House Votes on H.R. 8297: Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022

How do you feel about your representative’s vote?

  • 42.5k
    Voted Excited

    I am glad that this passed the House. 

    It has no chance so long as the filibuster, in it's current unconstitutional form, is allowed to persist. The ONLY Constitutional requirements for any supermajority vote in either the House or Senate are for extremely rare circumstances such as voting for a conviction and consequences for an impeached ‘high’ office holder or for amending the Constitution.

    The current implementation of the filibuster is a one and done deal initiated by a single Senator’s phone call to the Sargent at Arms to block even debating the people’s legislation and to just dismiss it with no public or on-the-record accountability of elected Senators for doing so. Only a supermajority vote can lift a filibuster-blocked action.

    This egregious evolution of the filibuster allows the minority to block legislation strongly supported by the majority of the people with no accountability at all for doing so, and allows them to claim that their opponents could not accomplish their goals despite the fact that every effort to do so was blocked by the filibuster. Provisions which were initially made to protect minority views have been mangled into a tool for the minority to suppress the will of the majority: ‘the tyranny of the minority’.

    So just why are the wealthiest conservative elite willing to invest so heavily in their forty year effort to successfully shape the federal judiciary including the Supreme Court to lock-strep support their views and to purchase political favor from the RNC, the Republican Cartel and select Democratic Senators, like Joe Manchin who sold his soul to big-money as he sold out our Country, his Party and his constituents? 

    These are huge investments by our country’s wealthiest conservative oligarchs; which would not have been made if there were not even greater financial returns expected from their investments.

    And just what return are they expecting from their very large and decades long investments to shape the courts, including the Supreme Court? And just why are these wealthiest conservative oligarchs so set on eliminating a woman’s right to choose? 

    To answer this let me go back to a dinner conversation that I had with an engineer I was traveling with around fifty years ago.. His family owned a large plantation in Mississippi. When I asked how his family managed plantation labor, he kind of proudly said that the plantation owners collectively agreed to provide local family housing for their workers and to pay a common low wage to prevent workers from going from plantation to plantation. He also said that they would loan money readily to their better workers when they truly needed it for such things as family medical expenses or injuries. I initially said that sounded quite generous and quite a change from slave labor. He then smiled and said ‘we don’t sell slaves anymore, we just sell their promissory notes to other plantation owners’. Let’s say that my response was less than complementary, and that discussion ended

    I do not tend to remember a lot of details about most things generally unless they result in some sort of an epiphany. What my colleague was describing was essentially the same practices used to subjugate cheap labor in old coal mining towns where miners ‘owed their soul to the company store’.

    History repeats.

    The conservative wealthy oligarchy which has outright purchased much of all three branches of our government do not care at all about abortions or a woman’s right to choose. This is just the excuse that they use to ensure that they have a sustained workforce forced to accept trickled down crumbs as they are struggle to raise large families. One of their purchased agents, Joe Manchin argued first to eliminate the subsidized daycare provisions of the BBB program which would have educated and sheltered children and freed up their mothers to work the multiple jobs needed to fully support their families. It was a win for the economy, a win for the children, a win for the mom’s, a win for their families and a win for our country. None of these ‘wins’ are compliant with maintaining a low cost workforce to continue churning out outrageous wealth for their oligarchic masters for the crumbs they deign to provide to them. The only loser would be the wealthy conservative oligarchs who would be forced to contend with a less compliant workforce that they could no longer as easily dominate.

    History repeats, this is little different than the plantation owner’s subjugation of their workforce or the former subjugation of coal miners in coal mining towns.The wealthiest conservative elite want a dependent workforce just as plantation owners did and the old coal company owned town did. The conservative elite’s goal to eliminate women’s to choose has little to do with abortion at all, it is just a means to an end of keeping an expanding cheap workforce with little ability to escape their circumstances or to insist on change. This effects the least wealthy of us much more than the rest and moderately wealthy families will have little problem quietly securing abortion services as may be needed for their families.

    History repeats. The conservative wealthy elite has also been politically empowering selected religions to do the work needed to control the workforce by appealing to their selective religious beliefs regarding abortion. The Supreme Court Justices whose judicial careers and assent through the courts were managing and whose vetting and nominations were made by the conservative elite funded Federalist Society in coordination with Mitch McConnell’s rubber stamp confirmation processing have notably and repeatedly reduced the constitutionally mandated separation of church and state. History shows the terror that a ‘one true’ religion can do to people with other religious beliefs when the ‘one true’ religion gains too much political power.

    We need an overwhelming voter turnout to take back our country from the Republican Cartel and the wealthy conservative oligarchs for which they stand while we still have the potential ability to do so.

    I want back a country that is of, by and for the people and not our current country which is of by and for the dark big-money PAC.

  • 44
    Voted Angry

    Any state's efforts to prevent any American from traveling to a different state--regardless of the reason--is not the way our country operates.

    I am beyond gobsmacked that this would even be a consideration needing legislation.

  • 111.4k

    My representative vote for representing the majority of constituents. A poll of polls (Gallup, KFF, Pew, YouGov) shows 70% of registered voters support Roe v Wade. This bill updates Roe by basing decisions on fetal viability allowing this law to be applied based on evidence based medicine of when a fetus can survive outside the womb as this is the controversial issue with 60% supporting 1st trimester abortions but only 30% supporting 2nd trimester abortions, 

  • 110
    Voted Happy

     Nice gesture but it means nothing 

    the senate With Joe Manchin will vote it down 

    the only solution is to expand the judiciary to 13 

  • 697
    Voted Sad

    Just another political bill by the Democrats in Congress. There isn't any problems at thus time.

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Apathetic

    Let the stat3sdo 5heir job. Congress certainly can't 

  • 119
    Voted Excited

    If your representative voted NO on protecting your right as a woman to move about the country without someone looking in your uterus, you better hop on the phone and make your voice heard. 

    I cannot stress enough how close we are to autocracy. As a WOMAN, do you want to be searched every time you travel by car, plane, boat, motorcycle, or train? No? Then make your voice heard.

    This IS NOT A DRILL. 

    Thank you to all of the Representatives who voted YES to protect our bodily autonomy. I am a mother, daughter, and sister and want my bodily rights protected.

    How would you feel as a male if you had to have your penis inspected every time you traveled? Not a fan? Make your voice heard on behalf of your mother, sister, grandmother, and daughter.

  • 54.7k

    brady, 'Nay', along with crenshaw 🖕👎. brady, thank 'Your God', is retiring SOON! My gerrymandered Rep., will now be dan crenshaw unless we ...


    #AbortAbbortt (sp?🤣)







  • 8,471
    Voted Angry

    My representative, Doug LaMalfa, has voted against women's again. Do remember, half the people voting are women. We can vote for you and against you. And we know this isn't about the preborn for you. This is totally about control and domination of women. Nazis began taking away the rights of Jews in a like manner! We aren't gonna take it! At this point, you have no redeeming characteristic s. Congrats!!!

  • 3,808
    Voted Happy

    I'm glad we're fighting back against the evil anti-abortion crowd. This will save lives. Pro-life kills, but NEVER EVER SAVES.

  • 248
    Voted Sad

    Resigned to the fact that he's usually a follow-the-party guy rather than follow the desires of his constituancy.

  • 377
    Voted Apathetic

    Yet another election year stunt. At least it lets us know who the baby killers are and who values and protects life and the defenseless. Thankfully, most of us living outside the Sodoms and Gomorrahs, i.e. 90% of the counties in this country, stand for life.

  • 9,293
    Voted Excited

    Thank you Joe! Now The Senate needs to pass this Chuck and Kristan!

  • 956
    Voted Angry

    Maybe we should be passing a law that all males have a vasectomy. A simple procedure that can be reversed when they are married and desire to have children. That should take care of all unwanted pregnancies. Let's take a vote on that.

  • 1,829
    Voted Excited

    Vasectomies now for all men at puberty! Bodily autonomy no longer exists for women, why should it exist for men?

  • 8,471
    Voted Angry

    My rep is Doug LaMalfa, a good old boy from the sticks. He is a millionaire farmer who doesn't care for anyone but himself. I'm hoping that he will be voted out during the next election. He's had it too good for too long!

  • 2,343

    My representative voted no. I knew he would. No, for a women seeking health care in another state but it is okay for a woman to go to Mexico for cosmetic surgery and come back disfigured, with an infection, or in a coffin.

  • 392
    Voted Angry

    Once again, my congressman voted against liberty and voted for cruelty against all females. Shoving his religious beliefs down our throats. The gop is Not the party of family values, it is the party of control, murder and suffering of nonwhite rich males.

