Several Officers Involved in Breonna Taylor Raid Face Federal Charges

How do you feel about the federal charges?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Happy

    Law enforcement officers have a tough job but that does not give them charter to violate the civil rights of anyone. As officers of the law they need to held to a higher standard of not violating the law to make their jobs easier or to tentatively get no-knock warrants without justifiable due cause to do so. Lying about the rational that justified the warrant is wrong, dangerous and in this case resulted in a needless death of an innocent. Concocting cover stories to protect the brotherhood in blue is also a flagrant violation of the law and needs to be accountable.

    If we cannot get reasonable police reform through the Republican Senate, perhaps the DOJ can employ existing laws to bring a long due accountability to the police departments and reforms that do not require police to deal with people with mental problems, minor domestic disputes or other things that could be better handled by other trained professionals.

  • 7,931

    I feel like we need to abolish no-knock warrants. 
    I feel badly for Brianna and those who loved her. 
    I feel like I never want to hear about another unlawful raid in the middle of the night where innocent people are hurt or worse, killed. 


  • 1,605
    Voted Apathetic

    "Bout damn time.

  • 852
    Voted Sad

    This was a tragedy but not a crime.  The officers followed the law for a no knock warrant.  Her boyfriend fired on them.  They fired back.   Tragic yes.  Criminal no.   

  • 1,741
    Voted Happy

    I think we need to revisit the "implied immunity" protection that police enjoy. Why the hell does it take so long to hold these out of control racists with badges accountable ?!.

  • 93.9k

    Using deadly force is a concerning for non-violent crimes, especially when police break into someone's home while they sleep, and no threat to police until they attempt to defend themselves from a home intrusion (police didn't identify themselves).

    Worse yet is getting warrants with false information.

    They really need to put an end to no-Knock warrants for non-violent crimes  (drugs). 

  • 6,674
    Voted Apathetic

    I try to never wish ill on anyone, but I also know justice must be meted out equally to everyone.  At least, that is the ideal scenario.  Unfortunately, this seldom is the case.  Poor people and minorities get the blunt end of the stick in the our "Injustice System".  Luckily, these police officers will be forced to judged for murdering Breona Taylor--a good woman who did not deserve to be executed.  Unfortunately, they start out with an edge called "Qualified Immunity".  So, we'll see what our "Justice" actually means. 

  • 706
    Voted Sad

    Reason enough why preventing Garland from reaching a seat at the bench of the SCOTUS was the right move.

  • 58

    The officers on the scene are told there's a dangerous criminal in the home. They announce themselves, barge in, and receive fire from inside. Did they do everything perfectly? No.

    However the real crime here is in the lack of due-diligence in the process of filing and executing the warrant. 

  • 124
    Voted Happy

    It's about time!

  • 266
    Voted Happy

    BREANNA TAYLOR DESERVES JUSTICE!!!!  We need to hold the officers accountable for their actions!!!  I understand being an police officer is stressful BUT IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU GET FREE PASSES FOR YOUR ACTIONS!!!'  We need to thoroughly rethink policing.  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has had some informative elisodes on policing and the criminal system from training, no knock warrants, suspect interviews/ confessions, funding, etc, that are worth checking out.  We have been in dire need of police reform.

  • 503
    Voted Happy

    Law enforcers must be held accountable for their unlawful actions.   No more immunity!  

  • 13.3k
    Voted Happy

    good, now if we could just end ''quilified immunity'' we could hold police accountable for wrong doing like this to the full extent of the law. leading to better policing in general.

  • 423
    Voted Happy

    They are murderous dirt bags and they deserve to be in person for ever. The suffering of Arbery's family will go on...THEY cause it...they should suffer and their families also. You know, of course, there are racist pigs and bigots in the Congress...yeppers...they are there and corrupt and evil and I am waiting for they day THERE MORALLY VOID jerks go to prison.

  • 494
    Voted Happy

    This is long overdue! Thank goodness for Merrick Garland!

  • 1,703
    Voted Sad

    Of course all the truth doesn't come out. This started from the Mayor on down. It was supposed to be a no knock but someone announced and knocked. Briana's boyfriend heard it, jumped up and shot the officer thru the door. When they shot back he used Briana as a shield. Had this been a no knock, none of this would have happened.

    Not that this is part of the case but Briana was in her probation period of her EMT training and was given the choice of quitting or being fired due to choices she was making on the job.

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Happy


  • 1,017
    Voted Happy

    As a retired police officer this brings me joy. From the start it confused me how officers could just blindly shoot in to an apartment because they heard what they alleged was gun shot. In none of my training was I evertsught to shoot into an building Especially with out seeing what I am indeed shooting at.  Also I believe Daniel Cameron should also be indicted his office had to see the discrepancy in the police reporting. But he choosed to do nothing. 

  • 8,978

    False statements given by police is not acceptable.

    The arm of justice has taken to long. 




  • 2,231
    Voted Sad

    Cops Bad, Criminals good.

  • 6,674
    Voted Apathetic

    I'm glad that these police officers have been charged, but there is still a long way to go to get justice.

  • 357
    Voted Happy

    Disgusted (but not surprised) that the local and state justice organizations were unable to stand up for ethical principles. Pleased that the national DOJ has that concern for ethical principles to hold the officers accountable. 

  • 3,697
    Voted Happy

    I'm glad these were not overlooked.

  • 1,124

    I am glad that the officers who killed Briana Taylor are being held accountable.  We need to end qualified immunity!

  • 1,806
    Voted Happy

    When the law is broken there needs to be consequences no matter who broke the law.

  • 114
    Voted Happy

    Those officers were careless and irresponsible! The way they conducted that raid shows a disturbing lack of weapons discipline. They are police and they deserve to be punished for her death.

  • 1,814
    Voted Sad

    Another joke! She was hiding and dating a known drug user

  • 1,827
    Voted Happy

    we have alot of work to do to support Black Lives matter besides George Floyd