Compare Images From NASA’s New James Webb Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope

Are you excited about future discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope?

  • 7,986
    Voted Excited

    Absolutely fascinating!  Maybe someday we can find another planet, in another galaxy that can sustain life? Or, where life exists? 

    In the meantime, I hope we can all take care of this planet and the species that inhabit Earth...before it's too late. 

  • 94.5k

    Advantages of Webb over Hubble per NASA:

    1) cover longer wavelengths of light than Hubble

    2) improved sensitivity.

    3) longer wavelengths look further back in time to see the first galaxies that formed in the early universe

    4) peer inside dust clouds where stars and planetary systems are forming today.

  • 144
    Voted Happy

    information that may help us better understand our universe is important 

  • 2,418
    Voted Apathetic

    Not really excited.  So, it's giving us clearer views and views never seen before of deep space, but in the end what benefit will it provide to our world?  Right now we have more immediate problems to address that money spent on this space program could be better used to work on those issues/problems.  Personally, while this space stuff might have some benefit in the distant future, if we don't deal with our current problems we won't have a distant future to have to worry about.

  • 45.0k
    Voted Excited

    Simply AMAZING! How sad that this does not LEAD the news. Our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids would be MUCH BETTER OFF, if this was what the Current Dems, Repubs, Independents wanted to leave to that younger generation instead of a world destroyed by our SHORT SIGHTEDNESS, GREED AND LIES. Hate to say it, but FUCK US! It's time to choose. 

    #AbortAbbortt (sp?😂)









    F all my Reps!

  • 94.5k

    MIT Scientists picked up a radio signal 'heartbeat' billions of light-years away. The signals last up to 3 seconds whereas fast radio bursts (FRBs) only last a few milliseconds. Not only was it very long, lasting about three seconds, but there were periodic peaks that were remarkably precise, emitting every fraction of a second — boom, boom, boom — like a heartbeat,

  • 848
    Voted Apathetic

    Wow, these maggots can't shut flight down as we need to deal with global warming now! Lead fuel which is dangerous toxic pcf's is being used by airoplanes. You make inventions and they kill millions, then billions, then everybody and you don't care because you can fly off into the stars; well, I'm for intelligence to emerge to end your path of idiocy. We the people worldwide must end capitalism that is a failed system of governance that has been horribly distorted for the benefits of monopolies, corporations, shareholders, banks, oligarchs and corrupt servants to blatantly fleece America of all its' money. The jig is up! Guilty! Traitorous! Punishment! Extreme radical corruption in many cases. What do we do to traitors? Is it a heads roll kind of thing? I guess we take a vote on it because our Supreme Court are liars and radical Republicans. Oust those morons and who said they're our priests to even think they are religious. Put in by Republicans whose partys' goal is to rewrite the Constitution to of the rich by the rich and for the rich. They are on a mission to end life on earth. They have completely made us a fascist country. We may not can win because the Supreme Court are traitors! Abort the Court! Bury the Republican Party. Of the people by the people for the people I like Abe Lincoln despite he had slaves but did he rape them like the rest of the south? They don't even go after rapists. When civilizations loose their ability to govern the people have been tricked b propaganda and things gotta happen to fix our country, our culture, our infrastructure, our laws and our survival. So people are now trapped with previous generations mistakes and we all have far too much toxic pcfs in us so we are not as smart. Global warming has been ignored by our so called leaders for over a century. They are happy with their hundreds of billions but I'm not. We're not producing exports but rather we are mainly just importers but the money's run dry. The jobs are gone and we are growing nothing but poorer with no plan ahead except, unless, we somehow grew intelligence, get rid of the corrupt leaders and make the Rich sing a whole new tune whether from prison or whatever but it'll be to oust and move on without propaganda. No Fox entertainment news or any other propaganda radical republican crap. No lies. If that many people are lost to stupidity at least they'll have a good chance. We go with Bernie Sanders plan. Work, produce and together we oversee each other to help any who get lost to toxic addiction. End private banks, make banks public. We can do what Sri Lanka just did and oust the suckers. We ain't having our expired infrastructure rebuilt. They wait til it falls, breaks, collapses, ignites, blows up, kills enough people like with forest fires because of extremely old wires out west before they rebuild. They are corrupt as Satan himself. We must cut them away from us. They are 75% of our politicians owned by the rich all thanks to the Supreme Court making it possible that the rich can own an entire political party the Retraitorcan Party the Republican party happy to turn America into a third world country. Wow, critical race theory, never heard of it. Sounds like manifest destiny talk. Let's see, people seem stupid, they were deeply poisoned by our so called leaders for so so many years. Our water isn't even tested for all the chemicals. They are brazen and they gutted our EPA and CDC because they are evil. They must be held to account for their treachery. If we can't give Justice, we can't be relied upon by the world. I know we've been a really rotten country over the decades mostly so if you think all is lost let me assure you that where there's a will there's away. That way is intelligent unlike our fascist government today!

