Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Lands in Taiwan, Sparking Tension with China

How do you feel about Pelosi's trip to Taiwan?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Apathetic

    Not sure if this was a good or bad trip decision. Pelosi as a representative of the Congress and not the administration clearly has the right to go wherever and however she wants if their are no over-riding security issues. However, i am not sure that double down daring the Cinese is a good strategy.

    Our county certainly should project our values and make it clear that we would oppose a hostile takeover of Taiwan.

    I believe that the crown jewel of Taiwan, TMSC, the world chip leader in advanced micro scale high capacity computer chips, is going to build a manufacturing facility in the US, taking advantage of the funding from the Chips bill. A tremendous advantage for the US and the ability to locate some of this chip manufacturing capability on-shore.I am sure China world rather that they did not move some of their manufacturing capability to the US and could result in threats to the sovereignty of Taiwan which the world recognizes even though China does not.

    We went way off track with China under the trump and his trade war, his veiled accusations that China created the COvid virus and the great disrespect he showed the Chinese leadership with 'King flu" and the "wi Han virus'. It was a strategy from the days when we could use our 'might makes right' attitude becuase of our military and economoc dominance of the world order. We no longer have all of that and thinking that we can bully a major economic power is quite simply a mistake.

    China has a long history of being talked down to and treated like second class world citizens, They remember these slights and take great offense if they feel that this is happening again. They have made a remarkable transformation of thier country and the affluence of their population and feel that they deserve respect based upon their acheievements - and take great offense if they feel that they are being slighted.

    I thimk that Biden missed an opportunity to mend the fences that the trum created, I would have rolled back the tarrfis selectively in exchange for some agreed to controls to limit China's ability to overtly and covertly are trade secrets. They are technologically advanced enough to advance on thier own.

    Diplomacy will be key to gathering the major world powers working on common world problems - such as the Climate Crisi which is effecting the world and the climate induced migrations that will occur as human habitats can no longer support a human populace due to drought, flooding, high temperatures and/or the loss aof arable land and portable water. These will become severe global issues that the world's leading ecomies must collaborate to resolve.

    Let's hold off an the 'holier than thou" crap and make a clear statement of our values and commitments that we can respectively disagree with China about, and collaborate to build a world future that we can agree to

  • 7,978
    Voted Excited

    If we go with the whims of dictatorship and what they want, like Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Jong-in, Putin or Xi Jinping our country and others would have human rights violations, death squads, assassination, Slave labor, kick backs and rigged election plus Emperors and dictators for life, with winners and losers. There would be no democracy, freedom, innovation or progress in humanity. 

  • 9,006

    Seems like behind the scenes stuff is going on we don't know about and some posturing was added.

  • 13.4k
    Voted Angry

    " how can we fix this economy without taxing billionaires?''

    '' War..''

    war is highly profitable, and a huge distraction from our crumbling infulstructure, lack of houseing, lack of healthcare, and the climate catastrophie.

    now is when govenment, through the media, will manufacture your consent. framed as ''protecting democracy'', as if we care about that at home.

  • 279
    Voted Sad

    Congress should not conduct foreign policy. That should be left to the Executive branch and the State Department. Pelosi should not have gone to Taiwan except at the request of the President. 

  • 2,520
    Voted Happy

    After all the threats from China, Pelosi and the US would look like fools if she didn't go to Taiwan. It's about time countries started standing up to China's bullying and call their bluff. 

  • 48.6k
    Voted Apathetic

    I support  Taiwan as an ally, even though I do not want a war with China. I think it's important for Pelosi to reaffirm our commitments to Taiwan and against Chinese aggression, but I understand that this trip may have escalated things.


    However, if we were to abandon Taiwan and capitulate to China, then that would signal weakness, which I also think is unfortunate.


    This is a delicate balance, and I hope our diplomats and leaders can thread it carefully to support our ally while maintaining the peace. 

  • 94.7k

    Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan aboard an official US plane is in direct contradiction to US policy for the last 40+ years of strategic ambiguity based on one China policy and the three joint communiqués and agreements reached by China and America between 1972 and 1982 after Nixon’s visit.

    Pelosi is a tactician that knows how to maneuver legislation through the House but misses the boat on strategy as evidenced by so much House legislation landing in the Congressional graveyard because it can’t pass the Senate.  

    She misses the boat too on strategic global politics pushing the Chinese into the Russian camp which threatens war on 2 fronts (Russia, China). As a congressional leader Pelosi should work on passing legislation instead of an Asian junket.

    Hopefully nothing goes wrong on this trip that requires the US to defend her or Taiwan at the expense of Chinese-US relations.

    “Taiwan Relations Act (1980) is bipartisan legislating with 28 co-sponsors  that states US has relations with both China & Taiwan, but diplomatic relations only with China, but all previous treaties with Taiwan are still in effect including defensive military equipment, membership in financial institutions, import/export licenses, etc. for the last 40 years, US policy toward China & Taiwan has been, strategic ambiguity. 

    “Declares it to be the policy of the United States to preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, as well as the people on the China mainland and all other people of the Western Pacific area.”




  • 3,594
    Voted Excited

    Gop no matter your wretched complaints about ms pelosi if you had 1/100th the guts  this country would be different! 

  • 2,427
    Voted Angry

    She played with fire.  What will the ramifications be?

  • 65
    Voted Happy

    The United States does not take orders from China or any other country!

  • 270
    Voted Angry

    Pelosi is lousing her power in the House, even on the deocrat side. Right now she has the power to just take such a trip, and she knows that when she gets there she will be treted as royalty and will get media coverage of them praising her. What she is trying to do is keep her crown as Speaker if the dems can some how keep the House. Plain and simple, and very sad.

  • 7,796
    Voted Angry

    First of all Pelosi has no business jet setting across the world on taxpayer dollars. I am interested in knowing what her stock market picks will be going forward. She is a menace to society and to the United States as a whole. Time to get rid of these Democrats once and for all. Vote Republican 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • 3,594
    Voted Excited

    Chinese need a serious wake up call from the west NOW

    with erdogan modi china there is no embargo that will work against russia or anyone ... plug those leaks first / do they want to do biz with the west or between themselves! Problem now is they don't take the west seriously as all of them are being wishy washy

    kick hungary and all neo nazi factions putin sympathizers out of the eu / nato - can't have it both ways 

    stop coddling saudi / uae / egypt let them find their own security and discover what real freedoms are! 

    The biggest threat to the US is continuing down the same path or worse yet adopting dumbkopf solutions 


  • 3,543

    Now that Nancy did the right thing by going to Taiwan, I hope she keeps her attention on China now.  China has their tentacles in everything.  The Cobalt we use, is from the Congo where mining is now run by China.  Chris Smith, congressman from New Jersey says they use slave labor in the mines.  China has minerals we use but if relations get any worse, and it will, we may as well hang that up.  Afghanistan has minerals.  May as well take that off the list.  Ukraine has minerals.  Guess that's out of the question too.  That's one other thing Russia is interested in Ukraine for.  Guess we could try Australia if China doesn't try to interfere.  I think I heard talk of Greenland.  

    Also was listening to Michael Pillsbury, Director of Strategy of China from the Hudson Institute.  He says China is everywhere.  They use the Stock Market and University Research of Technologies against us. They've been buying land here for ten years.  Most recently farmland in the mid-west and by air basis.  They have people around that when a congressman, mostly republicans, try to promote a bill of anything that has to do against China, they will spread opposing rhetoric making the politician look bad.  There back in our education.  Something Trump put a stop to in our Universities till just recently Biden desolved that so now they can come back.  

    Our Military is being invaded by the woke.  One reason why the numbers are down.  I guess if China or any of our enemies come at us, we'll be able to fend them off with a pronoun.  That'll do it!  We didn't spend much money on our defense but we're hiring 87,000 IRA Agents and spending most of our money on climate change when we know how much of a threat China is.  It's been a long time since we've spent money on ships for the Navy.  And it's said China has been building up theirs quit a bit.  I didn't catch it all, but heard something about China controlling or trying to control the Panama Canal at both ends.  Sorry, don't know the story, but somehow their involved.


    I don't know people!  We have to stand up to China.  We have to stop them from being so involved in our lives.  We have to realize they are a real threat.  And we have to be ready to defend ourselves.  And not by playing defense.  They want to be the dominant world leader in five years. They may not be ready for it just yet, but they've been preparing for it for many years.  They want to bring America down.  They've been watching, and right now with this weak president, their opportunity couldn't be better.  They saw what happen with Afghanistan.  They saw what happen with Ukraine.  They see everything he's done to make us weaker.  And we're spending most of our money on climate change, we're energy dependent, the woke isn't worried about anything but changing our society and Marxism is creeping into our democracy.  We are killing ourselves from within.  And China knows it.

