House & Senate Vote on S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

How do you feel about your lawmakers’ votes?

  • 94.6k

    Great news that the House voted 234-193 for the bill, no Democrats were opposed, while 14 Republicans backed the measure.  It’s going to be needed after the Supreme Court ruling expanding gun rights.

  • 17.0k
    Voted Happy

    For my senators-bravo! 👍

    For  my rep-👎🏻. Guns over people once again.

  • 865
    Voted Apathetic

    There’s more to do, but this is good first step, considering what is needed.  The disappointment is the my representative, Jay Obernolte voted against it.  I don’t know what he as thinking, but it looks like he’s lost his mind along with caring for the lives of his constituents.

  • 8,471
    Voted Sad

    Shame on you, Doug!

  • 2,215
    Voted Happy

    Long past time for this.

    Next we need to get behind the weapons of war restrictions, and sales restrictions left out of this bill.  These efforts may have to wait until Febuary, but may save lives forever once passed.

  • 173
    Voted Sad

    I'm appalled that my representative sides with the killers and not the kids

  • 8,997

    NOW all Americans need to VOTE OUT ALL CONGRESS WHO OPPOSED!!!!!!

    All of Congress needs to continue efforts to reduce gun violence.

  • 1,927
    Voted Apathetic

    As a health menace, I think that all these e-cigs should be banned. As a matter of commerce, I don't know if there is a way to limit them. As a matter of personal opinion, I would prefer that they - and regular tobacco products - were all banned.

  • 36
    Voted Happy

    Finally !

  • 806
    Voted Sad

    We have went to wanting to have a safe community to accepting burning down buildings, destroying property and hurting others seen as what people consider peaceful protests. 

    we have a president who seems to think people are buying F15s (I have checked and no one seems to sell these and was not aware it was an option) 


    maybe making all gun crimes a federal offense, or maybe minimum increasing sentencing increases for those committing a crime with a gun might help. To not allow people to plea down or be returned to the street right away when having a firearm during a crime might help. 

    maybe some annual version of hunger games for those committing crime with firearms might reduce the costs and provide incentives not to do it. 

    either way as the places where this is needed most are not where we focus the manpower to stop it will not benefit it. 

  • 139
    Voted Happy

    "Shall Not Be Infringed."

    They can pass all the laws they want criminals will still do as they please.

    I will give up my arms when the military/law enforcement give up their arms. I refuse to allow the government to have a monopoly on violence.

  • 1,479
    Voted Happy

    Looking at the Amendment 2 of the Bill of Rights 1789 ratified 1791, one needs to look at the language and to remember the context in which it was written.


    Well REGULATED militia for the security of a FREE STATE, this doesn't allow for militias that are not working for the FREE STATE


    then a coma...


    the right for people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 

    So, are the two fragment linked? Should it infer that keeping and bearing arms relate only to the militia? Or are they stand alone items?

    And the historical reason for the "right to keep and bear arms" came from the founders knowledge and experience from British heritage relating to the protection of personal homes.


    Then the questions we ask are what defines "arms" and why can't they be regulated.

    My family and I lived a mile or so from this tragic shooting on the Fourth of July yesterday. The suspect was caught in walking distance from our former home. I cannot express to you the sadness and horror I feel for my former community. 

    I don't believe in any part of my being that the founders meant for SCOTUS to be making the judgements they are making. It is time to reel them in, cut their power, restrict their cases, put ethical standards in place and impeach those that are unfaithful to their oath.


    And time to make the court look like America, 7 Catholics some of which can separate themselves from their faith should not be on the court of a country that has a SEPARAATION OF CHURCH AND STATE- add two more justices!

  • 182
    Voted Sad

    Safer Communities Act is too little too late.  Governments fundamental duty is to protect citizens.  Citizens are not safe because of the failure of legislators to pass laws to regulate the sale of guns.  The real problem is too many guns are on the streets, and too many of these guns are guns designed to kill large numbers of people.  Mental health professionals have no authority to stop the carnage.  Indiana legislators have even passed an open carry law in the last session.  Th  This means there is no licience requirment for some one to own and carry a gun.  The law handicaps law enforcement officials.  All levels of goverment in Indiana are ruled by Republicans.  I did say ruled not governed.  Indiana legislators have failed to tell the truth about the causes of gun violence and have ignored advise by police and other security officials. Indiana legislators contiue to show an inability to govern. 

  • 182
    Voted Sad

    Another mass shooting by a young male with an assault riffle.  Families are not safe.  Pro gun pro death Republicans continue to take money for their votes to prevent the sale of  weapons that should only be available to police and military.  How many have to die before there is real change?

  • 1,716
    Voted Sad

    Free choice!!!!

  • 56
    Voted Apathetic

    It's not enough. It's a good start but there needs to be more to ensure the streets are safe (especially for women) 

  • 1,541
    Voted Sad

    I guess the appeals court enjoys watching the ecigarette manufactures target kids and poison them early just like the tablocco companies.  Nice move.  Our court system starting, with the SCOTUS, needs a major revison.  Actually placing judges on the bench that care about America and our future is a start.  It is sad and bad when they respeond more to their polictical parties and lobbyists.  And lifetime appointments for some courts is proving to be insane as we all know.  

  • 2,520
    Voted Sad

    Granger and Cruz from Texas are not interested in community safety. They are not interested in the will of the people they allege to represent. Check Cruz's website to send him a message or call his office and you hear his smarmy voice declaring how proud he is to represent the people of Texas. He in no way represents the people of Texas! Granger keeps her mouth shut and her head down but she also is a slave to the radical Republicans. At least Cornyn made an effort. I hope he wears the boos he got from the Texas Republican convention as a badge of honor for FINALLY doing something in the interest of all Texans. 2022 we need to vote out Granger!

  • 2,934
    Voted Happy

    Glad it passed and the vapor use was aimed at kids so good it is banned.

  • 1,527


  • 1,927
    Voted Apathetic

    Good luck - hope it works.

  • 870
    Voted Happy

    Happy with the house vote, not with Stefanik's.

  • 2,946

    I'm in a state which is represented by GOP arse kissers who voted nay on this measure.  All I can do is to encourage friends and family to vote against these characters in each election they enter.  I'm done playing their political games of power and glory.  They neeed to be constantly reminded they are NOT GOD.

  • 1,128
    Voted Happy

    The Safer Communities Act is a step in the right direction.  We need to go further though.

  • 694
    Voted Sad

    Much in the bill violates our Constitution, from the 2nd Amendment, the 4th amendment, the 6th amendment, etc.  This country already has an extensive set of gun laws but prosecuters and judges are letting those who commit crimes with or illegaly possesing guns go unpunished.  Enforce the laws on the books before making it harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves.