January 6th Committee Hears Testimony On Trump’s Election Fraud Claims, Pressure on Pence to Overturn Election Results

How do you feel about the January 6th select committee’s hearings?

  • 27.8k
    Voted Excited

    One Of The Things that Strike Me

    Watching the January 6th Hearings, it is now clear that all the principals and their advisors and subordinates were well informed as to exactly what they were doing. Some just did not care whether or not they were breaking any number of laws or whether they violated the Constitution. 

    Yet the self-identified Trumpsters who post here state they have not and will watch any of the hearings. They behave too much like the legendary three monkeys.

    Shameful. Cowardly. Complicit in the crimes,

    Are they scared to admit this was their vicarious power grab and it failed?
    Deny. Deny. Deny. 

  • 99.3k

    Day 1 : Compelling testimony (Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump, Capitol police) and video (Capitol security cameras, British documentary filmmaker, Nick Quested embedded in Proud Boys) laying out the plan of what the hearing plans to prove.

    Reminiscent of “Four Hours at the Capitol” which lays out the timeline using 1st hand accounts from a Proud Boy who narratives the film he shot filmed, interviews Capitol Police and Congressional members but with far more detail as more participants provide testimony.

    Day 2: A wide range of Trump Administration, campaign & election officials testified on how they tried to explain to Trump the election processing in various states to be disregarded in favor of a drunken Rudy Giuliani urging Trump to prematurely declare victory & election fraud.

    Day 3: Chilling 1-6-21 video clips of speeches (Giuliani, Eastman) put in context of expert testimony (Jacobs, Luttig) along with memos (Carter, Cheseboro) put in perspective of text (constitution), structure (Constitution, 1887 Vote Count Act), and historical precedence (Adams, Jefferson, Nixon, Gore, 1885 commission, Congressional objections in 2004 forward) showing how historical precedence was being twisted (no historical precedence exists) to violate the constitution & 1887 Vote Count Act.






  • 865
    Voted Apathetic

    This is tough to watch.  Obviously crimes occurred and the Republicans seem intent on committing them again and more.  Is there a will to reform the system?  Without Republican support, there won’t be enough will to make things happen.

    The other insight is the Maga crowd suffered from mob psychology.  I learned about in college during the Nixon administration.  With the cult mentality of the various groups supporting the insurrection the attack on our democracy and the right to vote will only get worse.  This is so sad for all of us.

  • 1,530
    Voted Happy

    I think the second and third Jan 6 hearings are very informative. Having watched the insurrection as it was taking place for many hours, it was good to fill in what else was going on behind the scenes. I also remember other scenes of trump's family notability Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle celebrating after the Elipse speech. How much did they know about the insurrection? The probe into this travesty of justice has to be so much larger than a series of hearings will show us...I hope and pray the the DOJ is able to successfully prosecute trump and his merry band of treacherous followers including those in congress that have looked the other way or supported this behavior. Face the guy is a menace to society.

  • 7,796
    Voted Angry

    These hearings are nothing but the Left grandstanding and picking and choosing what the American people see.  
    I do not trust ANY ONE OF THEM!  I watched part of the the 'show' and what I heard was all hearsay.  Any one can get up there and tell a good 'story'. 

  • 1,094
    Voted Sad

    Nothing more than a Political witch hunt because Dems are so afraid of Trump running again.  The only problem I have with elections are the States that require no ID to to vote, mostly Democratic if not all.  You need ID to join the military and possibly be sent into harms way by the President but you don't have to show ID to vote for that person?  I find it and insult to my intelligence.  

  • 42.2k

    There are a lot of issues involved with the DOJ's request of all of the Select Committee’s interviews and depositions and Select Committee’s reticence to just had everything over to the DOJ.

    First, neither the DOJ nor the Select Committee wants to be the focal point of the Republican Cartel’s focused accusations of any Republican affiliated indictments being all political. Most of the Select Committee would rather talk about the legislative changes needed to prevent another trump from succeeding with a political coup and let the DOJ deal with the indictable criminal actions of involved Cartel membership.

    Secondly, the Select Committee is working hard to select the most important information to present at their public hearings and to outline the contents of their final report with all of the supporting detailed information gathered that supports their conclusions - and do not have the time to sort through all of their data to fully meet DOJ’s request while the hearings are underway.

    Third, it is very likely that the Republican Cartel will politicize any criminal indictments and act to drag them through the courts for political points and root-a-doping any final trials. If those criminal indictments could arguably be influenced by an apolitical fact gathering of who did what and when, not conducted by the DOJ, all of the Select Committees interviews and tactics will be questioned and put on ‘trial’ by the FOX maga-net entertainment complex - again, for political advantage. The Select Committee rightfully argues that the DOJ has greater subpoena power and enforcement capability, as well as greater knowledge of the specific do’s and don’t s involved with collecting information fir criminal acts.

    Forth, some requested witnesses from the DOJ who could provide credible insights to specific interactions and directives of the trump or his acolytes have declined to publicly testify in Committee hearings.

