House Votes on H.R. 8404: Respect for Marriage Act

How do you feel about your representative’s vote?

  • 47.8k

    No surprise here! Both my current (brady) and future (crenshaw) voted 'Nay'👎🖕. But there IS A SOLUTION! 
    #TossTheTexasTaliban - up and down the ballot!

    #VoteBlue22 - as if your life depends on it!

    #AbortAbbortt (sp🤣)



    That's all folks!

    You know where you can go Reps!


  • 27.8k
    Voted Excited

    Dear 267 Representatives who voted YEA, Thank You!

    Keep Up The Good Work on behalf of your current and future constituents, 

  • 4,006
    Voted Angry

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "House Votes on H.R. 8404: Respect for Marriage Act. How do you feel about your representative’s vote?"  ME:  I don't even need to look to know that my trumpist misogynist rep voted against the bill.  God save us from the GOP.

  • 1,620
    Voted Apathetic

    How do I feel about McClain voting against this?  Angry but not at all surprised.

  • 865
    Voted Happy

    Thank you, Jay Obernolte, for voting for this, even though Kevin McCarthy voted against it.  Let’s keep our private lives safe, reasonable and supportive for all.

  • 99.3k

    Glad to see my Rep voted for this! Would hate to see any friends or family members lose their family.

  • 27.8k
    Voted Excited

    I hope whoever is curious about the overall reactions reads the comments.

    The question was framed: how does one feel about how one’s representative voted.

    That is a legitimate question but the chart is kind of weirdly interesting.

    At this point 9:50pm the consensus weighs heavily in favor of same sex marriage But the reaction is skewed roughly 55% happy and 40% unhappy.

    Meaning that in 40% is the number of people unhappy because their representatives voted _against_ same sex marriage.

    We’ve come along way since the Right made same sex marriage a key culture war issue during the Bush v Gore race in 2000 (recall: the election with Florida's hanging chads).


  • 649
    Anne Marie
    Voted Angry

    I am very disappointed that my representative voted against this.  I believe that everyone regardless of gender, has the right to marry whoever they choose, and of course that includes same sex marriages.    It is necessary to codify this into Federal Law before the Supreme Court, which is presently dominated by far right wing politicians instead of neutral jurists, hands down a ruling against this right.

  • 2,237
    Voted Apathetic

    It appears my guy abstained, his vote is not recorded.  Just as well, he votes against his contituents most of the time. For the record, I support this act. 

  • 1,039
    Voted Angry

    The Respect forarriage Act as passed by the House threaten Marriages between a man and a woman. Please send this back to the House for a rewrite or table the measure.

  • 836
    Voted Apathetic

    As a group of individual who cannot even define  what characteristics makes an individual a member of a certain sex.  voting on same sex marriage seems a little beyond their comprehension

  • 158
    Voted Excited

    Support the Respect for Marriage Act!

  • 77
    Voted Angry

    EVERY American should be able to love and marry another, regardless of gender. Reps and Senators should be very careful as possibly, one day, their particular intimate relations could be barred by another kind of government. Their job is to "Treat others as they wish to be treated". How quickly the GQP has lost its sense of the Golden Rule. 

  • 425
    Voted Excited

    No shocker there that ALL the "Nays" were from GQPigs 🤦🏼‍♀️ 

    Bet TONS of them have lived "closeted" lives.. *cough* Lindsay Graham *cough* and it just EATS their cha-chas to see openly gay couples be happy. 

    I swear, Republicans must all live such miserable lives! They're all always so bitter and spiteful. 

  • 51
    Voted Excited

    I have no doubt you plan to continue to vote for legislation that protects me. Thank you 

  • 51
    Voted Angry

    I am absolutely disgusted to see that Bergman voted against interracial marriage. I don't think that is representative of his constituents. 
    I support the right to marry a person of a different race and the right to marry a person of the same sex. Please protect these rights.

  • 53
    Voted Excited

    As a Republican I vote YES for marriage equality once and for all! Let's knock this one out and move on to the next issue addressing our freedoms. This is America.

  • 41
    Voted Angry

    I'm highly disappointed that my representative voted against this. 

  • 38
    Voted Angry

    I believe in protecting the rights of the LTGBQ community. Love is love, and attempting to keep two adults from committing themselves to each other makes a better community for us all and better mental health for a marginalized group. 

    Any vote or stance that attempts to break apart families or strip people of their rights is not in line with my principles. 

  • 1,582
    Voted Apathetic

    I currently don't have a US Representative as Hagedorn passed away. If he had been alive he would have voted against it, being part of the Republicans ultra conservative group! 
    I Sue hope that my district votes Democrat! The person running was the CEO of Hormel and truely is a leader, the Republicans are offering up a selection of ultra right, and really ultra right wing people! 
    Just as a reminder the last time the Republicans were in majority in congress all they could do is pass bills cutting Social Security and Medicare! 
    No Republicans won't take your guns, but they will take away you birth control, your right to unionize, thus making your wages lower! No they won't fix your roads, or provide an education that allows you to advance your self! 

  • 35
    Voted Excited

    In a time when our civil liberties seem threatened every day, our household is greatful for every effort to preserve the rights afforded us.

  • 175
    Laura E
    Voted Excited

    Thank you to my Congressman Joaquin Castro for voting as a true representative for all of your democratic constituents!                                   Now it is on both of our Republican Senators to also do the right thing for all of your republican or democrtic constituents & vote yes to codify the right to marry!  

  • 71
    Voted Excited

    Now that Miller-Meeks has helped the Respect for Marriage

    Act pass the House of Representatives the Senate must also pass this. Vote yes.

  • 32
    Voted Angry

    GT Thompson voted against HR 8404 which would codify marriage equality.....Thompson is once again voting against his constituents!

  • 425
    Voted Excited

    I'm considered very vocally about many issues that affect our society and this one is a rub for me. Marriage is defined as a bond between a man and a woman. You cannot just change the meaning of a word to get equal rights for those in an openly committed relationship. Call it something else. If you are in a committed relationship which means your vow to care, honor, remain faithful, and financially share in a relationship and are willing to commit to it publicly then yes I think that relationship deserves to have what is considered in a marriage, spousal rights. I am not for or against same-sex relationships. There are some same-sex relationships that exclude the sex but the commitment is there. It's the word that bothers me. If the whole same sex marriage effort was called a civil union or anything but marriage I would not be opposed.

  • 47
    Voted Angry

    Absolutely shameful of Rep. Mark Green to disregard the right to life of consenting adults to have the same legal protections as other consenting adults 

  • 32
    Voted Excited

    I am in complete shock that the entire Utah delegation voted to protect same same sex & interracial marriage. Shocked!! THANK YOU Utah reps for standing up for what is right & should be protected. 

  • 54
    Voted Angry

    I am sorry you believe cultural diversity within the United States is not a priority. And the need to protect our cultural diversity is not an essential a activity for the federal government.

  • 75
    Voted Angry

    For the party that screams limited government and liberty, Republicans love to make it an exclusive country club where liberty and equality are limited to a select group. Not surprised by Duncan's vote, let's see if these other members of congress keep up the country club mentality. (Something tells me I wont be surprised)