  • 3,543

    I just don't understand how you people don't get why you shouldn't let a bully keep bullying!  Of coarse nobody wants war.  But that doesn't mean you let a dictator dictate to you.  Politicians from BOTH sides over the years are to blame for backing us into a corner.  It's been talked about for years but it seemed to just keep getting worse.  And now here we are.  President Trump knew it, a lot of us knew it.  When he got into office he pushed foreign countries back on there heels.  And rightfully so as we were so taken advantage of.  He made our enemies think twice as they knew he would make good on his word if they threatened us.  At the same time he treated them with respect as the ruler of There country.  Not agreeing with how they ruled but letting them know he wasn't a threat as long as they weren't a threat to us or our allies.  You people and democratic countries around the world were shocked of how he spoke, but it was clear to our enemies which is the way it should be.  Yes it's right to choose diplomacy over force.  But these countries don't see things that way.  And he knew it.  So he warned North Korea when they threatened us with there missles, he quickly responded with, "if you do this we will use ours, and ours are much bigger than yours and ours work"!  They got the message!  Or when Trump invited Xi here at a dinner, all Xi talked about was his interest in Taiwan for a half hour.  Trump excused himself for a few minutes.  When he returned he leaned over Xi and told him "I just bombed Isis in Seria for crossing the red line"!  He got the message!  If democrats didn't get so hell bent over Trump's phone call with Ukraine, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine right now.  He supported the Nord 2 pipeline and Germany was starting to come around.  But when Biden won, he Didn't support it.  Why is that?  That's what Russia was after ... they want control of oil through Europe.  All over a stupid phone call over Berisma.  It was too close to what Hunter was doing, that's why.  And too close to Ole Joe, or The Big Guy!  As far as being sarcastic with China, and rightfully so, accusing them of leashing COVID on us, "they did and they knew it".  THEY knew he knew it, and WE ALL knew it.  And we weren't supposed to say anything?  Don't get Them upset when they killed so many of our people and millions more around the world?  Trump Was trying to change things with the way we did business with China.  And he kick out the chinese who were found out stealing our technologies and put sanctions on China because of it.  But what did Biden do?  Took the sanctions off ... just one or two months ago!  Again, compromised Joe.  Say what you want about Trump, but we were a hell of a lot safer with him at the helm.  I voted for him for his policies.  I didn't necessarily liked Everything he said or how he said it.  But it didn't bother me like it did with other people because his policies spoke louder.  He was trying to get businesses back, the cost of living livable, more jobs back, and yes, he did make us energy independent.  We were heading in a better direction.  But you never knew it thanks to a Soros media, other rich outlets that are your selfish rich people you talk about all the time, and the woke progressive Marxist.  At this point we are heading for some really uncomfortable times with this appeasing compromised president.  

  • 3,594
    Voted Excited

    So the panda finally showed his real teeth thanks to Nancy! Wish her associates in congress were as astute and brave. it is imperative that the US now unwind strategic engagements with china, russia, turkey, hungary, and followers & sympathizers in that camp. can't afford to be naïve and careless in empowering our detractors. 
    xi can do all the sabre rattling he wants like despots do .. simply shows lack of character and substance - a typical trait of a bully
    many empires and dynasties have come and gone 

    this will too

    what is most important ... will America shoot itself in the foot in 2022 as it can only be destroyed from within. yes your vote in 2022 & 2024 will either give a new lease or destroy america 

    the world is watching 

  • 377
    Voted Happy

    Only an insane person confronts a wild tiger ... unless that tiger is threatening their community and China has proven itself an inimical danger to peace. Its imperialism has to be checked. This may be the only action Pelosi has ever taken that I actually applaud. Yes, it is dangerous, but, yes, it is necessary.

  • 72
    Voted Excited

    I am unsure why China is so upset.  Nothing has changed EXCEPT China's perception of events.  Perhaps, just perhaps, they needed this as an EXCUSE to kickstart a program similar to Russian aggression against Ukraine.  Real estate is VERY important to dictators --just like Lays potato chips, you can't eat just one.

  • 3,543

    Glad Polosi went to Taiwan.  At least somebody had a backbone.  Unfortunately Taiwan will feel the rath of China.  They do this every time a news worthy official goes to Taiwan.  This time it's more extreme.  China is more emboldened after they saw what happen in Ukraine and Afghanistan.  They've always wanted Taiwan just like Russia always wanted to push there way through Ukraine.  With the weak embarrassing exit from Afghanistan and 13 murdered marines, and our compromised president, why wouldn't they try?!  The Biden administration told everyone to hold off on Ukraine, wouldn't talk of an invasion, slow with the weapons and not giving them what they needed.  I feel it will be the same with Taiwan.  Only, directed more at us.  We have put ourselves in a very bad position.  Not because of Polosi but because China owns us from technology to medicines, to manufacturing, to everything in our daily life, and now land investments where we grow our food and close to air basis.  To our detriment we have involved ourselves with China too much over the past 30 plus years.  Normally we don't have such an appeasing president but now we have a compromised one too.  While I'm 100% behind Nancy Polosi for going to Taiwan, I don't have a lot of faith in this administration with our future foreign affairs.  