    I think that bringing up the issue of the DOJ’s blanket request of the Select Committee’s interviews was a great mistake. If the DOJ wants the Committee’s support they need to make distinct requests and trust the Committee to keep the DOJ’s requests confidential and not in anyway appear to be in a collaboration with them - because each will be accused of collaborating and it would help everyone get to the truth if the accusations of collaboration can be quickly dispensed with. 

  • 81
    Voted Excited

    Thank God the bipartisan Jan 6th Commission is enlightening America on this coup attempt. All the reputable news organizations are telling the story so that we don't repeat this tragedy. WV deserves the truth of this Commission.

  • 664
    Voted Happy

    I believe the Commission is doing a very good job of documenting in a very logical and responsible way as to what happened, who knew what and when, and laying the groundwork for the DOJ. I will be very excited when  all those responsibe for formenting and carrying out the insurrection are held accountable in a court of law. I will be relieved when those who were conned into believing the falsehoods that have been promoted by psychopath-in-chief and his allies finally realize they were conned and realize that to be great requires that we all pull together and not apart.

  • 4,132
    Voted Apathetic

    Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! 
    Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

  • 8,330
    Voted Angry

    If you can't have dissent and cross examination, and only one side is being told, with carefully selected video clips and text messages being altered to fit your narrative, you don't have a real hearing. You have a schiff show!

    The Dems say we are afraid of the truth? Well Nancy, how come you wouldn't allow Jim Jordan and Jim Banks on the committee? How come real questions aren't being asked and answered about the part you,Chuck, and the FBI played in this? Why did you deny the national guard Trump signed off on? Where is Ray Epps? Who is the bomber? This committee is a joke on it's face. But what is funny about this? The Dems are so upset that the rest of us have no interest in watching this Hollywood produced kangaroo hearing. They want us to watch it so bad they can't stand it. 🤣

  • 1,234
    Voted Sad

    Upset they dont prosicute the Democrats for selling out America.

    What is your politicians net worth?

  • 44
    Voted Happy

    We must do more than hearings. Definitive action must be taken agains those trying to eliminate the vote of the people. Trump must be held accoutable for his role in all of this. 

  • 1,530
    Voted Happy

    I thought last Tuesday and Thursday's Jan 6 hearings were done very well in presenting a direct line between the trump administration goals of remaining in power no matter what. I fear that the scope of the audience is not large enough. There are still non-news outlets like FOX and OAN that are not airing the hearings in their entirety, but are selectively choosing snippets and then spinning their own tale. We are certainly learning a lot about what was planned and by whom behind the scenes. It is absolutely clear that trump's intentions are self motivated and have nothing to do with the US Constitution and the people he took an oath to serve. Hoping the DOJ is on the case!

  • 3,907

    The committee showed an email that Brooks sent to the White House on Jan. 11, 2021, with the subject line of “pardons.” 

    “President Trump asked me to send you this letter. This letter is also pursuant to a request from Matt Gaetz,” the email said. “As such, I recommend that president give general (all purpose) pardons to the following groups of people,” which included one group of “every congressman and senator who voted to reject the electoral college vote submissions of Arizona and Pennsylvania.”  

    Who asks for a pardon? 

    this country is no longer a country of 'law and order' ... one wonders if it even was? maybe for some as the big crooks including dumbkopf have gotten away scot free and their crimes are still being debated and overlooked! 
    and we should ask ... how much was paid / offered for these pardons in cash or kind? dumbkopf and his family monetized every aspect of their occupation. 


  • 250
    Voted Excited

    Very happy that the facts are coming out.

  • 171
    Voted Excited

    Name names of every Republican who lent support like Johnson seeking to participate in Trump's incitement to riot.  Some  we know already like Cruz,  but I want those names mremoraluzed in the public record.  (A Texan.  Let them secede.)  ANYONE who is complicit in the attempted coup by their silence is no different from the rioters and perpetuating the horrendous violence (words and deeds).  Those Republican Congress reps ARE the voices of  the threats to kill.  Given they are supporters of lies, they must be joyously celebrating each vile, threatening remarks.  Anything happens to those testifying to the commuter,  Republicans in Congress should be on the list of suspects.  They, except for a few like Cheney,  have done nothing to exonerate themselves.  

  • 155
    Voted Excited

    Trump, his accomplices, his GOP Coup and all Traitors to this great Nation should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Truth and Justice will always win. Republicans that joined or even had knowledge of Trump's January 6th plot, should be asked for their Resignation Now, and await proper sentencing.  
    We must show the world America still has Integrity. 

    No one is above the Law. And we do need a great reset of ethics and integrity in Our Government, without any religious doctrines, inflicting Their morals upon others and the Rights of We the People. 
    Get rid of Lobbyists. Term to mean, when you turn retirement age you retire and no more than 12 years in Office period.  Fix the System or be a part of the problem.  

