What Do Polls Say About Americans' Views on Abortion Policies?

What do you think abortion policies should be?

  • 7,792

    This is no different than ISIS and Taliban religious overreach, turning back the clock!

  • 182

    Congress should pass federal law on the basis of the Roe v Wade decision.  It congress can't get this done, states like Indiana should pass such a law.  Banning abortion is violence against women.  Banning abortion limits health care for women.  Banning abortion puts a prosecuter between a woman and her doctor. Putting into code church doctrine is no way to govern a diverse population.  It is the jundamental mandate of government to protect citizens.  In my opinion it is a violation of humane rights to ban abortion.  The consequences were considered 50 years ago that resulted in Roe v Wade.  It was the right decision then and is the right decision now.

  • 24

    My question is… are we not Americans do we not have freedoms here?   It's a woman's body, a woman's prerogative, they should not be penalized they should be able to have an abortion if they want preferably for incest reasons, rapes, health, excetera. 

    What I do with my body is my business no one elses! It's a medical procedure! Stop infringing on hippa laws...it's none of your business. 

    Stop taking away our rights! I live in America... Not the America was taught because they keep taking more and more of our rates away. And people are just sitting back and letting it happen... Wake up people.


  • 36

    Killing babies should never be a form of birth control!!!  And it should never be a constitutional right!!!  Nor should it be a form of healthcare!!!  And our tax dollars were never meant to be allocated to abortions!!!

  • 8,471

  • 276

    It appears that Congress Avenue 50 years to straighten out the roe versus wade controversy. They did nothing and the court clearly found it to be unconstitutional. This is much to do about nothing as now the individual states can now make the law. Abortions will now be determined by the individual states. They are still available to those who wish do use those laws. Clearly, what is racist, is Margaret Sanger's view of planned parenthood.

  • 25.8k

    Think Bizarro World Is it an exaggeration?

    Listen to “Representative” Laren Boebert:


    • Separation of Church & State is not in the Constitution. It was in a letter.

    • The Founders intended the US to be a Theocracy.

    Supporting this read

    Lauren Boebert says the church should direct government, days after SCOTUS overturns abortion rights





  • 229

    Women's right to chose should be just that: a woman's right.  It ALWAYS should have remained a decision for a pregnant woman.  Invest, rape, medical issues, accidental issues.... all valid reasons for that individual to make decisions; not the conservative, religious, "you're an American only if you believe like I do" minority.  

    We don't regulate males bodies.  But we give them guns and a slough of rights to shoot people indiscriminately.  We won't defend our own children from being shot in school, stores, etc.


    We don't believe women who bring forth rape issues and shun women who bring up the issue.


    Women don't stick together and provide empathy for those who have a need that one woman in better circumstances simply can't fathom.


    Anti-abortion people see they are defending the unborn; but the world is multiple shades of grey and they know not what they defend.  What they are doing is advocating birth, not "fixing" societal condemnation for an unwanted pregnancy.   They are condemning unwanted children for adoption processes and fostering in the country is not optimally operated.  They are, in some cases, putting womens lives at risk because there is no medical reason allowed abortion in their new, devastating, "Salem with hunt" laws.


     We under value women of all types in this country.  And unless women start pulling together it will get worse.

  • 8,471

  • 7,792

    The Republican fixation on ending access to abortion is pro-child in name only, which is not in effect or in practice. They wash their hand of child and the family, because white women wanted more in life, than be under age bare foot and pregnant plus be an economic slave. 

  • 25.8k

    This smart lady has questions:



  • 124

    For the luvvaMike, people - leave this matter to the patient (INVARIABLY a WOMAN) and her doctor.  This decision is quite simply a politicization of the court by Republican ideologues on the Court to advance a particularly divisive religious belief.  With this and today's prayer ruling, we are sliding on a VERY slippery slope to eliminate the separation of church and State.  And, not coincidentally, the legitimacy of the Court.


  • 48.0k

    Those who are celebrating this decision just don't get it.

    Women now have fewer rights than men.


    Fetuses' "rights" now mean they're more important than their mother's.


    The children and families of the 60% of women who get abortions and have other children now have fewer rights than the fetus.


    The right to privacy has been eroded for all Americans, and we don't know what's next.


    Even if it's not about "murdering babies", it's about all these other issues, and they just don't get it.

  • 870

    I think Roe vs Wade had it right. Up to the point of viability, it should be entirely up to the woman in consultation with her doctor and I don't think states should be able to take away her right to choose based on a religious belief about when we become human even if a majority in that state share that belief. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. No religion can impose its beliefs on those who do not believe as they do and freedom of religion is a core value in our Constitution.

  • 528

    It's a women's body and it should be between her and her doctor what happens 

  • 6,674

    Pregnancy must be solely the choice of the woman.  PERIOD.

  • 148

    As a woman who was forced to miscarry my non-viable pregnancy on a city bus because I couldn't get an abortion due to the religious BELIEFS of OTHER PEOPLE, I want to thank everyone who has thrown women under the bus and shredded the Bill of Rights in the process.

  • 8,471

    Abortion Policy: What a woman and her doctor decide is the correct choice! If a woman is old enough to get pregnant, she is old enough to make the decision for her own body. She doesn't  need Republicans peeking under her skirts (the pervs)!

  • 844

    Abortion, just like any other medical decision, is best left to the individual along with their doctor--period. We don't leave other medical decisions to the state--and it is always dangerous to do so. When Hitler took control in the 1930's, one of the first things he did was to ban birth control and abortion for Ayran women, while forcing it on women he hated such as Jewish and Roma. In Romania in the 70' birth control and abortion were banned totally, resulting in many abandoned babies in orphanages where they suffered horrible lives and deaths--meanwhile in China women were being forced to have abortions and long term birth control against their will. People forget that when you allow the government into private decisions--it could go either way! Those who are really concerned about abortion would be better to support all the factors that actually have been found to reduce abortion--real sex education, subsidized health care including birth control, and assistance for women who want to give birth such as protection at their place of employment, paid time off, subsidized child care and so on.

  • 2,937

    What more can I say?  I've made my position clear on this matter and now the only thing left for me to do is vote out those who support this misuse of power by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Guess it''s back to the "hanger and storage locker" type of abortion and all the deaths and personal damage done to women.  Men should not think and act with their "third leg" and women should not flaunt their bodies.  I, for one, refuse to folloiw any certain religion as for me it is personal.  Separation of church and state is the only way to go.  NO ONE individual has the right to tell another person what they can and cannot do.  Obey the "Ten Commandments" and you should be good to go.  Just don't commit any of the "Seven Deadly Sins".  Sadly, this is all politicized to put one particular "party" in power which changes our type of governemnt into an autocratic fascist state.  ALL ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF OUR CREATOR".  Wishing all of you a wonderful Independence Day Week-end since our independence and freedoms are being slowly taken away.  Enjoy while you can.  Blessings to all.