  • 1,927
    Voted Happy

    Hooray for science, but I'd rather see us devote the time and oney to healing our planet first.

  • 3,705
    Voted Excited

    If any individual has enough money to send themself into space that money should be taxed away from them and used to destroy big polluters and clean up the mess they left behind.

  • 26.0k
    Voted Excited

    Paul Simon - These Are the Days of Miracle and Wonder


  • 306
    Voted Apathetic

    not an immediate concern of mine & not especially when there are so many more emergent terrestrial issues that need attending to like the ever present fact of the country being turned into a war zone by the gun lobby & their republican supplicants, the constant eroding of womens' rights as fully cognizant, mentally competent human beings,  kids without food during the summer months because school is closed this past 4th wasnot worth celebrating seeing as we all are significantly less free than at almost any other time in American history, pretty pointless to have the biggest military budget in light of all that 
    I wonder what exactly is being protected when the eobvious enemy is within & because of who that is nothing will be done about it

  • 1,020
    Voted Excited

    yeah so get this. One of the next experiments in the queue is to study the chemical composition of the atmospheres of exoplanets. The way i look at it is a race of monkeys that have only been around 300,000 years have put optical, computer, and communications tech in space orbiting the same start as their planet so that they can look across trillions of miles and back billions of years to see if they could have breathed the atmosphere of those planets around other suns. I don't think much of humanity, but damn that is cool!!

  • 1,069
    Voted Excited

    As an Engineer, I am very excited about the Potential in the JWST .  The first pictures are spectacular and I look forward to more pictures from deeper in space!!  

  • 1,128
    Voted Excited

    I am so proud of the Scientists who are working on this and I hope this will get more Americans interested in Science

  • 942
    Voted Apathetic

    I would very much prefer that the money be used to help the homeless people I see all the time and to feed the children living in poverty.

  • 2,946

    The clarity is the best yet.  However, we need to take care of our own planet and all life forms that reside here, first.  There are many years needed to change what is at this time and greed and the lust for power is not in the mix.  As with anything, "The starting point is with the self".  We must face up to the fact our elected officials are only in it to "brain wash" the population which must be stopped ASAP.  If they can't work for the "common good", vote them out.

  • 48.5k
    Voted Excited

    I'm excited to seeing more images from the JWST and what we can learn about our universe from it. 


    There's a lot of noise in our news cycles right now, but this is something good and exciting we can all be happy about.

  • 1,092
    Voted Excited

    i think these pictures r amazing 

  • 429
    Voted Excited

    yeppers! let's build that warp drive!

  • 1,714
    Voted Excited

    Of course!  Isn't science amazing?!? We are interested in forward thinking, not backward.  

  • 3,960
    Voted Excited

    CAUSES ASKS: Are you excited about future discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope?"  ME:  You bet! Absolutely astounding images, particularly when compared to Hubble.  Can't wait for more!  The yang to the Jan.6 Committee hearings yin

  • 1,843
    Voted Excited

    This is exciting for astronomy and science 

  • 2,520
    Voted Excited

    I am hopeful that the information provided will spur lawmakers to support science and exploration more fully and stop the slide of funding to scientific endeavors. When I worked as a medical researcher, we saw many cuts in federal funding resulting in the loss of many young researchers to other career opportunities. We need to more fully fund science!

  • 2,934
    Voted Excited

    This is phenomenal!  What technology can do!

  • 255
    Voted Excited

    It's great to see another success. More needs to be done to explore space.