    Thank You Democrats, and Stephanie, for your hard work. 
    Republicans, you know what you have done. The Chruch is not the State.
    ~ Treaty of Tripoli ~

  • 3,752
    Voted Apathetic

    What is it, the 4th January 6th show.  Missed the first half hour.  Not a Big miss.  It's actually getting very boring.  Today was about everyone who wanted Trump to win was doing it illegally.  Trying to cheat on the electors.  Questions asked, by of all people, one of the most lying cheating politicians in politics today.  Right up there with Hillary and Harry Reed.  So disgustingly hypocritical.  The sight of him makes me want to throw up!  Yup ... Adam Schift.  So we got person after person stating how Trump tried to rig the electors and no one there to rebut anything.  And still nothing about where the National Guard was or why no build up of any police and equipment when they knew what was about to happen.  The fact is we wouldn't even be having these shows if they would have had the build up of police in the first place.  Again ... Nancy wanted this to happen.  She is the one who should be on trial here.  I'm really getting tired of this one sided show.  With ALL these people  having testify against Trump, what does it matter if he couldn't get anyone to change the electors.  If he couldn't get anyone to cheat and it didn't happen, what's the point?  It didn't work.  So why are we just beating the drum over the same thing hearing after hearing with no rebuttals.  This is no different than the first impeachment.  Just another feel good bashing party.  Boring!  Of coarse we all know why there doing this.  There afraid they can't win anything ever again unless Trump is completely gone, out of the picture, never again to run for office or be seen or heard of.  The hate you people have for this man has literally ruined this country in every way possible.  I don't know if I can sit through another hearing show.  It's just rediculous and an embarrassment in front of the world.  China and Russia have to be thinking that there's not much difference between our government and there's.  

  • 3,907

    When a sitting president personally threatens an innocent citizen simply doing their job and congress fails to protect the citizen you know the country has lost it

    when scotus rules along party lines and a sitting scj promotes the biggest lie of the century and congress fails to correct this you know the country has lost it 


  • 1,714

    Pence was no hero. He did his job because the attorneys told him he had to. He didn't get in the car because he was afraid of becoming another Kashoggi. 

  • 802
    Voted Angry

    Zzz when the fuck are we going to hear about this firebombing in Portland a federal property?

  • 3,907

    Mike Pence says no president in his lifetime has lied as often as Joe Biden

    Pence to that I say no human has been so stupid as you. We just lucked out with that one moment that you defied your idol

    sadly because of the continued jelly brained republicans and dumbkopf supporters a master con criminal remains free with his mob and continues to inflict immense damage to this world 

  • 905
    Voted Happy

    I hope they get the job done and he goes to jail.

  • 81
    Voted Excited

    Trump and every person who broke the law should be brought to justice.  I understand there are concerns about violence if the DOJ charges those responsibile. However by NOT making Trump and others accountable the DOJ would be sending the message those people, especially a current or former president, is above the law. Nixon should have been prosecuted, same with Bush and Cheney for their war crimes.

    The violence is already here from the right because the big lie is not stopping and GOP base supporters believe the lies. Many states are already putting laws in place to allow states to overturn the people's votes.

    This is a fight for our democracy and rule of law, which necessitates  charing and convicting those in high places.  Without the required justice our whole country is in trouble. Letting them walk away is unacceptable to the average citizen in this country.  People who would NEVER be allowed to walk away from a crime attacking our country.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Excited

    Happy Sunday!  This is an encouraging point of view:



  • 1,221
    Voted Angry

    The "Jan 6 committee" is the latest crimes by the deep state with them forcing their mistaken vengance on Trump. Trump did expose the extreme power of the deep state, and the impotence of elected officials. With unelected, unaccountable "officials" qllowed to oust a President, convince USA that th Fraudulent 2020 election was OK, cover the crimes of "P" biden's son, and family, aqnd abuse power to exact revenge on Trump, and his faimily, friends, and the True Patriots that supported Trumo, democracy is in grave danager in USA. Congress must take control from th4 unelected deep state. They must not be allowed to plqce an incompent placeholder, like biden, or oust a Good President like Trump. Save our Exce[tional Nation. Impeach biden, and his entire stafe for treason as they are giving Aid, and Compfort to Our enemy (thed criminal drug, human trafficing, cartels; eneriching adversaries, Russia, OPEC, and the like by stopping American Oil, gas production. Impeach Now, before more damage is done.

  • 550
    Voted Excited

    I am shocked at how deep in the Republican leadership that the new the election was not rigged, and yet they supported the lying by the Trump administration! 
    I feel if the DOJ is going to move so slowly on prosecuting the people responsible for the January 6th insurrection, they they should be held liable by the people injured defending the Capital! 
    To me the people that gave stormed the Capital and convicted have had way too soft sentences! 
    The police that defended the Capital have had physical and emotional damage that these people need to be held accountable for! I am talking millions of dollars worth of accountability! 
    The people that supplied the money for the rally prior to the attack are also responsible! 

  • 144
    Voted Happy



  • 20.1k
    Voted Excited

    Recovered Dupe Has Advice For Other Dupes:
