Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Law Requiring Concealed Carry Applicants to Show ‘Special Need for Self-Protection’

How do you feel about the Supreme Court’s ruling?

  • 42.4k
    Voted Angry

    I refuse to 'Pledge allegiance to the Federslist Society and the wealthiest conservatives for which it stands'.

    The Supreme Court originalists has just gutted efforts to end gun violence with the unprecedented re-interpretation of the Constitution that any decisions regarding self-defense rights must be viewed within the context of how the framer's would have viewed the issue. This re-interpretation of the framer's intent just eliminated concealed carry laws that have been in place for over a hundred years, largely because the framers could not have imagined the lethality and range of modern weapons.

    The Federalist Society's appointed Justices have just killed or significantly neutered any gun control effort that will come out of the Senate - thus saving the Republican Senators from having to publicly take a stand by voting.

    The current court’s review-interpretation runs counter to the prior accepted view that the rights of people to not be slaughtered by someone not following the rules justifies curtailment of everyone's right to conceal lethal weapons in certain venues.

    it will be interesting to see if concealed wespons will be permitted for those attending Supreme Court sessions- or, if Suirene Ciurt Justices are entitled to more security protection from gun violence than the general populace.

    Also, there seems to be no restriction on just what constitutes a weapon that can be conceal-carried for self defense. Are concealed sub-machine guns now permissible? Hand grenades? High intensity laser pistols? Automatic poison dart flingers? RPG's? Tactical nukes? 

    I do not know how to determine what the framer's would have thought about any of these weapons - so are all such concealable weapons now legal? 

  • 103.5k

    The question is not will gun violence increase but by how much. No wonder McConnell is suddenly supporting gun safety composed primarily of mental health & red flag laws.

    and our hypocritical Supreme Court Justices just want US Marshall protection for themselves & their families!

  • 8,330
    Voted Excited

    Well at least the SCJ did what many Republicans fail to do. Protect our rights! 

    Unlike Mitch McConnell who thinks we're so stupid as to believe he has protected our 2A rights with this very broad and easily abused bill he voted to pass. 


  • 56
    Voted Sad

    New court ruling. Guns Guns everywhere. In the church, in the school, in the hospitals, at the grave side, in the theaters, in the restaurants, in the courtroom, in the legislature, in the trains and on the planes. No more need for metal detectors. Thank you for all your efforts to bring this about. Next step I guess is to bring back dueling between politicians or have debate and voting on bills by a shoot out on the House and Senate floors. 

  • 3,959
    Voted Apathetic

    The only reason I agree with what the Supreme Court ruled on is they way it was written. Other states actually have the same laws but written as not to segregate. NY wrote their law which selected people and took away rights. Other states have the same law, without designating individual. Not to worry NY will rewrite their law.

  • 377
    Voted Happy

    Self-protection is an inalienable right. The "right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. This is not rocket science.

  • 9,830
    Voted Angry

    SCOTUS expanding 2nd Amendment Rights at a time when gun violence has never been higher. I'm sure that will help...right. 

    When are we reforming the courts???



  • 4,404

    Absolutely clear

    if u pack 'positions' be it scotus or admin with people willing to do your bidding 

    you can bend any rule to your sway

    scotus became defunct today 23 jun 2022

    until the rank and file have been cleansed of political hacks this country will continue its downward spiral towards failure

    shame on scotus

    shame on congress

    absolute shame on gop 

  • 5,356
    Voted Sad

    I still don't understand how the need to protect oneself falls under the Constitutional category of "a well-regulated militia."

  • 380
    Voted Excited

    A win in defense of our Constitutional right to bear arms!!! I don't own a gun, but feel strongly that the right to protect oneself and family is a quintissential American right. The founding fathers knew all too well that an armed populace was the best defense against tyrrany. And in today's world, it is needed as a means of self defense when police are unable or unwilling to provide protection. 

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Happy

    NY laws are archaic as are California laws. Time to come into the 21st century 

  • 428
    Voted Apathetic

    Abortion is a medical procedure on a womans uterus that is inapprooriate for anyone to be permitted to make decisions about, other than the woman whose body the uterus belongs to, in consultation with her medical provider .  To the extent that abortion may impact the life of another after that life has developed to the point of viability infependent of the mother, it may be appropriate to adopt policies to ensure that the rights of both lives are protected , including protection from pain . 