  • 706
    Voted Apathetic

    On the one hand her grandstanding leaves me apathetic but the results of it could turn sad for the people of Taiwan.  What positive outcome could she possibly perceive would come from this trip?  She and a few staffers did enjoy a whirlwind trip through Asia at taxpayer expense.  An elitist liberal such as she is, Nanny's arrogance is fed by the assumption that she will always be protected and is therefore untouchable.  She doesn't care about you and probably not even so much about her own family as she poses like a celebrity for photo ops.  No, she doesn't care about Taiwan but she did relish the opportunity to try and prove she's the most powerful woman in the world.

  • 3,594
    Voted Excited

    Blinken needs to learn a lesson or two from Pelosi

    why is the admin 'visiting' or attempting to coddle saudi, uganda, ethiopia, turkey, etc? they are busy rolling out the red carpet for russia & china and providing them podiums to denigrate the US while holding out their hands for dollars! 

    Are we so beholden to these despots? we have smarter solutions! 

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Excited

    China does not have the right to tell the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives where she can or cannot go.

  • 605
    Voted Apathetic

    Joe Biden has a long history of screwing over Americans.


    It started in 1983, when he voted to slap income taxes on 50% of Social Security income...


    In 1994, he voted to up the amount of Social Security benefits subject to taxation, to 85%.


    In 2000, he voted AGAINST the Estate Tax Elimination Act that would have phased out certain estate taxes by 2010..

  • 809
    Voted Apathetic

    While I support any U.S. official going anywhere they damn well please, I'm not sure much was accomplished others than Nancy Pelosi exhibiting her buffoonery on the world stage and reminding those nations she visited why, with Biden, Harris and Pelosi the U.S. is truly in decline.  Roll that beautiful bean footage.  


  • 5,397

    There is another aspect that may be feeding China's reaction to Pelosi beyond the recognition of Taiwan. Pelosi has attacked China on human rights, but also on its trade practices. Over the last 40 years China has not gone to war; the United States has multiple times. Where China has spent its money expanding its economy, modernizing its military, buying interest and control in critical components for production, subsidizing industries for manufacturing of batteries, solar energy panels, computer chips, and numerous other items, upgrading its roads and infrastructure, the United States has been pouring its money into wars. China's economy is largely controlled by the state with some aspects of entreprenuership that benefit a small number of individuals but ultimately the state. This is highly different than the capitalistic system in the United States. Most of U.S. industries have shifted production to China and other countries because wages there are low, there are few regulations, there are almost no healthcare costs, and workers have almost no rights. Production in China is a capitalist's dream. It has also resulted in China becoming the world's 2nd largest economy, achieving 28.7% of manufacturing output (compared to to the United States' 16.8%). China controls 60% of the world's lithium,  80% of the world's cobalt, and 68% of the world's graphite, all of which are critical in making batteries. Due to cheap labor and state subsidies they are able to produce electric vehicles $15,000 less than the cheapest EV's sold in the U.S. For solar, they also control the majority of the parts manufacturing and have American industries lobbying to keep production in China due to cost. 


    The question needs to be raised about how much of the supply chain issues the United States and other countries experience is deliberate on the part of China.  Much of the shortage of masks during the early stages of Covid occurred because the only production of masks was in China and southeast Asia, and they supplied their own people first. Current shutdowns in China contribute to shortages that continue to occur in critical manufacturing components such as computer chips, of which China has been a major supplier of components for. Another way China differs from Western countries is in cost controls. As electricity costs increase, rather than increase costs to consumers to promote conservation they cut back availability, including idling of factories. China has also used its economic control as a weapon, particularly against Australia in recent years.


    It's convenient for the Republicans and the American right to blame Biden and the Democrats for everything they don't like. They may want to look further at how their promotion of corporate control in the marketplace, unbridled capitalism, and profit above people has contributed to the current supply chain and inflationary problems we are encountering.

  • 6,716
    Voted Apathetic

    It's Pelosis choice.