Medical Experts Recommend Anxiety Screening for U.S. Adults Under 65

Should more countries do the same?

  • 7,962

    Screen & then what? Most people in our country do not have access nor the means to obtain mental health care!  Even if we did, there are not enough mental health professionals to help.

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    I believe that anxiety screening for pre-teens through early adulthood is more necessary now than it ever has been for at least the past seventy five years in our Country.  We are less equipped than peer industrialized democracies to provide adequate mental health services such as anxiety screening to our populace - but that does not negate the need to do so.

    As a youth I grew up in the days of duck and cover, mutually assured destruction, the doomsday clock, the Bay of Pigs, the JFK and Bobbie Kennedy assassinations and with young friends left father-less from the Korean War. I lived within walking distance of two Nike nuclear missile bases located within mostly suburban populated areas. In retrospect, if I were better informed, I would have been a lot more anxious about the future than I was. I just Kumbayaed may way through life, taking things as they came.

    Most of today’s youth, in particular, are much better informed about the state of the world than I was then, and have a lot of pressing concerns about their futures. Pre-screening for repressed anxieties can help them cope with is an uncertain future and can head-off more serious stress-induced complications.

    Given the Republican Cartel’s and adversarial government’s continuing war on truth, the horrendous loss of life in this country due to the trump’s inept mishandling of the pandemic, the prospect of future and more lethal pandemics, the state of the world economy, the growing wealth gap, and the increasing threats arising from the accelerating Climate Crisis, our youth have good reason to question their futures - and they are mostly better-informed, with mostly better critical thinking skills and awareness than most of us boomers were at the same age with our future’s at risk. 

    ‘Alternate fact’ disinformation is spread far and wide on social media by Russian disinformation scientist’s who exploit the open internet of democracies to foment divisiveness. This disinformation has been adapted by the Republican Cartel for political expediency and by extreme right wing media for profit, by appealing to the ingrained subconscious biases of their target audience. The ‘truth’ becomes an abstraction and many people either do not spend the time nor the critical thinking skills needed to separate the ‘truth’ from the trash. 

    When two parties argue an issue based upon their own selected  ‘alternate facts’ there is no longer any starting point that they can even agree upon, let alone begin to resolve the issue. That is why ‘alternative facts’ are so dangerous to any functional democracy, there is no basis from which to collaborate or compromise.

    When the wealthy conservative elite feel entitled to invest massive sums of money to shape the government to suit their self-serving interests, when they feel the people are unable to decide for themselves, when they presume that they are always ‘right’ and invest heavily in our congresspeople we are on the path to a fascist society where the people are initialed duped into giving autocrats control of their futures - and using ‘alternate facts’ for political expediency places a kleptocratic autocracy clearly visible on our country’s horizon. All of this should make the people of our country quite anxious about the future.The Republican Cartel has always taken issues to pick out piece parts that they distort and amplify for political expediency to scare people over things that are not and never were real concerns.

    Of late, this tactic has been heavily infused with lies, alternate facts and distortions with the intent to scare their base into defeating the Cartel’s political enemies. It is easier to inflame and scare their base voters into voting against their political enemies than it is to come up with solutions, actually govern or deal with issues effecting the country and our people - all to retain political influence to sell to their benefactors.

    Consider all of the current scare tactics being deployed by the Republican Cartel at this time. Critical Race Theory is behind the parent’s outrage because the Republican Cartel willfully distorted the truth, causing outraged parents to burn books and remove teachers even though no elementary school’s curriculum includes teaching Critical Race Theory.

    The manufactured theory that the past Presidential Election was fraudulent despite being the most carefully monitored, audited and court tested Presidential election in history that after multiple audits found no systematic fraud or voter fraud of any kind that would have changed the result. The trump’s Senate Intelligence committee concluded that Russia used a sophisticated social media disinformation program to swing voters to support the trump’s first election and were using similar tactics for almost a year before his second election bid to sell the public that our elections were riddled with voter fraud. And today, 30% of the Republican Cartel’s most radical base still believe that that the trump really ‘won’ - even though in over sixty court challenges the trump’s legal teams could provide no evidence that any fraud occurred at all.

    The use of disinformation is widely being used to blame Biden’s policies for inflation which has been a world wide phenomenon that is affecting peer democracies much more that the US. It comes from the damage to supply chains that were not maintained during the pandemic, ongoing shutdowns in China due to their zero tolerance Covid policies, and the fact that manufacturing generally needs a year or so to get back up to speed especially when the manufacturing requires timely supply of raw materials also disrupted by the supply chains. It is a ridiculous argument to blame Biden’s policies for the world wide inflation issue that has little to nothing to do with anything that Biden and the Democratic Party has done.

    The Republican Cartel has sacrificed ethics and principles in their never ending quest to secure unearned political influence. Listen to their ‘principles’ based arguments from two tears ago, a year ago, a month ago and see how much their principles shift whenever it is politically expedient to have different principles. This is a sign of a Party with principles only when it is politically expedient - or, in other words, no principles at all. 

    Listen to their overuse of emotive buzz phrases such as ‘socialistic’ as in the ‘Democrat’s socialistic legislation’ - which by inference refers to the autocratic fascist societies that plague the world. In fact there is no society, no gathering of people to support any common cause that is not, by definition, ‘socialistic’ - from the earliest hunter-gatherer societies to business enterprises to world courts.

    The point is that when truth is intentionally distorted and warped for political gains, the people will assuredly be divided and can have difficulty sorting the truth from the trash. This brings uncertainty and that brings anxiety.

    We need to address the increased anxiety that all of these things bring, especially in our younger populace and we need to address the causative factors for the widespread adaptation of disinformation for political purposes. 

  • 3,959
    Voted Maybe

    Maybe more countries are already doing this and we just don't know it. Our mental system in this country is probably the most sadist of all countries. We can not even fund enough mental health support of our primary schools, let alone adults. This sounds like a pie in the sky program. Many will profit from it without accountability of free taxpayers money.

  • 863
    Voted No

    I know the current Admin thinks this is something the Prez can Dictate,but, this is Still the USA. And this kind of thing must be between the Patient and the Doctor. The Idea that we can just Everyone under a certain age MUST get Mental Health Treatment is Wrong.So, NO, stop even thinking about it.

    Don't we have bigger issues for Politicians to be working on?!?

    We have Millions upon Millions of Deportations to get done. Every Illegal Alien including DACA must be Deported. We need our Borders CLOSED and ALL Immigration Paused until the Deportations are done and we have a New MERIT Based Law in place. A law that makes English the Official and Legal Language of the USA. And the ONLY language used in the USA. Eliminating the Use of Interpretors and Conducting all USA Business in English ONLY. No printed materials in anything other than English. The New Law MUST end Chain Migration and Birthright Citizenship Retroactive at least 25 years. It must end VISA Schemes. The Education Scam used in Colleges to bring in 1000's of Foreigners At the whim of Professors must end. The TOTAL number of LEGAL Immigrants must be fewer than 250K per year. That is a Hard Total. If we allow 50K Visas that reduces the 250K to 200K for as long as those Visas are in tact.

    Then there is USA Energy Production. Get it back up and running now. There is no way to Dictate ending Fossil Fuels Immediately when Renewables are not ready to handle the load immediately. And the Climate Change scam IS just that. The Science does not agree with the Dem Narrative on this. The Ice Age ended when there was no cars, power plants, manufacturing or any other luxury that we have now, so, maybe Climate Change is going to happen, Naturally, without regard to anything Humans do. We all want a clean environment!!! But, the Government scamming the USA Citizens must stop. The Rich will keep getting Richer without Corrupt Government and Politicians help. Speaking of Politicians,the Bill to end the Trading advantages the Congress members have fell Flat. No votes!!! Why?!? I think that tells us what is important to our Politicians!!! Maybe fixing that requires more devotion by our Politicians!!

    Government Waste. How about that?!? Everything Congress does is Rife with Waste and Corruption.