    My congressman is probably fantasizing of check points at the state broad for all girls, teens and women to pee on a stick before they can leave the state, charging females with murder for a miscarriage or letting women die and rack up huge medical bills to save a dead fetus. Just sickening.

  • 4,042
    Voted Angry


    On July 15th, the House passed the bill on a 223-205 vote. This bill — Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022 — would prohibit anyone acting under state law from interfering with a person’s ability to access out-of-state abortion services.  How do you feel about your representative’s vote?"  ME: Let's see...among the many other sensible bills the trumpist Lamborn has recently voted against are the those for "red flag" laws and raising the age to buy rifles/shotguns, and the Respect for Marriage Act, the Women's Health Protection Act.  He also voted against reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, and (which I don't quite understand since this is a military district) expidited hazmat medical care for vets..  Do I really have to know how he voted to Ensure Access to Abortion?  God save my district from Mr. Lamborn.

  • 2,849
    Voted Excited

    How can ANYONE not agree...? 

  • 2,970

    Considering that my representative voted against it, gives me one more reason to NOT vote for him come November.  I'm sick and tired of these weaklings who are afraid to do the right thing for individual privacy because they may lose campaign funding.  These self appointed gods need to be removed from office ASAP.  

  • 289
    Voted Angry

    Dave Joyce, I am yet again disgusted by your denial of women's reproductive rights. Your vote does not represent the opinion of most of your constituents, and shows that you, along with the right-wing Radicals on the Supreme Court, want to drag us all back to the Middle Ages. You should be deeply ashamed.

  • 289
    Voted Angry

    Thank you, Sherrod Brown, for doing the right thing again. I'm proud that you're my Representative.

  • 2,321
    Voted Angry

    show vote

  • 745
    Voted Excited

    Having been on this planet for over seven decades, I can personally recall when lives were lost to back-alley abortions. Anyone desiring to return to those times and circumstances needs to seek help from a mental health professional. 

  • 1,013
    Voted Excited

    It is essential thst Congress steps up to repair the wall between church and state that has allowed the religious beliefs of a few on the high courts to mandate the loss of a basic right of a women to body autonomy be ripped away!  I am not certain that such a medical procedure would be for me but, I believe it's a decision that belongs to a woman and her medical her medical practitioner after mutual discussion. It is Not a medical procedure that should be eliminated because of the religious beliefs of others. This core element of a womsn's right to privacy must be safe-guarded unilaterally across the country!

  • 131
    Linda Smith
    Voted Excited

    I am a woman and resent being controlled by men. I am a nurse and have witnessed all repercussions of abortions and I know that abortion cannot be regulated by black and white laws.  It it a grey issue and has-to be between a woman and her doctor.  Male ED and other reproductive probems are

    not regulated by laws made by women. I really feel that this is a ploy by the republicans to incite people and to increase their base. The Supreme court is now  a joke.  Laws must be passed that guarantee women their rights.  We are now ruled by the so called christian taliban

  • 412
    Voted Excited

    These are the rights of human beings!  The highest court of the United States is strictly a partisan collection of attorneys who vote according to their beliefs without regard to thought or jurisprudence which requires wisdom and consideration of what's best for people.  The United States is a complete embarassment and has fallen so far from world leadership, it will be difficult to ever recover.  With the Republican Party showing its fascist route, Democrats must take over the country and impeach the justices and those in Congress who supported Trump's attempt to overthrow a national election so he could stay out of jail.  Time to lock him up along with the Republicans who voted in Congress to reject the results of a national election.  Abortion rights pale in comparison but are clearly symptomatic of the craziness that has overtaken the Republicans.

  • 2,602
    Voted Angry

    Kay Granger of TX along with her Republican colleagues, and I'm sure Republicans in the Senate as well, are taking our freedoms away. Not only with abortion regulation specifically, I am worried about the longterm legality of my nearly 40 year marriage if Republicans have their way with continuing to take away basic rights. It is time to be rid of Republicans and vote into office people who respect their constituents and who will fight to help us keep our rights. 

  • 663
    Voted Excited

    I support Yvette Herrel's vote for life. It just amazes me how desperate  Democrats  are to kill children. The pro-life movement is run by women for women - giving them true choice. Abortion is greatest human rights violation of our time.