UAE Bans New ‘Lightyear’ Movie over Same-Sex Kiss

What do you think of the UAE and other countries’ movie censoring?

  • 41.9k

    Soon, I expect the conservative activist Supreme Court Inquisitors will ban such movies in this country as well………

    They represent a threat to their righteous chosen 'true' religious beliefs. 

  • 8,471
    Voted Apathetic

    Let's see if I've got this right. SCOTUS has just taken rights away from half the population, the right to bodily autonomy, and you are worried about the reaction of some dinky eastern country over a cartoon kiss??? Please, let's keep our priorities in order, shall we?

  • 13.4k
    Voted Angry

    ridiculous...Conservatives are so concerned with what goes on in cartoons..

  • 26.1k
    Voted Sad

    America and other countries have only recently change its consensus view. Eventually some famous Arab men or women will kiss in public and suddenly LGBQTIA will be OK. For now it continues in secrecy. 

  • 3,405
    Voted Excited

    The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country.  Kissing someone of the same sex is against their religion.  Their country, their business.  None of our business.

  • 2,604
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Happy

    They are merely exercising their rights to the beliefs of their country. Who are er to impose our beliefs on them?

  • 94.6k

    Considering UAE is less than 1% of box office receipts I doubt anyone really cares. Looking at the recent Top Gun movie that has box office receipts of $1B, the UAE at $1M is less thann1% of box office receipts. UAE is the one losing out on the movie.

  • 12.0k
    Voted Apathetic

    While I call "none of our business" on this; it does sound like a place where the right would feel very much at home.  Maybe its time for ya'll to pack your bags and go somewhere you could be happy instead of trying to destroy America.

  • 2,520
    Voted Angry

    It demonstrates to me the direction in which the the right wing in the US is heading. The right wing in the US wants to control our every thought and action to make sure it aligns with their twisted brand of morals. A brand, I might add, which they frequently and flagrantly disobey themselves. 

  • 1,022
    Voted Sad

    It's stupid and archaic thinking, but there's enough censorship occurring in America than to worry about other countries! 

  • 1,814
    Voted Excited

    This kind of stuff doesn't need to be promoted to children. It needs to stay out of children's films. They have enough issues to learn, after the left claims there are more than two genders. Keep it at home. 

  • 1,716
    Voted Happy

    Yes, I don't want it shoved in my face especially in a movie I'm paying for.

  • 360
    Voted Angry

    The kiss represents the real world. Maybe there wouldn't be such bigotry about a same sex kiss in a cartoon if we all had been exposed earlier in life. The kids will be all right and adults should not get their drawers in a wad over this silly kiss

  • 1,696
    Voted Angry

    This is so f***ing stupid!  The world is not all rainbows and unicorns. Everyone needs to grow the hell up!  Attack everyone and everything is no way to live.  Being prejudice against the stupidest stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with you.  Something that does not affect your life. You all need to get a life and do good for others rather than targeting people who are different than you. 

    This world is spiraling into shit.  Why?  Let's see...disinformation, conspiracy theories, the taking women's rights away, destroying democracy and the constitution, shall I go on?  Is this what you want to leave for your children, their children and so on?  People have simply gone off their rocker!  Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.  The problem here is that they've built the small stuff into mountains of shit.

  • 1,337
    Voted Angry

    In most part this type of censorship is religion based and driven. That leaves behind people that are not cared about. 

  • 947
    Voted Excited

    Keep sexual preferences to adults and not our children 

  • 772
    Voted Angry

    Sadly our country is quickly heading the same way.  Current supreme court is determined to return us to 1940 or earlier.   Just waiting to take away right to vote for everyone but old white men.  Women would have to walk behind their spouse.   Don't laugh they are taking away our rights.  Attempting to declare constuation invalid and replace with biblical law.

  • 605
    Voted Apathetic

    UAE doesen't give a rats ass what a bunch of whiney americans think. 

  • 942
    Voted Angry

    My god what country am I living in? I think the whole world has gone crazy. Children would see nothing wrong and adults don't have to look if it's too frightening for them.

  • 3,705
    Voted Angry

    Art needs no censorship.

  • 377
    Voted Excited

    I am sick to death of Hollywood jamming aberrant behavior down our throats. I do not need to see flagrant sex acts of any kind on my evening television shows or movies, nor do I need to hear incessant foul language, or see graphic acts of violence, or people dying with needles in their arms, etc. I applaud the new shows coming out that keep the seamy sides of life at bay.

  • 743
    Voted Angry

    What the UAE is doing is simply asinine. But, sadly, we have legislators, judges, and justices in this country who are working diligently to install this kind of Sharia Law right here in the United States.

  • 48.6k
    Voted Angry

    Seems timely on this last day of Pride Month, for those who are still blaming and accusing:



  • 756
    Voted Angry

    The GOP and their (not the peoples) Supreme Court is using the UAE as their working model. Gay people are human beings and do not deserve censorship and hatred

  • 801
    Voted Apathetic

    Personally, I find it irritatingly disappointing. And, it's their country to run as they decide. However, with library books being banned around the country, radical alt-right conservative politics in bloom, fundamentalist activists and malitias around every corner, rights and freedoms being jeopardized, and the “Extreme Court” in session, etc., as a nation we might want to get use to the possibility of the same thing happening here.