    The Spending Bill had at least 10 Republican Senators Vote FOR it. Rediculous!!! How can you allow that to happen ( my FL Senators)?!? Can't even get Republicans to Vote Logically and in a way that actually represents the wishes of Republican Constituents!!! Do you even know what was in that Bill?!? How about all the other Spending Bills, do you even know?!? So, let's check the Citizens for Mental Health. But, it's the Politicians who Truly need their Heads examined!!!


  • 48.1k
    Voted Yes

    I think this is a good idea, but ultimately I'm not sure how useful it will be in the US.

    We do not have enough mental health resources to care for the people who need it here, and general practitioners can't help their patients with anxiety other than to prescribe drugs.

    I'm sure there are many suffereing from anxiety in the US, but until our country is willing to fund resources and pay for more providers to give this care, it seems like awareness is the only short-term result of these screenings.

    We need to get serious about treating mental health care, and all health care, as if it matters to us. 

  • 20.1k

    Enough with irrelevant topics. There is actual NEWS to discuss.

    Hey Texas: WTF is wrong with you? Take out the TRASH already.

  • 2,215
    Voted Maybe

    Not all countries have experineced the same percentage of insane resistance to medical advice and reasonable precautions as we have in the USA.  Most first world nations to not have a major political party invested in encouraging death and disease and reducing education and banning books.  WE need this, but only other countries with a high level of political insanity do. (And yes, I am talking about Republicans as the party of Insanity, but really it is all conservatives that joined that bandwagon.)


  • 226
    Voted No

    How about we do cancer screening for the thousands of veterans who were exposed to burn pits and agent orange?

  • 94.1k
    Voted Yes

    A new study finds that dogs can sniff out stress.

    Using a double-blind, two-phase, three-alternative forced-choice procedure, combined breath and sweat samples were obtained from participants at baseline, and after a stress-inducing exercise and presented to 4 dogs which were able to detect the stress sample 90%-96% of the time.

  • 25.9k
    Voted Yes

    Let included another mental state.

    There also needs to be screening for anger.

    There are people who hold on to their anger. There are people who want to be made angry. There are people who enjoy making others angry. 

    I think that some  watch certain opinion shows that intend to make them angry and to churn that anger.

    That churned anger can make some people act without thinking very clearly

    While some things warrant anger upon initial recognition, sustained anger is not helpful or healthy.

  • 3,902
    Voted Yes

    Yes I need to have my anxiety checked because of people like Ron DeSantis governor of Florida who refused to send help to New Jersey after hurricane Sandy as a congressman, now he sits in the midst of a destroyed Florida partially due to his lack of implementing any kind of building codes that could withstand a hurricane. I know about this I lived in Florida most of my life building homes I know homes can be built with CBS construction they can withstand  a Hurricane easily. So now DeSantis is doing for Florida what he tried to do for New Jersey nothing. The man is a waste of human organs. He is exemplary of what has become of the Republican party. A lier, do nothing, motormouth, bullshit artist.

  • 8,978
    Voted Yes

    Anxiety and depression go hand in hand!

    Improved mental health services for all in the USA is long over due.

  • 5,193
    Voted Yes

    Wait - aren't conservatives the ones always saying "we don't need gun control; we need more mental health assistance for people."


  • 1,941
    Voted Yes

    Govt's need to screen adults over 65 also. Especially the ones who are widowed or live alone. 

  • 5,193
    Voted Yes

    Is it possible that the people saying "no" to mental health screening are just worried deep inside that their psychosis will finally be identified?

  • 3,902
    Voted Yes

    Yes, and this is part of my anxiety – wasn't it congressman Ron DeSantis who voted against aid for New Jersey when they were suffering from the impact of hurricane Sandy! Yes it was the hypocritical pig Ron DeSantis. He is about the worst thing next to Donald Trump that has ever happened to America. A liar and a hypocrite.

  • 208
    Voted Maybe

    My doctor and I talk about my health; physical, mental, and spiritual. I marked "maybe" as my opinion. This feels a bit like big brothe, yet I believe screening for anxiety is important. I don't believe the chemicals prescribed are the complete answer or cure for the disease. I believe we need to get to the root cause of the anxiety and deal with it. Chemicals can help in the process but should not be the end of the discussion. Dive deep. It will be more painful and rewarding than the shallow dive of just screening. 