  • 36
    Voted Angry

    Seems obious to me why nobody needs a concealed weapon

  • 90
    Voted Excited

    2nd amendment applies to all, and NOT to be decided by someone else who's life is in danger.

  • 2,321
    Voted Angry

    They are back, watch your wallet

  • 1,532
    Voted Angry


  • 169
    Voted Excited

    This is how the court needs to approach every issues. all the bias aside all the shootings aside the court followed the word of the constition and strike down a law that doesn't meet the wording of the constitutional right. If you really believe and go by the wording just forcing people to register there weapons is unconstitutional as well. People allow restrictions on this right because people see there are issues so we're willing to have restrictions for safety. But then of course the democratic controlled states always way over step there authority and take too much then this happens. As with history repeating itself the oversteps results on republicans to ease the restrictions more then the democratic overstep so it works against there agenda so let them keep repeating it. I like the people with the good ideas and don't restrict ppl rights whoever that is left right I'm that narrow minded I have to pick a side. Demipublican we mixed the republican with the democrat the offspring is that line. Hot ice we heat up the ice cubes it's the best of both worlds we leave all the shitty parts about the gop & dems we just use the good parts 

  • 624
    Voted Angry

    Hipocracy at its lowest. SCOTUS gets tax funded security for themselves but loosen gun laws that will create the USA version of OK Corral for the rest of us.

  • 3,808
    Voted Angry


  • 9,293
    Voted Angry

    Interesting that the Supreme Court values guns over protecting the law abiding gun owners and non gun owners !


  • 157
    Voted Angry

    I guess the shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde, etc., etc., etc. aren't enough for SCOTUS. They're willing to allow everybody and anybody carry a gun and use it against anyone at anytime. All a person has to do now is say "I felt my life was threatened" and that's it their clear. How can any prosecutor prove otherwise? This group of justices is beholden to the Federalist Society for their positions. Three of them lied to Congress in order to get confirmed. So they are reversing laws on the books for 50+ years that Rs have been trying to overturn for decades. It's time for SCOTUS term limits. No more lifetime appointments and certainly not for young justices who could spend 30+ years on the bench. 

  • 72
    Voted Angry

    it should be a woman's right to work with her doctor, not the government

  • 110
    Voted Angry

    So the Supreme court in all its hypocrisy has decided to restrict the ability of states to regulate guns while expanding the right of states to regulate abortion. Both these rulings will cause repercussions that will haunt us all.

  • 35
    Voted Angry

    Legal precedence means nothing now. The separation of church and state means nothing now. What is legal and not legal will depend on which party is in power when SCOTUS dies off. Nine SCOTUS will determine all the laws based on their religious beliefs, not past laws. They are not voted in and can stay as long as they like. Does not sound like a democracy to me.

  • 189
    Voted Angry

    If the Supress Court is so into States Rights as they have shown in Roe v Wade, then WTF is going on with the gun issue?  Seems political to me!!

  • 2,321
    Voted Angry

    Reverses court legislation, you can buy pills over internet, Dems lie., as usual

  • 1,438
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Angry

    How is this ruling "Pro-Life?"

  • 17.7k
    Voted Angry

    Odd, isn't it, that the arbiters of open carry, no registration, licensing, no training in handling a weapon, be armed any and everywhere, don't allow guns at their meetings. Shoot down (intended) those common sense existing laws.
    NRA convention-arms-uhuh😒. Supreme Court same. Why?

    Pew! Pew! Pew!

  • 1,028
    Voted Sad

    It is obvious the Supreme Court is so tainted with dark money. None of their decisions from here on out will have any legitimacy.  Where are all the states rights people,quiet of course, this is a brazen infringement on a states right by this crooked SCOTUS.

  • 158
    Voted Angry

    Our country should care more about children, and women than they do guns.

  • 158
    Voted Angry

    Yes, more protection from guns. People should need to show need for protection to be carrying guns in public.