Biden Signs Second Executive Order to Protect Abortion Access

How do you feel about Biden’s efforts to preserve abortion access?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Excited

    It is the right thing to do. Congrats again, Joe for supporting the people,

    Damn, the Democrats need to get some coordinated messaging together to talk about all of the wins.

    I would like to see a chart showing all of the things that the Biden administration accomplished despite not being able to get the head start that transition teams normally get, but the trumo denied. Despite having to rebuild critical government agencies which had been corrupted by trump loyalists intent upon dismantling them. Despite having to rebuild international alliances that the trump trashed. Despite the political land mines and flaming bags of crap that the trump and his Republican enablers left for the incoming legislation to deal with.

    The pull out from Afghanistan was one of those no win situations that the trump left for Biden and instead of falling for the political opportunism which would have been politically expedient, Biden went ahead and pulled the troops out of Afghanistan in what was a messy but successful operation. It takes some guts to do what is right instead of what is politically expedient - and we ended an unfunded near trillion dollars a year cost to our country. Contrast that to the Republican Party who reduced the taxes on the wealthiest by almost as much annually as we were spending on a directionless twenty year experiment trying to rebuild a nation in our image.

    Every effort to get needed legislation for the people through the regimented block-voting Republican Senate Cartel was filibustered into oblvion - anything no matter how much it was needed nor how much the electorate (Republican, Independent and Democratic voters alike) supported it. They never read the legislation nor debated the merits - they just squelched each and every one of these becuase they did not want the Biden administration to get credit for doing the the things that were needed. Despite the spiteful obstructionism, Biden still managed to get some very good legislation passed, 

    The Democrats need to make a list on a big pretty chart of all the good things that they have accomplished in two years. And then a speperate chart of all the legislative packages that would have done more good things that were filibustered out of existence. Things like protecting voting rights, realistic police reform, investing in our people by providing day care so Mom's can work, ensuring that all Americans have the same opportunities to find their own successes without barriers, protecting our kids and their education, and getting AR-like weapons off of the streeet.

    Do this please. It will help.

  • 48.6k
    Voted Happy

    Biden is doing all he can to protect women's rights. It's up to Congress and the states now. 


    If people want women to have equal rights over their bodies, they'll have to vote for it. A president can't do it all, and when he leaves office, it will end.

  • 94.6k

    Targeted support for those that can not afford to travel out-of-state for medical care. To be eligible for Medicaid requires a limited income.

  • 8,330
    Voted Angry

    Why do we even have other branches of government?  It looks like all we need is an executive order. 

  • 2,915
    Voted Apathetic

    Action is questionable; not sure that it accomplishes anything. 

  • 37
    Voted Sad

    I support choice, despite frowning on abortion popularity, and support some reasonable exceptions.  I don't support funding travel.

  • 26.1k
    Voted Excited

    I applaud President Joe Biden's Executive Order.

    Not sure that the states whose legislatures deny women their rights will utilize the provisions that will be made available.

    As the country did prior to Roe v. Wade there must be a large movement with all that entails. Remember that era we had so much to do:  Civil Rights, Viet Nam and Women's Right, and more. 

    The battle lines are clear, the right to self determination, freedom from religious oppression, the right to proper health care were decisions are made by the patient and doctor, not the government. 

    Women in Red States, we need activism from you!

    Right Now, #VoteBlue in November.

    Vote Blue Up and Down Ballot! 

    Vote Blue Up and Down Ballot! 

  • 478
    Voted Happy

    Kudos to my fellow Kansans for getting out to vote to protect a woman's right to make her own health care decisions. Every state should let their constituents vote on the freedom to keep government out of personal health care. Unfortunately many Americans are already suffering under archaic trigger laws(many drafted in the 1800's). This must change. And Congress step up! If the people of KS can vote to protect personal freedoms you should too. #blue22 #lessgovernment 

  • 94.6k

    This Executive Order needs to be viewed in context of the Hyde Amendment which sets the limits on abortion paid by federal funding like Medicaid which travel can now be reimbursed too, and which can't be covered.

    The Hyde Amendment (2013) prevents federal funding of abortion except for incest, rape, and mothers life at risk.

    So, Medicaid funds can only be used to pay for abortions & associated travel for incest, rape, and mothers life at risk

    An example would be the 10 yr rape victim from Ohio that had to travel to Indiana for an abortion after Ohio made it illegal. This case qualifies for Medicaid funding of both the procedure & associated travel if the family income meets Medicaid guidelines.

    Summary of the Hyde Amendment, 

    "Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law."

     "Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)"

     "Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician."

  • 101
    Voted Angry

    HELL NO - this is a serious over-reach of powers and an impeachable offense. If people want to kill their babies then they need to pay for it themselves - infanticide should not be paid for by taxpayers. The Declaration of Independence clearly declares the right to life, not the right murder your unborn.