  • 1,527
    Voted Yes


  • 3,697
    Voted Yes

    It's important to take mental illness seriously.

  • 13.3k
    Voted Yes

    with capitalism in its death rattle, the rise of fascism, and the climate dissaster we now face, life in America looks bleak to most. life expectancy in the U.S. is getting lower.

    We need houseing and healthcare for ALL, living wages, and the restoration of our civil liberties.

  • 2,942

    Due to recent situations concerning my second oldest great-grandson, I firmly believe that screening should start with pre-school.  My great-grandson is only 6 years old but is being brought up to stand up for himself yet at the same time, he is also being taught compassion and to care for other people's feelings.  Anger management should be taught as well within the school atmosphere which would help teachers and staff understand and be aware of what is causing unnecessary didiculties between children or adults.  When all is said and done, the problem starts in the workplace and rolls down into the family and children. The only draw back I can see is government interferrance using the information for "brainwashing" and controling the masses.  Not only on a national level but local as well. It bleeds over into society behavior, too.  Just another "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.

  • 3,405
    Voted Yes

    When the European Countries like Italy begin talking about reinstating the ideas of Mussolini I knew that was trouble!

  • 1,711
    Voted No

    Really! I have not seen a 65 or older involved in a school or crowd shooting. Government liberals, this is not your lane. Your doing a pretty bad job of managing our schools with your 'don't touch, turn your head' policy, while our teachers, students and bus drivers are being assaulted. You need to bring that focus down a few generations for their anxiety and depression. 

  • 1,299
    Voted Maybe

    Years before the pandemic doctor's were using a scale to determine  a person's mental health. I did not think it was a good scale. 

    For my job we use Glasgow Depression Scale. Some of the questions: 1. Have you felt sad, upset, miserable, depressed (how do you know of you are feeling depressed. Everyone does not know how this feels) a bd mood, lost temper, shout at people 3. Enjoy things you done, had fun 4. Enjoy talking to people or being around people (not if you are an introvert, extremely shy or experienced discrimination around specific groups of people) 5. Completed hygiene 6. Felt tired 7. Cried 8. Felt like a horrible person 9. Paid attention like television shows (trying to determine attention span) 10. Hard time making decisions ( some people cannot because of two many choices) 11. Sit still (could have ADHD, be hyper, in physical pain, or have to go to the bathroom) 12. Changes in eating or sleeping. 

    Most of these questions really cannot determine if you are mentally ill. You may feel this way due to a situation, your job, or are physically ill.

    There are other questions that could indicate depression on the form like constantly worring, life not worth living, feeling everything is always your fault, or bad things only happen to you.

    Doctors, Nurse Practioners, and Physician's Assistance may not know specific questions to ask to referral a person to a psychologist or psychiatrist.


    Ms. USA, Cheslie Kryst. Everyone comment that she was such a happy person who had everything going for her and yet she committed suicide. Her platform was mental illness. I do not thinkbthe Glasgow scale would have determined if she was depressed. We need to better scale and to train medical professionals first. 

  • 2,599
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Maybe

    How about the USA worry about our own people and let other countries worry about their  citizens. Who are we to tell them what they should or shouldn't do? 

  • 377
    Voted No

    Puhlease. People need to quit whining, buck up, and take responsibility for themselves. Want to reduce anxiety? Having some niccumpoop poking around in their heads who knows less thany they do and became therapist a because they themselves were unstable and messed up is not going to reduce anxiety. My folks, their folks, and their folks folks had the perfect prescription: "Buck up buttercup". Let us get back to the self-sufficiency, self- reliance, and independent spirit that built the greatest country on earth. We are the wealthiest, healthiest, most educated civilization to ever exist, and we need general anxiety screening???? Just another priviliged class seeking protective cover for their useless profession.

  • 857
    Voted No

    There is nothing wrong with anxiety and learning how to deal with it.   It makes one stronger and a better functioning human.