Federal Appeals Court Puts Hold On FDA's Ban on Juul Sales

Do you think that Juul products should be banned?

  • 94.2k

    Unclear why this is being called a ban. The FDA requires a Marketing Application for various products (drugs, devices, etc). These applications have data requirements, one of which is toxicology study data. JUUL has not provided this information so the application is not approved.

    The usual response to not getting approved is to develop a plan to provide the information to the FDA not to sue them in court. 23 other products managed to provide data, why not JUUL?

    I for one want to see companies required to provide data to prove their products safe or not safe. Allowing a company like JUUL to sue instead of complying will only set a precedence for drug & device companies to stop providing this data and sue the FDA in court.


  • 48.2k
    Voted Maybe

    I always prefer to support public health, and allowing teens to get addicted to dangerous substances is just irresponsible and cruel.


    We know that Juul has marketed to young people with their flavors for years, and there is no reason we need to allow this product on the market while it's still dangerous for public health. 


    If ever Juul can prove that their product is harmless to health and that will not market to vulnerable populations, then they can sell products again.

  • 6,675
    Voted Yes

    Vaping is a terrible habit sold primarily to young people who will inevitably become addicted to the nicotine.  All too frequently vapers "graduate" to tobacco products which cause various cancers.  All that is bad but not the only risk.  Vaping requires a fluid solution for the nicotine.  These fluids are primarily water-based but often contain ultrafine particulates, favorings like diacetyl linked to lung disease, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and additional carcinogens.  

    Smoking and chewing tobacco is bad.  Vaping is not any less so and the user seldom knows what it is in the vaping fluid.

  • 271
    Voted No

    I believe that it's all on the individual. As long as all known information on the risks and benefits are given with the products then let the people decide what they put in their bodies. The more you tell someone they can't do or have something the more they rebel and do it anyways. That is until they have the complete information on the substance. Look at tobacco products. Before knowing the risks, when people were just bitching that people should quit and businesses started the banning of smoking indoors the actual number of people smoking went up and the majority was the younger population. Then as more facts about cancer and the health risks of babies and those around smokers. That's when the number of smokers decreased. When the message was no longer "smoking is gross you can't do that" to look at the picture of my child or parent or friend, this is how they looked a few days before they died, it was cancer from smoking". Give examples and information, not laws and regulations. 

  • 5,397

    Complete ban? Given the addictive nature of nicotine it needs to be classified as a Schedule 1 drug and regulated accordingly.

  • 2,915
    Voted No

    This is a tough question to answer because there are too many contradictions. If truly the concern is health, why would anyone support e-cigarettes or vaping products. But then again, why would we not ban all cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. Instead, we legalize marijuana. This is where the contradiction comes in. 

    Considering that cigarettes are available and, no doubt, will become the alternative if there is a ban, I would have to say no on the ban.    

  • 3,959
    Voted Maybe

    CAUSES ASKS: "Do you think that Juul products should be banned?"  ME: Depends on the data (which, apparently Juul has not provided); there's no question that its products (and those of other vaping products manufacturers) are harmful, particularly to teens.  At a very minimum ALL such products should be strictly and strongly regulated.

  • 244
    Voted Yes

    They are clearly very unhealthy & way to easy to get.

  • 70
    Voted Yes

    Juul has specifically targeted teens.

    They've lost their chance! 

    They are very toxic in any case.

  • 8,978
    Voted Maybe

    Before deciding let all DATA be provided. Research is vital for all products!

  • 413
    Voted Yes

    Vaping is worse for your lungs than cigarettes are. It is doing irreparable harm to young people. It is also just as addictive as cigarettes. Ecigs should be banned as should cigarettes. I quit over 40 years ago & it was the smartest thing I ever did for my health. Tobacco is so addictive. They have treatment for other addictions like alcohol & drugs, but I've never seen a program to get over the addiction of tobacco. I think we need programs to help with that as well. Get ecigs off the market & it'll be a start. Tobacco has had a huge financial impact on our legislators due to the lobbyists. Time to put a stop to that too!

  • 46

    Leave us alone and let us make our own choices. Also banning popular products is not the best way to win elections and there's a lot at stake now.

  • 198
    Voted Maybe

    You have got to be kidding me...banning vapping products when there is flood of deadly Fentanyl coming across the Southern border that killed over 70,000 Americans in 2022! The phoney concern!  Rich!  How about a ban on hypocrisy!

  • 507
    Voted No

    Let's ban sugar next. It's addictive and can cause diabetes. It's for your own good. 

  • 2,414
    Voted Yes

    Hell, yes.  So is this fed. judge a fucking Republican.  It sure seems like something a Republican would do.  

  • 8,330

    This is what the Left actually reads! 🤣🥴

    From crooks and liars.com

    If this "special witness" today actually said all this, I DEFINATELY WANT TO SEE HER CROSS EXAMINED!🤣🤣

  • 8,330

    WRONG LESLIE! If a mayor declines to sign off on a piece of legislation and doesn't veto it, after so many days, it passes. IT WAS PASSED! 

     "The City Council, controlled by Democrats, passed the law last December, and it went into effect in January after both Mayor Bill de Blasio and his successor, Eric Adams, declined to either sign or veto it."

     *Maybe you two should learn to read!

     I don't give a damn if they were only voting for school board nominees! If you are not a US citizen, YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN ANY ELECTION! 