  • 590
    Voted Sad

    Biden is such a phony!  Abortion is the determination of a human that another human life is not worthy to live. 

  • 1,020
    Voted Apathetic

    A toothless feel good measure. Uncle joe pens am empireal decree, and it is recended by the next President, and the schizophrenic discourse which is American government continues…

  • 949
    Voted Excited

    I have to stand with the ladies on this. Protect abortion rights. Keep church and state separate. Psych evals for SCOTUS before appointments by populace. Members of congress too.

  • 244
    Voted Happy

    We need more then just an exec order!

  • 109
    Voted Angry

    So we can kill little babies but can't protect ourselves. Make since to me 

  • 49
    Voted Excited

    Reinstate Roe v. Wade. Republican politicians only use this issue for manipultion and control for their own personal financial success in supporting libertarian ultra wealthy. Republican greed, selfishness and lust for power is killing this country.

  • 45
    Voted Excited

    I can not believe we are going through this shit again. All these men making policies pertaining to my body seem to forget it all starts with a penis. Let's address the Elephant in the Womb. Vote Vote Vote. 

  • 806
    Voted Apathetic

    Instead of ban or expand, we went from 9 people telling everyone what their rights were to 1?  

    I think this should be on the ballot in each state and let Americans decide in each state

  • 65
    Voted Excited

    President Biden has done everything he can and the House has passed a bill to codify abortion access.  Now the Senate needs to step up.  Why aren't we hearing more about this from the media?

  • 66
    Voted Angry

    First of All it's not a Right. No where in the constitution does it say Right TO Abortion. To use idiodic statements like, If she gets Raped or Violated by a Family Member then that is HER right but if you go out get pregenate no MATTER the reasoning then No I'm sorry. Values and Morals, you go out you get drunk sleep with a person you meet at the bar or W/E then there's a chance you could end up pregenant.There are preventive measures to make sure that doesn't happen contraseptives CAN be bought at your local stores. Abortion is murder no matter HOW you dress it up. 

  • 35
    Voted Excited

    I want to know how this comment impacts representative's decisions.

  • 62
    Voted Excited

    The GOPs attack on women will not go unanswered in the polls!

  • 7,796
    Voted Angry

    I seriously do not understand how anyone can support the killing of unborn babies! There is something very wrong with our government to even consider doing such a thing! I personally do not want to pay for abortions out of taxpayers dollars. If the Democrats want abortion let them pay for it out of their funds!

  • 228
    Voted Excited

    Thank you President Biden!

  • 78
    Voted Angry

    Abortion is NOT birth control! We need to educate liberal women regarding birth control!

  • 157
    Voted Angry

    65% of Americans agree to abortion on demand - BS***.

  • 157
    Voted Angry

    Another polital ploy to pacify his base, -nothing is keeping people from getting abortions. If one plays with fire, perhaps the consequences should be questioned before the event, no matter how young.

  • 2,427
    Voted Excited

    Every Judge, who recently took away the right of a woman to make a choice about her own body, should be impeached before the start of the next term!  Where in the Constitution does it say that you have a right in my personal decisions?  Where in the Bible is abortion discussed?  Do you think Mary Magdalene kept every child her profession might have caused her to have?  Remember, there were no condoms or birth control pills, etc., in those days.  There were herbs and mixtures, though.  So why is there no calling abortion out?  I believe what Whoopi just said.  God gave us free will.  On judgment day, I answer to my God, not you worthless pseudo-Christians.  God will not forget how righteous and hateful you all truly are.  I hope you like the party he's gonna throw for you all in hell, hypocrites! The devil 👿 is salivating waiting for you right now...

  • 367
    Voted Happy

    With Roe vs. Wade overturned, people absolutely need to be able to travel to other states, when necessary, to get a safe abortion.

  • 3,938
    Voted Excited

    Hooray for President Biden just the person we needed to fix this country.  

    And on another note why is Lindsey Graham after denouncing Donald Trump now totally for him? It's really simple every night Lindsey Graham gets down on his little bony lying little knees and begs Satan that Donald Trump will win and give him immunity from prosecution. Really the entire Republican Party has turned into a pig fest of liers and anti-American Fascists.

  • 806
    Voted Apathetic

    Another ruling on high from our latest dictator. We started with 9 unelected people ruling over all Americans. They returned the decision to the people. There will be places for and against as we saw recently in Kansas. At least the people were able to decide in their local legislatures. More things should be decided by the people in their respective states, along with all things not called out in the us constitution 

  • 1,221
    Voted Angry

    Another illegal, unconstitutional act by lawless, fraudulent "P" biden.