the Dems the House and Senate this November,  they can raise the taxes on the very wealthy so high that we can start bringing down the disparity that exits in our country right now.  Bring our debt back down.  Women will get their right to privacy back again.  We can fight climate change because we will not need to appease Manchin and Sinema anymore.  We can get rid of Citizens United and thereby start having civil discourse again. Immigration can be dealt with and so much more...  Please, people, wake up!  It will be so much worse than even January 6. There will be no more America.  Seniors (of which I am one), we were the last truly educated group.  Let's see that our children, grandchildren and their offspring has an American like we once had. Where EVERYONE benefited.  I beg you. THIS ELECTION IS THAT IMPORTANT!  I voted for both parties in my 73 years, because I chose the person - not the party!  In your heart, you must see who cares... and, this time, it is NOT the current Republican Party.

  • 1,017
    Voted No

    January 6th Committee is wasting time and not a real evenhanded examination. Call it political theater and disband committee. 

    Wasted time and not a serious examination.

  • 35
    Voted Yes

    It does NOT matter to which political party one "belongs" or identifies with.....  THIS WAS TREASON.  Please stop making excuses for Mr. Trump and all others involved.  It is time as law-makers and leaders of this country you STOP being afraid of one man!  Stand up to him.  He is NOT the future of the Republican Party!!

  • 103
    Voted Yes

    Traitors should be prosecuted a punishment should be appropriate.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Yes

    "Senate gossip might not be the best gossip, but this behind-the-scenes look at what exactly went down between Sen. Joe Manchin (D-VW) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell from The Hill is too delicious to pass up. It also serves as a really good reminder that neither of these two senators should be trusted under any circumstance, ever."


  • 145

    If the US was the Third World government Trump is claiming it is he would have been tried and executed and buried already for his role in the 1/6 insurrection. He wouldn't be out making comments and "Truths" that aren't true daily. Part of that is we are not in any way a tinpot "republic", another part is because Trump has loaded up the courts with his toadies and sycophants, who are bolluxing up the works to prevent investigating and charging him.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Yes

    "Young people shouldn’t have to worry about their basic rights, dignities, and protections from harassment and abuse, but of course, thanks to Republicans, they do. Conservatives haven’t been shy about demonizing and isolating LGBTQ+ youth—and especially trans youth—from their peers if they think it’ll get them more votes in the midterm elections."



  • 7,875
    Voted Yes

    Trump, family, anyone that supported, including  Ginni Thomas! She it was stolen, because she would have to admit Guilt

  • 3,914
    Voted Yes

    Just pulled directly from a CNN article today interview with a couple in Arizona

    "Karen and Steve don't want to take up arms. But if Republicans lose in November this elderly Arizona couple say a civil war is coming and, yes, they will fight. They have discussed it between them, and feel that taking up arms is their best option. "

    This is what Donald Trump has brought us, he has given crazies the license to believe that if they haven't won they've been cheated! Not that they couldn't have possibly lost an election fairly but if they don't win they're cheated. That's where the Republican party is today I would say it sounds more like a Third World party In the north Korea type regime. That is the road Donald Trump has taken this country down.

  • 8,330



  • 93
    Voted Yes

    If Trump gets away with this, no election will be safe. And get rid of gerrymandering and the College of Electors too. Before this becomes a one party autocracy and the popular vote loses all relevance. 

  • 1,535
    Voted Yes

    There is no question that Trump and his cronies instigated the 6 Jan insurrection to overturn a fair and just election process because Trump lost.  He and his Republican cult followers want an aristocratic government vs a demogratic government.  It is sad that so many are caught up in the continuous stream of Trump lies.  Trump does not care about anyone except himself and those that "love" him since he is so insecure.

  • 8,978
    Voted Yes

    Justice/ accountability  for all involved ! This includes members of the house and senate---no one is above the law!

  • 3,914
    Voted Yes

    Of course Donald Trump should be prosecuted, but here's the root of the problem in the Republican party. Here in Georgia Herschel Walker who is a "staunch antiabortionist "has just been caught paying for an abortion for one of his girlfriends the proof is pretty solid in fact undeniable there's a canceled check written letters from Herschel Walker Etc. but still the Republican party backs Walker a liar. And sadly this lie it's just the tip of the iceberg for a walker. Every other word out of his mouth is a lie it is proven to be. So why does the Republican Party back him and throw millions of dollars at them, just the way it doesn't matter if he's a good candidate for that he can help the people of America or help his party it's simply just the way they were throwing millions of dollars behind the man who does nothing but lie. What does that say about the Republican party I think it says it's a party in deep trouble with a lack of morals and standards and caring for the American people even the people in their own party.